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Glatorian Arena Game Released



As most of you know by now, we released the web version of the Glatorian Arena game.


The game is on the US and UK versions of BIONICLE.com right now, and soon we'll have localized versions that you can download. And we'll put it on the local language web sites.



I've been following the conversation in the talkback, and have some suggestions:

  • To install the Unity plugin, make sure to run the .exe file (for PCs) or run the Mac program that downloads.
  • The plugin site was down for a while, but it's up now.
  • We are working on clarifying how to install the plugin; we hadn't anticipated issues with plugin installation.
  • The game is aimed at both younger visitors as well as more experienced gamers.
  • I would caution you (again) not to judge this against a console game. It's not meant to compete with the Xbox. It's a free web game.
We also have a short tutorial available, and will work on getting that onto BIONICLE.com asap. But here is a PDF version.



I hope you enjoy the game.


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Nice! You have to have the window directly in the middle of your screen (is that something that goes with Unity3D?) for the text to be placed properly, but otherwise, great! I love the graphics. They're cool for a web-based game.

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I'm not very good, and it makes my computer lag. It has good graphics compared to the other games though, and smoother-feeling gameplay. Plus the lessons on the history of Bara Magna was a nice add on. [Adam Sessler impression]I give it a 4.

Out of 5.[/impression]

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Is all the info from the outskirts canon? (ie: Great Beings building Arena Magna?)

Also, I've entered the BioCodes for Skrall and Vorox and they don't do anything...

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Is all the info from the outskirts canon? (ie: Great Beings building Arena Magna?)

Also, I've entered the BioCodes for Skrall and Vorox and they don't do anything...

I never say what's canon and what isn't, since there's usually a few people who disagree. Everyone decides for themselves if it is or not.


- Bink

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What format is the game in? I have Flip4Mac installed, and it is making quicktime treat it as a movie file, so nothing happens. Right now, I'm in the Safari 4 public beta. I've also tested it out in a few other webkit-based browsers, no differences among them, so it can't be just a Safari issue.


The game works fine for me in any gecko based browser, among them, Firefox, and Camino.


The 3D work is amazing, this is quite a step up from previous games, bravo. :)

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I can't defeat that final Skrall in the Golden level... I bash this Roxtusian Scarabax till he's got only one life left and then keeps healing and I can't hurt him any further. I can't get him past 50% damage, then he heals and heals and heals.




Oh, and nice work! Really good game! I'm looking forward to the downloadable file. :)

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