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Boy, was that a long weekend!


Drove up to Seattle on Friday, leaving at 6:30 a.m. with my kids and friend Bob Kojima, and we made excellent time to the Seattle Center in the wife's minivan. My other friend Steve was supposed to come up with us, be he decided to drive up the night before. Friday was kind of a slow setup day, and I managed to get my lone moonbase set up without too much trouble. I admit to not helping nearly as much with setup as maybe I should've, but I claim prior exigencies with having my two boys to watch over.


The MOC display area was bigger than last year, and had a full wall that was windows floor to ceiling, so the lighting was better. The moonbase layout stretched down the center of the room, with town & train on another end (sparsely populated but the buildings by Jeff Pelletier were excellent, and Steve Barile's trains were likewise great), and the kids build area past that. The nearer wall held a long Castle display, including a blue Helm's Deep, a black Ninja castle (which I partially helped build), and other assorted medieval scenes. There were a lot of sculptures, including a really nifty totem pole by organizer Wayne Hussey. My white moonbase module got a few compliments, nestled up against Bob's Moonbase Disco.


There were only a couple of Bionicle models, but one was really good. Oh, and let us not forget the pyramid under construction, which was close to being my favorite. (The rest of my NWBC pictures are on this Brickshelf gallery.)


I spent most of the weekend farting around with my friends, participating in some of the roundtables, piping up during the keynote speeches and generally being a pain in the butt. It was fun. I took the kids to the Space Needle for a photo op (the pictures turned out great), ate waaaaaay too much fast food (burp), and stayed up far too late.


Oh yeah, and spent about $200 on brick. Yay me!


I ended up winning a door prize and so did one of my kids... so to make it even I had to of course get the other kid a set too. Can't have hurt feelings. And Daddy has trouble sharing sometimes.


My kids both helped in the Brick Bazaar, helping sell stuff, and making a little money on the side. One of the more popular vendors was BrickArms, which manufactures custom minifig weaponry. It's much better than what LEGO has produced, and both my kids spent their hard-earned on some of them.


The set draft (combining parts and splitting up the booty) got started late and took until about 11:30 Saturday night to finish. I was wiped and the kids were asleep on their feet. We slept in the next morning, and almost missed the Wacky Races, which I participated in. I'd built a racer that was basically a Toa kneeling on a wheeled platform, with little spring-loaded cannons that would (supposedly) shoot off the sides and top after it had traversed a ways. Unfortunately, the entire thing exploded at the base of the ramp, but oh well. It was clever, if not particularly functional, and got a laugh - which is all you could ask for.


The radar dish didn't get hooked up to anything, so it didn't really get put out for display.


I also ran into Swert and his dad on Friday, we had a nice little chat for a few minutes. He was the only BZP member I ran into, that I knew of, at this event.


The public hours on Sunday ended at 4:00. My MOC was packed and in my hands by 4:05, and by 4:15 we were on the road. I had some mad money burning a hole in my pocket, so we headed to the Bellevue LEGO store again, and I dropped another $75 on Pick-A-Brick and polybags before heading home. So, mission accomplished. It was a long weekend, but a good one.




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I like that Metrusaurus. Pretty awesome Bionicle. I like the BrickArms stuff. Picked up a few of those at Brickfest. :D


Glad you and the wee ones had a good time.



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I think I know the guy who built that. I'd prolly know for sure if I showed up to a freaking meeting once in a while.


In all, sounds like a grand time. Greatly preferable to Thanksgiving dinners with rather 'odd' 'uncles'. I once again wanna come down to Brickcon. I swear I'll get there one year. I'll bring stuff. Send stuff ahead. Flesh out the Bionicle presence. Horrify people with a combination of Clikits and Bionicle. You know, that sorta thing. It could be fun.

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I was actually seriously thinking about going to the BrickCon. But then I was like, nah. It coincides with school, plus the last minute stuff. :P


Unless Kelly offered free room and board for the occasion. :P



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I dunno, I coulda held you out on the couch, Omi...


but, I was only going for the one day, plus you'd have to fight for my friend's computer, which is set up at the edge of the couch.


There's always the floor...




Glad to know I'm mentioned, but it's sad to know we're the only BZP members who went. Oh well.


Maybe next year I'll submit something. I've got a good year to think of something. -Swert

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Sounds like you had fun at BrickCon Bink! :P My favorites are the Moonbase and Bionicle MOC. Pretty good. Sorry your Dish didn't get featured, that would have gone well next to the Disco. Pyramid Under Construction was really good too.


~ :kakamanu: ~

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Glad to hear about it! *fingers her admission coupon to NWBC* If that weekend hadn't been so suddenly busy for me, I was plotting to go. It was housed only like, 30 minutes from here. *sigh* At least it happens every year! ^^ Sounds like you had an awesome time; of course Swert was there. He's everywhere... :fear:

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