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ToM Dracone


With the rest of them! Now, who shall we talk about first...


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Dunno. I might as well discuss the group as a whole. I think what it is that leaves me feeling underwhelmed about them is that they lack flair. There are exceptions, but I feel like most of them lack dramatic bits and a certain distinction that the Glatorian, for comparison, did have. Gresh had his dramatic spikes and color scheme; Strakk his torso and shoulders; Malum his huge bulk and claws; Vorox was tan and had a tail; even Skrall had a unique build and his rather epic shoulder blades. Paraphrasing from DV, they were Inika clones who looked fantastic while being so. (Tarix is the exception.)


But when I look at these, it's their Inika-ness that I see more than the distinctions that they do have. Except for Stronius, the Glatorian Legends (is that really their name?) all have almost exactly the same body shape, at most a couple studs away from exact Inika proportions. With the Glatorian you had hunches and new body shapes and Malum's stocky bulk, and only Tarix and Gresh were left upright and seriously Inika-like in proportion. But there just isn't that variety with these.


And because of that, their lack of dramatic distinction from previous canister sets is even more pronounced. Especially because they all use Thornax. I'm all for re-using projectiles or launchers, if there's something different about them (say, the Inika's Zamor magazines or the Midak). I mean, I thoroughly loved the spiked Zamor that were prototypes for the Thornax. But having -exactly- the same launchers for two series is slightly disappointing...


Now, let's see... who shall we go with first... oh, why not Kiina?


Kiina ~ I love her light blue. I also love the fact that -finally- Lego has made a female set that actually has female proportions! But what I don't like is that they sacrificed all aesthetic value of her torso to do so. Would it kill them to make Hordika necks in another color, like black at the very least? Or leave the 2-axles black for Kiina if no one else? And what about the technic triangles on her back; couldn't those be dark blue too? Sigh.


Also annoying is that her body is tiny while all her limbs are really long. Her fin-pieces are interesting, if nothing else... I dunno. She seems very spindly overal, and my opinion on her is not settled yet. Seeing her with her proper mask color will help.


Ackar ~ ORANGE. AND. BRIGHT RED. Plus ankle covers. Loooove. It's almost enough to overrule the fact that he is literally an Inika. Which is rather disappointing. It's a great design, and the ankle guards make it even better, but it just looks like he's missing something when the only thing that's unique to him is his sword, of all things. I'm okay with using Berix's mask (it really can go either way, fire or water), but after Malum I'd like to see some more fiery-looking pieces... maybe on his shoulders?


He ranks very highly for me, just because I want that red and orange. Speaking of which, where were these last year when we had a Toa whose colors are red and orange?


Gelu ~ He looks quite dashing and very sleek, but my main impression is "didn't we get half of this in Strakk?" And indeed we did. I love the white Inika chest, and through such he's better with recolored pieces than Strakk was, but I'm thinking I liked Strakk better. Partly because of how perfectly Strakk embodied the element of Ice. Gelu is cool, I like his sword, and the snowflakes on his arms are a nice touch, but there's ... not that much new to him. And I think the white Inika thigh armor is getting a bit old now. (Seriously – he has exactly four new/recolored pieces. Total. That's not much.)


So yeah, he looks -really- nice, and like Strakk he has an awesome and unique color scheme, but also like Strakk an enormous majority of him comes in other sets. He's even worse than Strakk that way. I might end up just getting the white Inika chest on its own...


Stronius ~ He's bulky and spiky and this is good. I think the only thing I really dislike is how big his head is. I'm not sure how I feel about the club yet. But I like him overall, though he seems a little on the simple end... Sort of hard to tell since most of the pics of him have the club in the way, and the ones that don't have the lighter, grainy prototype plastic. We'll see. I do like the fact that he looks clearly like a Skrall without being a clone of the winter set in the slightest!


Mata Nui ~ I would be utterly in love with him if he were gold. What I had thought, from the leaked pics, was that he had gold armor over a yellow-and-black body – so his ankle guards, Inika legs, thigh armor, chest armor, shoulder armor, and Ignika would be gold, while his feet, hips, upper arm sockets, and hands would be yellow-orange. But because he's entirely yellow and has a new and far less appealing Ignika, I'm a lot less interested in him. I sort of think there's just too much yellow this way. It makes me think of a construction vehicle.


But we discussed him and gold and how disappointing yellow is by comparison somewhat at length in the comments of last entry, so we don't need to here. I like his set's design a lot, especially the ankle covers, and the Mata Nui symbol blades are awesome and make great shoulder coverings (but they'd be so much cooler in gold). His upper arms, however, are annoyingly long. One could use a short double-socket and attach the blades with a perpendicular axle joiner just as easily.


Vastus ~ The only word for him is awkward. His mask is goofy, his shoulder armor looks too organic to work with anything else on his body, the Inika thigh armor on his chest is awkward. And his color scheme is awkward. On his arms, it's lime over dark green, but then everywhere else, it's dark green over lime. It doesn't work very well. And then he has the eternally awkward Hordika legs. His staff looks awkward too. Sigh. The only things I really like are solid dark green Inika feet and the lovely clear-and-green Mahri tube – but even that pales in comparison to the absolutely incredible clear-and-lime tubes that Bunda got. Double sigh.


He could be very interesting, if only he had a better texture. His mask and shoulders are organic-looking, and so is some of his staff, but then the rest of his body is all pistony and technical and the colors on his staff aren't so great. So he could look like this ancient jungle warrior if only the rest of his body matched his shoulders... his arms would have to be inverted, the armor and Metru legs dark green and the socket lime, then maybe another tube on him, and maybe Kalmah armor for his legs... Then he's have to have more organic, trailing stuff to look like vegetation, I think a few Piraka minifig spines.


Hmm, this is fun. I do always enjoy making sets better, don't I?


Well, at any rate, there are my thoughts on the canister sets for you. Opinions on some of them, like Kiina and Stronius, are not quite determined yet. And Gelu is too cool-looking for my own good.


All of this will be resolved by summer, I'm sure. And I'm getting design ideas already, which is a good thing. Maybe I'll draw something in the next couple days. What say you?

