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I’m More Than You Judge Me To Be

Lady Kopaka


Just because I homeschool, gives certain people no right to jump to conclusions that I’m an anti-social, goody-two-shoes (actually though, who said that's a bad thing?) that knows nothing of life. And I do know more people than just my family.


And if I am less social or different than the ‘norm’, it was my choice, and for the most part has nothing to do with how I was raised. I respect your way of schooling and usually have never opposed it. So respect mine.


Thank you.


(and this isn't directed at many people here...just a real life issue :/)


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Amen to that. Whenever people see me out in public when most kids are in school, they ask "shouldn't you be in school?". :glare:


And then there were the looks I would get...

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I honestly didn't think of Home-schoolers as anything but antisocial people until I came here, and realized how awesome you home-schoolies actually are. My eyes have been OPENED! :D


-Nuju Metru

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I'm utterly with you there. But what bugs me even more is that some people assume that being homeshooled means that you're some christian kid who's being "protected from the outside world".

I mean surely, no matter what you believe or who you are, that's gotta be pretty insulting.

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Isn't that the truth! Seriously, it's surprising what some people will ask when they find out you're homeschooled...Kinda makes me wonder what some people were thinking in the first place with some of the funnier and more outlandish questions I've been asked.


Have you been asked the "So, are you being taught math/English/[insert common subject]" question? I've been tempted many times to answer with something totally ridiculous just to see how they would react. :P


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There was a time I would have laughed at the thought of homeschoolers.

I too thought they were just kids shuttered from the world by religious parents.


But no more. When I see places like in California where they're making it ILLEGAL for a parent to homeschool their kid... I get angry.

When I see that right before the election, parents were getting furious that Barack Obama magically was appearing in their kids' textbooks all across the country... I get scared.


The HECK with the powers that be forcing mass-indoctrination and conditioning kids to grow into obedient little adult sheep.


Row row, fight da' powa!

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Definately know what you mean. I think it's rather comical how some people have issues with HS kids, when they don't even pay attention to their own.(NOTE: I'm not pointing the finger at anyone, merely mentioning people I've met personally)


I've been insulted plenty of times and there's not much you can do about it, except ignore and not let their comments effect you :music:


Shouldn't let others decide who or what you are :)




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I really cannot stand when people judge you based off of one little thing that they've learned about you. There's so many different aspects to people that make them who they are. I know a ton of homeschooled people who are awesome and aren't closed off from the "real world" at all. The Hall Director of my dorm was home schooled, and she's one of the nicest people I've met.


I hate stereyotpyes with such a passion.....the amount of times that I've been stereotyped at this college.......arghhhhh.

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I know just how you feel.


I myself am quite often thought of as "antisocial" and "rude" by other people just because I'm not very talkative in "real life"; to the point where I rarely communicate beyond nodding, waving and simple one or two word sentences. While I'm certainly not saying you're like that, I'm judged in about the same matter just because of who I am.


Just don't be daunted by them, and instead, think of them as being the ones who are complete imbeciles, and don't be afraid of them. I've had times where people have literally tried to, legally speaking, murder me(though it was from random outbursts of theirs), I've fought back- that usually got them arrested, in trouble with authorities(and if I were armed, shot), or me severely injured. Either way, I know you're going through tough times. I know I've said it before, but the only real way to keep going is to not give in, nor give up- no matter how much it hurts. I've found that out in some of the most painful ways that surrender is nothing more than putting yourself in absolutely tormenting situations, and I know what you're going through hurts you a lot more than what I've been through.


I'm not going to say "just" hold in there; it's certainly not that easy. But you're a strong willed, and independent person; you'll make it through this. I apologize whole-heatedly if I'm being inconsiderate in anyway, but you do have my sympathy, and I do worry about you. It's life, and we all have to suffer it; just that some of those nuts don't understand that human beings have a right to reason intelligently and logically.


Look, you aren't alone; there are other people who don't "conform", and they act entirely intelligent- if not more so than most. ever notice how people like Einstein were considered "crazy people" and manged to think up things like the Atomic Bomb The theory of Relativity? People that honestly don't do things because it's popular are the ones that end up doing something good, and/or do something historically significant. Not to say you should let your hair grow all wild and become a physicist per se, but it's not a bad idea to keep an independent mindset towards society.


