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Taka Nuvia


I haven't done anything this weekend.

I haven'T done my maths homework.

I haven't done anything for my presentation even though I said I'd do so.


And tomorrow I need all the stuff. :(

And it's almost bedtime.


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I can see that Taka. I feel very sorry for you.


You probably need a break. If School's pushing you down, and you can't do anything but only what you can, accept the challenges that are ahead of you and move on.


Oh yeah, another thing, my motto.


Boredom shall never prevail.


Another one, but I'm not pretty sure which to use.


Move on.


Last, what did you do on the weekend?




EDIT: German people. Or people who have German blood best at Math. You guys are one of the smartest ones in this world! From my Mom, she's got German blood. She told me that while studying for a Math test.

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Yeaaaahhh.....I do that sometimes....half the time I quick finish everything the night before it's all due. :P

Hope it turns out alright though. <:D


-Jordboy1 :miru:

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I know how you feel, I have a tendency to procrastinate too...><


I wish you luck on your test, maybe you'll know some of the answers already.


And it can't be too bad if you mess up just this once. Just try to be more careful next time, and it should be fine. :)

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Wow, sounds like SOMEONE was procrastinating and it backfired!


Duh... :lookaround: yes, I know.

Has always been like that.


I can see that Taka. I feel very sorry for you.


You probably need a break. If School's pushing you down, and you can't do anything but only what you can, accept the challenges that are ahead of you and move on.


Oh yeah, another thing, my motto.


Boredom shall never prevail.


Another one, but I'm not pretty sure which to use.


Move on.


Last, what did you do on the weekend?




EDIT: German people. Or people who have German blood best at Math. You guys are one of the smartest ones in this world! From my Mom, she's got German blood. She told me that while studying for a Math test.


thx... what I did? Played Computer games, draw a loooot... but not much except.

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