~ ToM


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My thoughts (careful long post):

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Gelu is boring build-wise, but I just love how he looks. I'm a sucker for T-visors, and of course the matching snowflake patterns are nice as well. I like the sword, think Inika legs would be better and some other feet (round Inika feet, Toa feet) other than the spiky ones because I don't think they go with the sleek image. I'm not sure how I feel about the snowflakes on his arm, might be better as a throwing weapon. I will definitely get him. I prefer him to Strakk for looks.



Vastus is kinda confusing. I liked him at first, didn't like him, and with these official pics think he's jumbled and messy. No buy.

Kiina has a different body without a giant body plate, and that's good, but I'm not sure I like this one. Light blue Vahki leg is good though. What do you think of the new joint?

Mata Nui I don't like in yellow or the new mask but I'll wait until I see pics of the big one before deciding.

Anyone else thinking that Ackar's sword would've made a good one for Tahu (with red hilt)? Ackar's very nice like Gelu but boring build-wise. Ankle cover looks good to me. Berix helm fits I guess. Plus bright red and orange yay!

Stronius I like, though not sure about his torso armor. I like the club, and overall he's pretty good, not sure about the spike pieces used for his thighs. Maybe it'll be better than Hewkii Mahri because they're the right color this time.


Don't like most of the vehicles except maybe the big one (the tank-walker), double-cycle, and yellow thing, which are okay. Two-headed dog is a mess. I like the helms of the motorcycle and yellow sandmobile riders though.

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Alright, to begin: I agree that these are much more boring (in torso style at least) than the Glatorian. I don't mind the reuse of torso armor; I do mind no other torso fanciness to make it worthwhile. Stronius has an intriguing torso, though... I have yet to fully understand his build.


The reuse of Thornax is in my eyes a good thing, largely because I so enjoy the new BIONICLE Action Figure Game. There is no other projectile which could be used; another would go out of control after contact and either ricochet, roll a distance away, or just sit there. I can't fathom anything that could match the bouncy, spiky qualities that makes the Thornax such a keeper.


I agree that Kiina's Hordika necks are a hindrance to her color scheme-- almost the whole piece is visible from front or 3/4 view. The easy solution would be to make bley an actual part of her color scheme, although I can't imagine how that could work alongside the two colors that are already competing for attention in their placement. The limbs also in this case seem a bit awkward-- why must all of this coming series have long limbs when we had such a nice variety amongst the Glatorians of winter. Sales, no doubt-- it still sickens me how satisfied everyone was with Onua Mistika the instant they saw him while reacting aversely to his comrades' attempts at fitting designs. The Technic triangles are intriguing-- our first real half-module parts in canister sets unless you count the connector pieces used for Hewkii Mahri's shoulder spikes and Cordak ammo. Overall, Kiina's color scheme strikes me as a bit too contrasting, however, both in the colors that are meant to be a part of it and the colors (like bley) that seemingly aren't.


Ackar had better have some slammin' role in the coming story, cuz' that color scheme isn't shutting up-- I have yet to decide if the lack of an earthier color is a good or a bad thing. He brings up a serious color scheme no-no with his hands-- lover of bley that I am, I only like it when it is part of a color scheme or otherwise in a nonobtrusive and unfixable place.


Must... resist... tangent... off... Phantoka/Mistika... color... scheme... complaints. To sum up grarghalblarghalblagh I liked those color schemes i'm gonna eat your opinions for a fluffy dessert sensation.


Gelu really strikes me as one of the awesomest of the whatever-they-ares. His mask is awesome, his arm armor is awesome (and here I was thinking those snowflake pieces were a silly, useless piece to release just for an Agori), and the rest of his armor just accentuates his awesomeness. He isn't the fierce, arrogant cool that Strakk was-- he's the smooth, refined type of cool they're always going on about in mint-flavored chewing gum commercials. I don't care about the pieces being so often from other sets-- they lend themselves to a wonderful feel with this guy, and I love it. Tools are my only beef-- with that kind of simplicity, I might actually have preferred the use of an old piece (Nuju Hordika's teeth tools).


I agree wholeheartedly on your assessment of Stronius. Dark red is an interesting touch, reducing the contrast that was so perfectly managed on Tuma, Atakus, and Skrall, but it works at rendering him a more "hard-core" Skrall. I figure he'll be the named Skrall Greg told us about earlier.


I like Mata Nui, as I discussed earlier, though his color scheme leaves a bit to be desired. Lyi suggested maybe the use of blending on some of his parts, and I agree a black and yellow blend on his shins for instance would help soften him up a bit. That, or just black ankle-guards to make the whole color scheme a bit more balanced. I never really liked yellow-orange with gold in a single color scheme (I've seen several rotten MOCs of Takanuva, Brutaka, Carapar, and others that demonstrate that point nicely), but it might have been helpful for LEGO to just pull a Hewkii Inika and metallicize his armor all over. Then again, I figure that's more than I can ask not knowing as much as LEGO knows about what will sell and what won't. I agree about his upper arms, too, though I see it more as a flaw in his upper legs for not being long enough. Still, he strikes me as more than I could have anticipated in the majesty of a Mata Nui canister set, so I'll probably grow to like him more as time goes on and the story works its magic.


Vastus strikes me as snaky, although I think we can be confident his armor is meant more to evoke vines. However, his expression with those small eyes still hints at a snaky demeanor, as does his overall feel. Very solid, like Karzon from 2006 Knights Kingdom (surprisingly, his emblem being a snake). His color scheme variation from arms to legs doesn't bug me much, though his tool lacks a uniform feel and the silver spikes on his shoulders, acceptable in most sets, are here inexplicable. I don't know what to expect of him as a set, though as a character he ought to be intriguing.


Overall, some of these sets I like, some I don't. Overall, I don't mind them as depictions of creative new characters, though how they fit themselves into BIONICLE's new story is yet to be seen.


EDIT: After looking at the better pics linked in an above comment, Kiina is definitely win in my eyes. The others are not much improved, Vastus especially. Check Page 2 and 3 especially, as the sets on those pages are more often built right and with non-painted parts. Loving the masks of all.

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but even that pales in comparison to the absolutely incredible clear-and-lime tubes that Bunda got.