You'll get through this. I'm certain.




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Ohh, Lady...I'm sorry. *hug*


It sounds kinda shallow to say this prolly, but I see where you're coming from and all I can tell you is that people have this weird and annoying tendency to be downright obnoxious or simply cold and unsympathetic to anyone they see as being different, and there isn't much we can do to change that...I get this sort of thing all the time, except it's not because of my schooling. It really hurts, but you just have to remember that no matter what, you are talented and kind and you're above them.



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There was a time I would have laughed at the thought of homeschoolers.

I too thought they were just kids shuttered from the world by religious parents.


But no more. When I see places like in California where they're making it ILLEGAL for a parent to homeschool their kid... I get angry.

When I see that right before the election, parents were getting furious that Barack Obama magically was appearing in their kids' textbooks all across the country... I get scared.


The HECK with the powers that be forcing mass-indoctrination and conditioning kids to grow into obedient little adult sheep.


Row row, fight da' powa!


I'll try not to take this into politics, but I am public-schooled. So what exactly are you saying about my future? The problem isn't kids growing into adult sheep, it's adults like (I assume) yourself making the ridiculous assumption that people are born sheep, completely subservient to the beliefs of their educators. Sorry, but no. People can spout all the "kids will be kids" or "teens will be teens" nonsense they want, but people need to get the picture that children have independent thoughts of their own and can shape those for themselves without some grown-up "sculptor". By the way, my textbook mentions several current politicians, several of whom I've never heard of outside the textbook but all of whom have inspiring stories. Could it be that textbook manufacturers thought Obama was a relevant current politician? [sarcasm]Nah, that's nonsense. It's definitely mind-control.[/sarcasm]


Meanwhile, LK, you did a beautiful job explaining your stand, and I'm sure anyone who reads this will understand a lot better how little difference there is between the character of homeschoolers and public- or private-schooled children. And from what I've seen, homeschoolers are often able to stand above the crowd both online and offline (I've seen several quite successful homeschoolers in spelling bees).

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And then there were the looks I would get...

The 'looks' hurt really bad. :(


I'm utterly with you there. But what bugs me even more is that some people assume that being homeshooled means that you're some christian kid who's being "protected from the outside world".

Well, I'd be careful how one would word the stereotype with a religion like that, cause I am one kind of. But I totally agree that it's SO annoying how people assume you're ignorant and have no street-smarts.


Have you been asked the "So, are you being taught math/English/[insert common subject]" question? I've been tempted many times to answer with something totally ridiculous just to see how they would react.

Those are so funny!! I seriously can't figure out what they were thinking...the atypical subject I have could be Japanese...but do they thin we're aliens or something? Oo


Look, you aren't alone; there are other people who don't "conform", and they act entirely intelligent- if not more so than most. ever notice how people like Einstein were considered "crazy people" and manged to think up things like the Atomic Bomb The theory of Relativity? People that honestly don't do things because it's popular are the ones that end up doing something good, and/or do something historically significant. Not to say you should let your hair grow all wild and become a physicist per se, but it's not a bad idea to keep an independent mindset towards society.

I love that fact. Not to be rude but it's always true. The geeks end up ruling the world, or doing some great eventually.


I'll try not to take this into politics, but I am public-schooled. So what exactly are you saying about my future? The problem isn't kids growing into adult sheep, it's adults like (I assume) yourself making the ridiculous assumption that people are born sheep, completely subservient to the beliefs of their educators. Sorry, but no. People can spout all the "kids will be kids" or "teens will be teens" nonsense they want, but people need to get the picture that children have independent thoughts of their own and can shape those for themselves without some grown-up "sculptor".

But it is kind of true. I've noticed how schools or a lot of other factors really do meld people into sheep because of certain lacks of freedom of speech and they constantly push certain beliefs or certain peer pressure. It's not true with all people, but it happens a lot when one doesn't try to be independent and they allow other people to direct them.



...And now, since I feel somewhat better (actually I was never really sad in the first place, just flusterated), I shall be closing this entry just to keep debates to a low.

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