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My Latest Message Of The Fortnight



So in case you haven't seen it yet and for posterity's sake, here it is:


I wish Greg would bump off Norik so I could say,

"Alas, poor Norik! I knew him well..."


Well, that's just too good a pun to waste, so I'm considering sending the following message to Greg to see what he can do about it.


Dear Greg,


It would really mean a lot to me if you were to have Norik killed in the storyline. Sure he's a popular character, but I think that my clever pun is far more important than his imaginary life or the happiness of the fans.


Ever yours,


SPIRIT Nuhrii the Metruan


Think it'll work? :P


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Sure he's a popular character, but I think that my clever pun is far more important than his imaginary life or the happiness of the fans.
That is so like you, SPI. :lol:


...Oh, and I don't get the pun. :P

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Alas, poor Yorick! I knew him, Horatio, a fellow of infinite

jest, of most excellent fancy. He hath bore me on his back a

thousand times, and now how abhorr'd in my imagination it is!

My gorge rises at it.



This is the scene that's always referenced to on TV by one of the characters holding a skull, as Hamlet is doing when he says this.

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Yeah, I needed that reference to get it.


Why not? I don't see wy Greg should hold out on the deaths in a universe we've pretty much left.



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Alas, poor Yorick! I knew him, Horatio, a fellow of infinite

jest, of most excellent fancy. He hath bore me on his back a

thousand times, and now how abhorr'd in my imagination it is!

My gorge rises at it.



This is the scene that's always referenced to on TV by one of the characters holding a skull, as Hamlet is doing when he says this.


Ooooooh. :P


Norik/Yorick, now I get it.


[Right? :P]

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Say you kidnapped his wife and locked her in your basement, and tell him if he wants to see her alive again, he'll have to do what you say. Or say since you helped the canon so much(since you're Nuhrii), that you deserve to choose to kill someone in Bionicle.

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Or, they actually say it in the storyline.


I'd have Iruini say it.

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I wish Greg would have Ackar identify a trap. :P

Yes and yes!



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May I have permission to use this line?





But unless credit is given, the line may change to "alas poor Uriel...", capiche? :evilgrin:

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May I have permission to use this line?





But unless credit is given, the line may change to "alas poor Uriel...", capiche? :evilgrin:

Don't worry - I'm going to admit my plagiarism!


And thank you - I believe it will be even funnier in the context in which it will be used.



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