No really they aren't that cool. :P

(jk, I just have small use for the color lime)


I agree with most things, however: I LOVE Vastus' mask. That's about it on him. Ackar is beautiful in every way. And I would hate it if Mata Nui was *gagh* gold. Why? Because it's so... basic. Some gold armor would be okay though, and a gold Ignika. But then... what color could go with gold that symbolizes Sand? There really isn't one. They'd have to replace a different set, maybe Vastus or Kiina, so the secondary color wouldn't clash with gold... 'cause all gold on black would be ugly, and gold+yellow is kind of ugly too. You know... Vastus and Kiina being the worst of the bunch, IMO, maybe replacing one with Mata Nui wouldn't be so bad... like, black bottom layer, then dark green, then gold... pretty... or black, bright blue, then gold... dang it, I'm making myself drool. >_<



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I refuse to believe it. There's no way that not dkred.
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I refuse to believe it. There's no way that not dkred.


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It is


That definitely doesn't look like Dark Red [thank God! I love bright red].


I agree with you on most parts, ToM. I'll reply to the entry in full later.


Maybe I'll draw something in the next couple days. What say you?



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Anyone else thinking that Ackar's sword would've made a good one for Tahu (with red hilt)?

How about the whole set being Tahu. >> Seriously Lego, why must you taunt us like this?


But anyways. I agree with you ToM, except for one thing. Gelu is awesome. They finally got the coloring right. And just imagine him with a blade in each hand. =3 If he had those ankle guards with of course Inika legs. That would have rocked.


Also there's another Mata-Nui set? :???:

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I agree with you on pretty much everything. Although if Mata-Nui was a different canister, or a seventh canister style set, I'd be so much more happy. I mean, I'd trade Mata-Nui for a Vorox Pack Leader (I'm thinking something like an Elder Predator) or a female Vorox any day.... And as much as I love Stronius, I'd love a female Skrall more. Re-using the Thornax launchers doesn't bother me at all. I <3 Thornaxes. But Kiina's weapons are love though. You have to admit that. :P


....like, black bottom layer, then dark green, then gold... pretty... or black, bright blue, then gold... dang it, I'm making myself drool. >_<


YES. That's all I can say.


And I thought Lego had solved the weak socket problem?






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Kiina has a different body without a giant body plate, and that's good, but I'm not sure I like this one. Light blue Vahki leg is good though. What do you think of the new joint?

I think I will no doubt ultimately put it to use. It doesn't excite me terribly, but it's not unwelcome either. I think I'd like to see it put to more interesting and original use first...


<3 Kiina's light blue Vahki leg and Inika feet. Delightful!


I don't mind the reuse of torso armor; I do mind no other torso fanciness to make it worthwhile. Stronius has an intriguing torso, though... I have yet to fully understand his build.

Well-put! I like the thin Inika chest armor a lot, but it's sort of lacking on Ackar and Gelu without something like Gresh's shoulder-spikes.


And Stronius's torso is built like Tarix's, essentially. Except where Tarix had two blue pins connecting his Inika shoulder armor, Stronius has two 4-axles, which are covered by this piece each. This shot shows it best.


The reuse of Thornax is in my eyes a good thing, largely because I so enjoy the new BIONICLE Action Figure Game. There is no other projectile which could be used; another would go out of control after contact and either ricochet, roll a distance away, or just sit there. I can't fathom anything that could match the bouncy, spiky qualities that makes the Thornax such a keeper.

I'm fine with Thornax being reused, I'd just like something different about them. Like, in silver, or a different launcher, or something...


Ackar had better have some slammin' role in the coming story, cuz' that color scheme isn't shutting up-- I have yet to decide if the lack of an earthier color is a good or a bad thing.

It is a very very very very good thing. I've missed this color scheme ever since Tahu Nuva. :D


And I would hate it if Mata Nui was *gagh* gold. Why? Because it's so... basic. Some gold armor would be okay though, and a gold Ignika. But then... what color could go with gold that symbolizes Sand? There really isn't one. They'd have to replace a different set, maybe Vastus or Kiina, so the secondary color wouldn't clash with gold... 'cause all gold on black would be ugly, and gold+yellow is kind of ugly too.

I wouldn't want him to be entirely gold, but I would love the distribution I listed in the entry, gold armor over a black-and-yellow body. I'll post a mockup of the colors later today just to show it properly...


But, what might be quite lovely is if he had dark gold armor (Takanuva, Lhikan, Iruini) over tan. Tan and black, I guess. Because tan and dark gold look delightful together, and I think Mata Nui being tan would also be pretty cool. In fact, if his set were wholly tan instead of wholly yellow, I'd be enraptured.


I refuse to believe it. There's no way that not dkred.

It isn't. Seriously it isn't. It took me a while to accept that it was bright red, but after a while the evidence was overwhelming.


Look at a pic of both him and Stronius. Ackar is clearly much brighter. Or this one, where you can see Malum as well, who is enormously darker than Ackar. Or look at the axle connector in his sword, or the axles on his launcher, two pieces we know come in bright red; Ackar is the same shade. And he's clearly the same color as his bright red canister top.


And it's -so- awesome. <3


Also there's another Mata-Nui set? :???:

Apparently there is. I'm trying not to get my hopes up for it, because I'll only be disappointed...


I agree with you on pretty much everything. Although if Mata-Nui was a different canister, or a seventh canister style set, I'd be so much more happy. I mean, I'd trade Mata-Nui for a Vorox Pack Leader (I'm thinking something like an Elder Predator) or a female Vorox any day.... And as much as I love Stronius, I'd love a female Skrall more.

Those would be quite lovely too, though I don't mind having a really bulked-up Skrall... I would also not mind if Mata Nui were a 'seventh' canister(-sized) set, either...

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I agree with ToM about the Legends lacking the uniqueness that made the Glatorian awesome. The Glatorian each had a theme to them that you can tell the set designers ran with. The Legends are an unfortunate return to the aesthetic we saw in 2008, where a few unique parts were enough to differentiate a set. There's some good points here, of course, but they're nowhere near as overall exciting as the Glatorian.


Even with the Mata red, I just can't get excited about Ackar. He's so...uncreative. He's an Inika. Yeah, old-school colors are pretty sweet, but they're not enough to make a set. For the record, though, I'm perfectly fine with reusing Berix's helmet. It looks good on Ackar.


Kiina...I'm just not sure about. Her feminine torso is AMAZING, but the lanky arms and legs are not only overdone, they throw her proportions way off. I dunno, her whole body just looks awkwardly put together, aside from the torso. Also, those leg spikes are going to look ridiculous when she stands up straight.


