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Dial It Up



HAHA. Right. I hope I never have to hear that sound again in my life.


Tommorow, my five year era of dial-up finally ends. I've been using it since obtaining my first family computer in mid 2001. I can't wait until I come home tomorrow from school. But with my luck, something will go wrong and by house will be burned down or something equally tragic while Bellsouth is hooking up the fiber optic stuff or whatever it is that they do. It'll be like one of those dreadfully depressing stories Lemony Pepper Snickers writes, if you know what I'm talking about.


And you know what some of the first things I'll be doing are? Downloading stuff. Stuff like music and the VNOLG. I haven't played it yet. As a matter of fact, I haven't even read about it yet. I hope it's as cool as people are making it seem.


Wish me luck~?


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You know what this means, correct? Yes. You no longer have an excuse to complain or get out of link-finding for me. I think you'll be able to open up a new window and look through that without everything dying. Complain and suffer. :P


Also, house burning down? Since when were you with VFD? :blink:

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I remember getting DSL back last June, my how nice it is. Now you know that you can never go back, 'cause dial up just doesn't compare.

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