Gelu makes me mad. He does so many things right. The mask is staggeringly cool, and the color scheme works so much better than Strakk's. However, compared to Strakk...he's an Inika. They tried their hardest to differentiate the Glatorian with unique builds, but Gelu is structurally uncreative. The snowflake arms don't help much. And I really disagree with those who like his weapon--it's stubby and strange-looking. But that mask...that mask almost makes him all worth it.


I just can't figure out Vastus. He's not bad in terms of how he's put together, but...he's just kind of ugly. His mask gives him a weirdly snooty expression (edit: compare his facial structure to this guy), he's got weird vine things sticking out in certain places but not others, and he's got those awkward Hordika legs again. The scythe is neat, and I like how it's put together. The Inika thigh on his abs gives him a much-needed bit of uniqueness. The open back would be really awkward, but for once, the Glatorian counter fills him out nicely. Mostly, I agree with ToM. If he had more vine things on his body, he'd look a lot better. Like this, he's a robot with wiggly bits.


Kumquat Nui. Can't unsee. Seriously, even a change as subtle as this to the Ignika's shape makes it look kinda silly compared to its old self. The flat top could easily have been preserved--just look at Vorox. Giving him a round head sort of throws off the whole balance of the mask. But anyway, the set itself is pretty nice. The Matoro shoulders on his thighs are a nicely unique touch, and the torso is fairly pleasingly proportioned. The yellow-black color scheme is a little odd--more black and less yellow would make him seem less bright--but overall, he's nicely put together as a black Glatorian with yellow armor. I don't like using his weapons as shoulder pads, but they don't look bad. His actual weapon, though, is really awkward, even with the inherent UDD parallel. I mean, how would you fight with that? It's not like you can fight two people at once with the two sides to it, it's too short. It's just...a thing. He's holding a giant thing with pointy bits poking out. Sure, he could put someone's eye out with it if he's not careful, but it doesn't exactly lend itself to the whole "legendary warrior" thing. He can't even swing it properly, due to how it's held. Excalibur it ain't. Also, yes, gold WOULD have been better, but it was apparently never a part of the design process, so I'm trying to ignore that.


Now for Stronius. Stronius is a good set. Stronius is a very good set. See, the problem with Vastus, Strakk, and Gelu is that they assume a mask and shoulders that match are enough to tie together a set nicely. Stronius proves them all wrong with minimal use of new pieces. The stubby spikes all over his head, shoulders, chest, thighs, and club all match. They fit together so well, they make him look like all his pieces could be uniquely made for him. He clearly looks like a Skrall, thanks to his head, but he's in no way a clone. Plus, the dark red makes it clear that he's his own creature, not just another Skrall. I'll admit the club is a bit strange, simply because clubs are awkward weapons as a rule, but I can forgive him that simply because he looks so cool. I am buying that set. No question.


To finish up, I want to rebut something ToM said about the Thornax. I love the Thornax. I wouldn't mind seeing them again next year. They just work so well. Not only are they easy to use, well designed, and light enough not to hinder posing, but THEY'RE UNOBTRUSIVE. If the designers have to come up with a new gimmicky way of shooting a projectile with every single wave, they're going to eventually run out of ideas and we're going to get more ridiculous things like the Cordak and Nynrah. The Thornax make perfect sense in the story, look absolutely fine when held by ANYONE, and don't distract from the real set. The launchers have always been an afterthought for me, and I absolutely welcome the return of something as unobtrusive and simple as the Thornax.

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I don't mind the reuse of torso armor; I do mind no other torso fanciness to make it worthwhile. Stronius has an intriguing torso, though... I have yet to fully understand his build.

Well-put! I like the thin Inika chest armor a lot, but it's sort of lacking on Ackar and Gelu without something like Gresh's shoulder-spikes.

I agree for Ackar, disagree for Gelu. Gelu's armor is compensated by how well his shoulder flakes and head flares spread out from his body. On Ackar he has nothing really besides a torso. And... arms. That's really about it. Mahri blades, while OK armor details on other sets, seem to have no real stylistic consistency with this set, making them inexplicable.


That's a nice Stronius pic. I sort of figured out Stronius's torso after looking at the link provided in the first comment, but this clarifies it even more.


The reuse of Thornax is in my eyes a good thing, largely because I so enjoy the new BIONICLE Action Figure Game. There is no other projectile which could be used; another would go out of control after contact and either ricochet, roll a distance away, or just sit there. I can't fathom anything that could match the bouncy, spiky qualities that makes the Thornax such a keeper.

I'm fine with Thornax being reused, I'd just like something different about them. Like, in silver, or a different launcher, or something...

I like it kept standard myself. Would have needed a story excuse for silver Thornax, which would probably be hard to do without making them stronger or weaker in story (IMO, a bad choice that would detract from the feel of the game). Change the launcher, and they might in fact be stronger or weaker, which would ruin the fairness of the game.


Ackar had better have some slammin' role in the coming story, cuz' that color scheme isn't shutting up-- I have yet to decide if the lack of an earthier color is a good or a bad thing.

It is a very very very very good thing. I've missed this color scheme ever since Tahu Nuva. :D

I disagree-- Tahu Nuva had black and silver to offset it. This guy doesn't have any silver besides his tool and launcher, and his only neutral color is a garishly-placed, contrast-challenged bley. Certainly the amount of Mata Red builds optimism for more Mata Red sets in the future, but on this set I feel it may not be much of an improvement over dark red.


But, what might be quite lovely is if he had dark gold armor (Takanuva, Lhikan, Iruini) over tan. Tan and black, I guess. Because tan and dark gold look delightful together, and I think Mata Nui being tan would also be pretty cool. In fact, if his set were wholly tan instead of wholly yellow, I'd be enraptured.

I've always envisioned Brown, White, and Yellow-Gold (what I call Brutaka style gold). Might not suit his role this year, of course, but still struck me as a good color scheme-- I later decided it would be better for Artahka.


Also there's another Mata-Nui set? :???:

Apparently there is. I'm trying not to get my hopes up for it, because I'll only be disappointed...

Well, thanks for spoiling my chances of trying not to get my hopes up-- now that I've heard of it I can only pray for a gold Ignika (still not sure what color scheme it'd be over; I'm not too confident I'd like yellow-orange and gold, even after your mock-up).


As for Ackar's sword being a Tahu firesword, I have to disagree to some extent-- it's a bit too "wild" to match the refined, mechanistic feel of 2008. Kind of like the jaggedness of Jaller Inika's, if a bit more rounded. I always figured a pure silver mold of that one sword from 2007 Exo-Force with an orange sticker for each side. It'd have a flame pattern and some Matoran lettering. Certainly, I devised it purely on account of its viability for in-home design, but nevertheless I think it would be an awesome treatment of the firesword concept for the 2008 reimagining of the Nuva.

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Please art. Please please please.

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I actually like Mata-Nui. His weapon is more of a shield than anything, but it's like the Skrall shield, it can function as a weapon. I'll rate them wiht either a "WANT", a "Meh" or a "Ew"

As for the rest, I'm still working on the names, so I'll just refer to them by their primary colors.

White: The helmet is total WIN, the weapons are pretty cool, and the snowflake shoulders look great. The rest is nice, but white ankle armour would be welcomed. Overall: WANT

Green: The vine bits are nice, but some more would be pretty cool. Maybe modded ankle armour? Or a new foot? The scythe look green, I'm anticipating many Toa Nidhiki MOCs. As for the hordika legs, they could be just prototypes. At least, that's what I'm telling myself. Overall: Meh

Blue: Thigh armour is nice, thigh parts are great, Weapon is pretty cool, and helmet is very nice. The torso looks plain ugly though, a change would be better. Overall: WANT, as long as the torso colors improve.

Black: Club is awesome. Shoulder armor is also awesome. Helmet is ok, legs are standard stuff, but black spikes! Woot! And the torso look's custom, the armor for it is beautiful. Overall: WANT

Red: Sword is the bomb, ankle armor seems to be attatched wierdly, and the pose is horrible. I have a feeling that Berix's helmet is just a prototype though. Shoulder armor is nice though. Overall: Meh

Mata Nui: YAY! Keet!!! I've been wanting more of that color, especially since I missed out on Keetongu. Weapon is nice, as I said above, it looks like more of a shield though. Thighs look good, Shoulders are good, and the torso armor is very nice. The kanohi looks pretty good, IMO. Pretty similar compared to last year's, I didn't realize it was different until you mentioned it. And for some reason, Ice Blue eyes completely work for Mata Nui. Overall: WANT

There's only one other summer set I'm looking forward to, and that's the big four legged tank thing. that is pure WANT. <3

The rest of the vehicles? Meh.


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I agree with you on pretty much everything. Although if Mata-Nui was a different canister, or a seventh canister style set, I'd be so much more happy. I mean, I'd trade Mata-Nui for a Vorox Pack Leader (I'm thinking something like an Elder Predator) or a female Vorox any day.... And as much as I love Stronius, I'd love a female Skrall more.
Those would be quite lovely too, though I don't mind having a really bulked-up Skrall... I would also not mind if Mata Nui were a 'seventh' canister(-sized) set, either...

I'm perfectly happy with the bulked up Skrall - Stronius is my favourite summer set. I'd have just prefered a female Skrall, or more members of the Sand Tribe. Both of them would be possible with Mata-Nui being a titan, as you would expect him to be. Lets just hope the 2010 ~ 2011 versions aren't yellow....


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As for Ackar's sword being a Tahu firesword, I have to disagree to some extent-- it's a bit too "wild" to match the refined, mechanistic feel of 2008. Kind of like the jaggedness of Jaller Inika's, if a bit more rounded. I always figured a pure silver mold of that one sword from 2007 Exo-Force with an orange sticker for each side. It'd have a flame pattern and some Matoran lettering. Certainly, I devised it purely on account of its viability for in-home design, but nevertheless I think it would be an awesome treatment of the firesword concept for the 2008 reimagining of the Nuva.

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Okay, a bit refined, but I think the general shape would be a great substitute for Tahu Mistika's actual weapon. And no, no stickers. No stickers at all. They peel off eventually (consider it's a toy meant to be played with), and they don't look as hot as actual pieces. Plus, why throw in silver in the blade? Just keep the silver in the hilt (if silver be necessary).

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Who mentioned that there is going to be a second Mata Nui set? I've read this blog entry over a couple times, but I can't seem to find it...


I was going to type up a large review for each one, but I would basically be saying what you've already said ToM :P


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@ Kiotu: Greg said there would be a large special edition Mata Nui set later this year. It has no storyline significance, though.

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As for Ackar's sword being a Tahu firesword, I have to disagree to some extent-- it's a bit too "wild" to match the refined, mechanistic feel of 2008. Kind of like the jaggedness of Jaller Inika's, if a bit more rounded. I always figured a pure silver mold of that one sword from 2007 Exo-Force with an orange sticker for each side. It'd have a flame pattern and some Matoran lettering. Certainly, I devised it purely on account of its viability for in-home design, but nevertheless I think it would be an awesome treatment of the firesword concept for the 2008 reimagining of the Nuva.

» Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «
Okay, a bit refined, but I think the general shape would be a great substitute for Tahu Mistika's actual weapon. And no, no stickers. No stickers at all. They peel off eventually (consider it's a toy meant to be played with), and they don't look as hot as actual pieces. Plus, why throw in silver in the blade? Just keep the silver in the hilt (if silver be necessary).

I've always actually preferred stickers to decals, since my stickers have rarely come off of anything but round parts. In fact, it's often hard to remove them when I do want to, which is rare. Playing with them has as of yet not been the cause of any sticker-peeling-- the only stickers that have ever peeled from my sets have been a result of shelf life.


Meanwhile, I was very much a fan of the Magma Sword, which actually had a physical blade, as while a bladeless hilt might be easier to carry, it's fairly unattractive to draw Tahu holding a lightsaber-like jet of flame by a tiny hilt. Silver would have been necessary for a Tahu set's weapon-- you're not only destroying the unity of the Nuva by giving him a non-silver weapon, you're destroying the continuity of the story by effectively downgrading his weapon. I think it's a crying shame how many people saw the new sets as an excuse for the Nuva to stop being Nuva, what with their ridiculous non-Nuva-like mask choices for MOCs, granting of claws to Onua as his primary weapon, etc.


Yay! Probably the first post to have zero spoilers outside the quote box!

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As for Ackar's sword being a Tahu firesword, I have to disagree to some extent-- it's a bit too "wild" to match the refined, mechanistic feel of 2008. Kind of like the jaggedness of Jaller Inika's, if a bit more rounded. I always figured a pure silver mold of that one sword from 2007 Exo-Force with an orange sticker for each side. It'd have a flame pattern and some Matoran lettering. Certainly, I devised it purely on account of its viability for in-home design, but nevertheless I think it would be an awesome treatment of the firesword concept for the 2008 reimagining of the Nuva.

» Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «
Okay, a bit refined, but I think the general shape would be a great substitute for Tahu Mistika's actual weapon. And no, no stickers. No stickers at all. They peel off eventually (consider it's a toy meant to be played with), and they don't look as hot as actual pieces. Plus, why throw in silver in the blade? Just keep the silver in the hilt (if silver be necessary).

I've always actually preferred stickers to decals, since my stickers have rarely come off of anything but round parts. In fact, it's often hard to remove them when I do want to, which is rare. Playing with them has as of yet not been the cause of any sticker-peeling-- the only stickers that have ever peeled from my sets have been a result of shelf life.


Meanwhile, I was very much a fan of the Magma Sword, which actually had a physical blade, as while a bladeless hilt might be easier to carry, it's fairly unattractive to draw Tahu holding a lightsaber-like jet of flame by a tiny hilt. Silver would have been necessary for a Tahu set's weapon-- you're not only destroying the unity of the Nuva by giving him a non-silver weapon, you're destroying the continuity of the story by effectively downgrading his weapon. I think it's a crying shame how many people saw the new sets as an excuse for the Nuva to stop being Nuva, what with their ridiculous non-Nuva-like mask choices for MOCs, granting of claws to Onua as his primary weapon, etc.


Yay! Probably the first post to have zero spoilers outside the quote box!

Another Nuva discussion, but I can't resist...

I don't think the colors of a sticker can compare to an actual flame sword, especially if the flame is transparent or has a well-blended color (have you seen the Tahu swords in red and yellow-mixture? Yeah, that's what I'm talking about). A fire sticker would just pale in comparison to an actual plastic flame like I just described.


I think silver in the hilt is plenty enough. And while drawing it may look awkward, keep in mind TLC's not focusing on keeping things simple for artists (sorry if I insulted any artists out there). Also, though I see how you may see my design as a "downgrade", I still think having it in orange or red-yellow is appropriate.


I haven't seen that many Nuva MOCs, can you show me some with un-Nuva-like masks? And giving Onua claws isn't a bad thing IMO. Care to explain?


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As for Ackar's sword being a Tahu firesword, I have to disagree to some extent-- it's a bit too "wild" to match the refined, mechanistic feel of 2008. Kind of like the jaggedness of Jaller Inika's, if a bit more rounded. I always figured a pure silver mold of that one sword from 2007 Exo-Force with an orange sticker for each side. It'd have a flame pattern and some Matoran lettering. Certainly, I devised it purely on account of its viability for in-home design, but nevertheless I think it would be an awesome treatment of the firesword concept for the 2008 reimagining of the Nuva.

» Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «
Okay, a bit refined, but I think the general shape would be a great substitute for Tahu Mistika's actual weapon. And no, no stickers. No stickers at all. They peel off eventually (consider it's a toy meant to be played with), and they don't look as hot as actual pieces. Plus, why throw in silver in the blade? Just keep the silver in the hilt (if silver be necessary).

I've always actually preferred stickers to decals, since my stickers have rarely come off of anything but round parts. In fact, it's often hard to remove them when I do want to, which is rare. Playing with them has as of yet not been the cause of any sticker-peeling-- the only stickers that have ever peeled from my sets have been a result of shelf life.


Meanwhile, I was very much a fan of the Magma Sword, which actually had a physical blade, as while a bladeless hilt might be easier to carry, it's fairly unattractive to draw Tahu holding a lightsaber-like jet of flame by a tiny hilt. Silver would have been necessary for a Tahu set's weapon-- you're not only destroying the unity of the Nuva by giving him a non-silver weapon, you're destroying the continuity of the story by effectively downgrading his weapon. I think it's a crying shame how many people saw the new sets as an excuse for the Nuva to stop being Nuva, what with their ridiculous non-Nuva-like mask choices for MOCs, granting of claws to Onua as his primary weapon, etc.


Yay! Probably the first post to have zero spoilers outside the quote box!

Another Nuva discussion, but I can't resist...

I don't think the colors of a sticker can compare to an actual flame sword, especially if the flame is transparent or has a well-blended color (have you seen the Tahu swords in red and yellow-mixture? Yeah, that's what I'm talking about). A fire sticker would just pale in comparison to an actual plastic flame like I just described.


I think silver in the hilt is plenty enough. And while drawing it may look awkward, keep in mind TLC's not focusing on keeping things simple for artists (sorry if I insulted any artists out there). Also, though I see how you may see my design as a "downgrade", I still think having it in orange or red-yellow is appropriate.


I haven't seen that many Nuva MOCs, can you show me some with un-Nuva-like masks? And giving Onua claws isn't a bad thing IMO. Care to explain?

Anything with a Maxilos mask or Lhikan mask fits what I'm trying to describe. Semicircle-mouth=/=ellipse mouth. Hau=/=Hau Nuva.


As for the swords, I just figured stickers would be a neat way of evoking glowy Matoran majicks. Perhaps a silver blade with a trans-orange center and silver stickers over top?

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As for Ackar's sword being a Tahu firesword, I have to disagree to some extent-- it's a bit too "wild" to match the refined, mechanistic feel of 2008. Kind of like the jaggedness of Jaller Inika's, if a bit more rounded. I always figured a pure silver mold of that one sword from 2007 Exo-Force with an orange sticker for each side. It'd have a flame pattern and some Matoran lettering. Certainly, I devised it purely on account of its viability for in-home design, but nevertheless I think it would be an awesome treatment of the firesword concept for the 2008 reimagining of the Nuva.

» Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «
Okay, a bit refined, but I think the general shape would be a great substitute for Tahu Mistika's actual weapon. And no, no stickers. No stickers at all. They peel off eventually (consider it's a toy meant to be played with), and they don't look as hot as actual pieces. Plus, why throw in silver in the blade? Just keep the silver in the hilt (if silver be necessary).

I've always actually preferred stickers to decals, since my stickers have rarely come off of anything but round parts. In fact, it's often hard to remove them when I do want to, which is rare. Playing with them has as of yet not been the cause of any sticker-peeling-- the only stickers that have ever peeled from my sets have been a result of shelf life.


Meanwhile, I was very much a fan of the Magma Sword, which actually had a physical blade, as while a bladeless hilt might be easier to carry, it's fairly unattractive to draw Tahu holding a lightsaber-like jet of flame by a tiny hilt. Silver would have been necessary for a Tahu set's weapon-- you're not only destroying the unity of the Nuva by giving him a non-silver weapon, you're destroying the continuity of the story by effectively downgrading his weapon. I think it's a crying shame how many people saw the new sets as an excuse for the Nuva to stop being Nuva, what with their ridiculous non-Nuva-like mask choices for MOCs, granting of claws to Onua as his primary weapon, etc.


Yay! Probably the first post to have zero spoilers outside the quote box!

Another Nuva discussion, but I can't resist...

I don't think the colors of a sticker can compare to an actual flame sword, especially if the flame is transparent or has a well-blended color (have you seen the Tahu swords in red and yellow-mixture? Yeah, that's what I'm talking about). A fire sticker would just pale in comparison to an actual plastic flame like I just described.


I think silver in the hilt is plenty enough. And while drawing it may look awkward, keep in mind TLC's not focusing on keeping things simple for artists (sorry if I insulted any artists out there). Also, though I see how you may see my design as a "downgrade", I still think having it in orange or red-yellow is appropriate.


I haven't seen that many Nuva MOCs, can you show me some with un-Nuva-like masks? And giving Onua claws isn't a bad thing IMO. Care to explain?

Anything with a Maxilos mask or Lhikan mask fits what I'm trying to describe. Semicircle-mouth=/=ellipse mouth. Hau=/=Hau Nuva.


As for the swords, I just figured stickers would be a neat way of evoking glowy Matoran majicks. Perhaps a silver blade with a trans-orange center and silver stickers over top?

How about just the silver blade with trans orange center and no sticker? Sounds better than stickers to me, though I still prefer my solution.

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As for Ackar's sword being a Tahu firesword, I have to disagree to some extent-- it's a bit too "wild" to match the refined, mechanistic feel of 2008. Kind of like the jaggedness of Jaller Inika's, if a bit more rounded. I always figured a pure silver mold of that one sword from 2007 Exo-Force with an orange sticker for each side. It'd have a flame pattern and some Matoran lettering. Certainly, I devised it purely on account of its viability for in-home design, but nevertheless I think it would be an awesome treatment of the firesword concept for the 2008 reimagining of the Nuva.

» Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «
Okay, a bit refined, but I think the general shape would be a great substitute for Tahu Mistika's actual weapon. And no, no stickers. No stickers at all. They peel off eventually (consider it's a toy meant to be played with), and they don't look as hot as actual pieces. Plus, why throw in silver in the blade? Just keep the silver in the hilt (if silver be necessary).

I've always actually preferred stickers to decals, since my stickers have rarely come off of anything but round parts. In fact, it's often hard to remove them when I do want to, which is rare. Playing with them has as of yet not been the cause of any sticker-peeling-- the only stickers that have ever peeled from my sets have been a result of shelf life.


Meanwhile, I was very much a fan of the Magma Sword, which actually had a physical blade, as while a bladeless hilt might be easier to carry, it's fairly unattractive to draw Tahu holding a lightsaber-like jet of flame by a tiny hilt. Silver would have been necessary for a Tahu set's weapon-- you're not only destroying the unity of the Nuva by giving him a non-silver weapon, you're destroying the continuity of the story by effectively downgrading his weapon. I think it's a crying shame how many people saw the new sets as an excuse for the Nuva to stop being Nuva, what with their ridiculous non-Nuva-like mask choices for MOCs, granting of claws to Onua as his primary weapon, etc.


Yay! Probably the first post to have zero spoilers outside the quote box!

Another Nuva discussion, but I can't resist...

I don't think the colors of a sticker can compare to an actual flame sword, especially if the flame is transparent or has a well-blended color (have you seen the Tahu swords in red and yellow-mixture? Yeah, that's what I'm talking about). A fire sticker would just pale in comparison to an actual plastic flame like I just described.


I think silver in the hilt is plenty enough. And while drawing it may look awkward, keep in mind TLC's not focusing on keeping things simple for artists (sorry if I insulted any artists out there). Also, though I see how you may see my design as a "downgrade", I still think having it in orange or red-yellow is appropriate.


I haven't seen that many Nuva MOCs, can you show me some with un-Nuva-like masks? And giving Onua claws isn't a bad thing IMO. Care to explain?

Anything with a Maxilos mask or Lhikan mask fits what I'm trying to describe. Semicircle-mouth=/=ellipse mouth. Hau=/=Hau Nuva.


As for the swords, I just figured stickers would be a neat way of evoking glowy Matoran majicks. Perhaps a silver blade with a trans-orange center and silver stickers over top?

How about just the silver blade with trans orange center and no sticker? Sounds better than stickers to me, though I still prefer my solution.

Without the sticker you don't have the flame motif, which I felt was the biggest loss from the real Mistika Tahu Nuva's tool. The tool in itself is awesome enough, and it being a bladed weapon is all I need to establish continuity with his old tools (sure, it's not a sword, but Tahu's only real swordfight in story was less than impressive). But you know what they say: no flame, no gain. Or maybe nobody says that. But I can pretend they do.

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As for Ackar's sword being a Tahu firesword, I have to disagree to some extent-- it's a bit too "wild" to match the refined, mechanistic feel of 2008. Kind of like the jaggedness of Jaller Inika's, if a bit more rounded. I always figured a pure silver mold of that one sword from 2007 Exo-Force with an orange sticker for each side. It'd have a flame pattern and some Matoran lettering. Certainly, I devised it purely on account of its viability for in-home design, but nevertheless I think it would be an awesome treatment of the firesword concept for the 2008 reimagining of the Nuva.

» Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «
Okay, a bit refined, but I think the general shape would be a great substitute for Tahu Mistika's actual weapon. And no, no stickers. No stickers at all. They peel off eventually (consider it's a toy meant to be played with), and they don't look as hot as actual pieces. Plus, why throw in silver in the blade? Just keep the silver in the hilt (if silver be necessary).

I've always actually preferred stickers to decals, since my stickers have rarely come off of anything but round parts. In fact, it's often hard to remove them when I do want to, which is rare. Playing with them has as of yet not been the cause of any sticker-peeling-- the only stickers that have ever peeled from my sets have been a result of shelf life.


Meanwhile, I was very much a fan of the Magma Sword, which actually had a physical blade, as while a bladeless hilt might be easier to carry, it's fairly unattractive to draw Tahu holding a lightsaber-like jet of flame by a tiny hilt. Silver would have been necessary for a Tahu set's weapon-- you're not only destroying the unity of the Nuva by giving him a non-silver weapon, you're destroying the continuity of the story by effectively downgrading his weapon. I think it's a crying shame how many people saw the new sets as an excuse for the Nuva to stop being Nuva, what with their ridiculous non-Nuva-like mask choices for MOCs, granting of claws to Onua as his primary weapon, etc.


Yay! Probably the first post to have zero spoilers outside the quote box!

Another Nuva discussion, but I can't resist...

I don't think the colors of a sticker can compare to an actual flame sword, especially if the flame is transparent or has a well-blended color (have you seen the Tahu swords in red and yellow-mixture? Yeah, that's what I'm talking about). A fire sticker would just pale in comparison to an actual plastic flame like I just described.


I think silver in the hilt is plenty enough. And while drawing it may look awkward, keep in mind TLC's not focusing on keeping things simple for artists (sorry if I insulted any artists out there). Also, though I see how you may see my design as a "downgrade", I still think having it in orange or red-yellow is appropriate.


I haven't seen that many Nuva MOCs, can you show me some with un-Nuva-like masks? And giving Onua claws isn't a bad thing IMO. Care to explain?

Anything with a Maxilos mask or Lhikan mask fits what I'm trying to describe. Semicircle-mouth=/=ellipse mouth. Hau=/=Hau Nuva.


As for the swords, I just figured stickers would be a neat way of evoking glowy Matoran majicks. Perhaps a silver blade with a trans-orange center and silver stickers over top?

How about just the silver blade with trans orange center and no sticker? Sounds better than stickers to me, though I still prefer my solution.

Without the sticker you don't have the flame motif, which I felt was the biggest loss from the real Mistika Tahu Nuva's tool. The tool in itself is awesome enough, and it being a bladed weapon is all I need to establish continuity with his old tools (sure, it's not a sword, but Tahu's only real swordfight in story was less than impressive). But you know what they say: no flame, no gain. Or maybe nobody says that. But I can pretend they do.

Oh, I thought you meant with a flamesword. How about a new flamesword design, trans-orange with a silver outline?

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As for Ackar's sword being a Tahu firesword, I have to disagree to some extent-- it's a bit too "wild" to match the refined, mechanistic feel of 2008. Kind of like the jaggedness of Jaller Inika's, if a bit more rounded. I always figured a pure silver mold of that one sword from 2007 Exo-Force with an orange sticker for each side. It'd have a flame pattern and some Matoran lettering. Certainly, I devised it purely on account of its viability for in-home design, but nevertheless I think it would be an awesome treatment of the firesword concept for the 2008 reimagining of the Nuva.

» Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «
Okay, a bit refined, but I think the general shape would be a great substitute for Tahu Mistika's actual weapon. And no, no stickers. No stickers at all. They peel off eventually (consider it's a toy meant to be played with), and they don't look as hot as actual pieces. Plus, why throw in silver in the blade? Just keep the silver in the hilt (if silver be necessary).

I've always actually preferred stickers to decals, since my stickers have rarely come off of anything but round parts. In fact, it's often hard to remove them when I do want to, which is rare. Playing with them has as of yet not been the cause of any sticker-peeling-- the only stickers that have ever peeled from my sets have been a result of shelf life.


Meanwhile, I was very much a fan of the Magma Sword, which actually had a physical blade, as while a bladeless hilt might be easier to carry, it's fairly unattractive to draw Tahu holding a lightsaber-like jet of flame by a tiny hilt. Silver would have been necessary for a Tahu set's weapon-- you're not only destroying the unity of the Nuva by giving him a non-silver weapon, you're destroying the continuity of the story by effectively downgrading his weapon. I think it's a crying shame how many people saw the new sets as an excuse for the Nuva to stop being Nuva, what with their ridiculous non-Nuva-like mask choices for MOCs, granting of claws to Onua as his primary weapon, etc.


Yay! Probably the first post to have zero spoilers outside the quote box!

Another Nuva discussion, but I can't resist...

I don't think the colors of a sticker can compare to an actual flame sword, especially if the flame is transparent or has a well-blended color (have you seen the Tahu swords in red and yellow-mixture? Yeah, that's what I'm talking about). A fire sticker would just pale in comparison to an actual plastic flame like I just described.


I think silver in the hilt is plenty enough. And while drawing it may look awkward, keep in mind TLC's not focusing on keeping things simple for artists (sorry if I insulted any artists out there). Also, though I see how you may see my design as a "downgrade", I still think having it in orange or red-yellow is appropriate.


I haven't seen that many Nuva MOCs, can you show me some with un-Nuva-like masks? And giving Onua claws isn't a bad thing IMO. Care to explain?

Anything with a Maxilos mask or Lhikan mask fits what I'm trying to describe. Semicircle-mouth=/=ellipse mouth. Hau=/=Hau Nuva.


As for the swords, I just figured stickers would be a neat way of evoking glowy Matoran majicks. Perhaps a silver blade with a trans-orange center and silver stickers over top?

How about just the silver blade with trans orange center and no sticker? Sounds better than stickers to me, though I still prefer my solution.

Without the sticker you don't have the flame motif, which I felt was the biggest loss from the real Mistika Tahu Nuva's tool. The tool in itself is awesome enough, and it being a bladed weapon is all I need to establish continuity with his old tools (sure, it's not a sword, but Tahu's only real swordfight in story was less than impressive). But you know what they say: no flame, no gain. Or maybe nobody says that. But I can pretend they do.

Oh, I thought you meant with a flamesword. How about a new flamesword design, trans-orange with a silver outline?

That would indeed have been awesome. Immensely awesome, in fact.

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