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Ask Me A Question, Any Question!

Lady Kopaka


I needed something to do in this here blog. :P


So I'm still finalizing my blog, but I thought it'd be cool to do this: you guys ask me almost any question, and I'll answer it. After I get enough interviews I'll add them to this entry, then link it in my bio section so you guys can checkout random facts about me.


It can be a question about me, my life or maybe something concerning art or writing. Go crazy. ^^


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Gosh dang so many questions!


What're your views on Gigantic Swords on tiny, frail Matoran?

Well, considering the fact that Tachi, who is a small and nimble Toa carries around a huge buster sword…I would find it pretty cool.


What's this whole deal with always serving applesauce in the same meal as pork chops??

Wait a minute…do you northerner people really commit such a sin??


Who's your favourite Starwars charie?

Obi-Wan Kenobi. But I do dearly love Carth Onasi and General Grievous.


If you were a Bionicle: What species would you be?

Probably a Toa, but for some originality, a vortixx doesn’t sound too bad either…


Craig, Brosnan or Connery?



…but I still love Connery and Pierce too. =P


Your favourite quote?

Oooh, I dunno. I’ll come back and edit when I remember.


Favourite TV show?

Well, excluding the ones like Star Trek and Star Gate, it would probably be NCIS…or 24.


How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

I got it! 36! /reference to a LotR joke


Cake or pie?



1) You should start a Komas fanclub. No, that wasn't a question...but if you were to ever do such a thing, can I be the official procrastinator/Komas-hugger?8D

You deserve a cookie Raia…I will begin these schemes at once! =D


2) Brown rice or white rice?

I think white rice is my favorite. But you mustn’t forget wild rice, fried rice, dirty rice…*trails off*


3) Will Komas ever take off his goggles, be it in a SS, piece of art, or roleplay??

I really don’t know! I think he may have to at one point...but I know for certain, that if I do a original novel based of GITS, he will probably have to keep them off for practical reasons. ;D


4) If M'riah and Tachi fought, and Tachi didn't use her lightnin', who would win?

Oh, oh! A draw…? Or probably M’riah, she’s cunning enough to probably beat Tachi.


5) Deep down Komas is fond of Dani. You know it. (no, this is not a question either. pfft, technicalities.)

Yes, yes, I completely agree. :3 To uh…both statements.


6) Why can't I ask proper questions?

Because silly Raia does such things, of course.


7) Lucky number seven! ...what is this oh-so-fun piece you mentioned in your previous comment, and have I heard about it?

I don’t think we have talked about it…have we? It’s a huuuge group shot of some characters from my ‘Destiny’ project. =)

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I really need to finish LotR, so I can pick up on these jokes =/


But anyway...if you were to ever write an original novel with Komas in it, all the glass in my neighborhood would shatter do to the high-pitched "EEEEEEEEEEEEE!" Raia would emit.


And I think you might have mentioned that project before...but it was like, a waay long time ago, like, before Christmas, I think, you were talking about an enormous art with a buuuunch of charries all together. (it amazes me that I remember that...)


But yess, these answers are very intriguing. I'll have to ask you some more random questions that only make sense to the both of us, after you finish replying to all the others.=P



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Continued from my previous post…too much quoting. XD


How do you type with boxing gloves on your hands? :P

When did you learn I did this?? >:(


1)If you could have any kind of vehicle(be it Bionicle, something from a movie, or a real thing), what would it be?

I just want a good ole’ 97 Jeep Wrangler, really. But I guess if I could get anything else, an Aston Martin would be luverly too.


3)If you were doomed to be an inanimate object for 3 weeks, what would you become?

Uh…a computer? XD


4)Does this dress make me look fat? (you did say ANY question...)

Oh, I’m sorry; I originally was thinking it was a poncho at first.


5)Be honest. What is your real first name?

I’d rather keep that one private, but I will hint it’s Hebrew.


6)Say I could teleport back and forth from the Bionicle Universe to earth, anytime I wanted.(Human <-> Biomechanical Being conversions included) Would you go with me?



7)Truth or Dare?



8)If you were trapped on a island off the coast of Florida, what would you bring with you? (this is a trick question)

A boat so I could get back to Florida…?



9)What was your favorite Bionicle year?(09 don't count.)

03 like most oldie Bionicle fans, but I really loved 06 a lot too.


10)Why doesn't Tachi ever use her Great Mahiki? :???:

She actually does, but I never got the proper chance to let her use it in GITS. She also has stated that she doesn’t like to use it, for some reason.


Hmm, Do you like the name Eranok?

Yes I do, it’s really cool.


Did you know I draw.

Have you seen my work?

I do know you draw and I have seen your work, I actually believe I’ve reviewed it once or so.


Is this question worth answering?

Only if it involves chocolate.[/color]

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What's this whole deal with always serving applesauce in the same meal as pork chops??

Wait a minute…do you northerner people really commit such a sin??

Sorry, I'm Catholic, not Jewish. :mellow:


Waitaminute, when did I ever say I was a northerner? :blink:


But I do dearly love Carth Onasi...

You just jumped up ten spots on Takuma's Awesomeness Rankings List. Carth is righteous. Though I myself would like to meet Bastilla just as much if not more. :P


I’d rather keep that one private, but I will hint it’s Hebrew.

Can I call you 'Brew for short? :D


takumasmilie.gifTakuma Nuva:infected:

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1. If you could blow up anything, what would it be?


2. If you were a megalomaniac, do you think your personality would be mostly the same except for that?


3. Since 42 is the answer to everything, does the square root of 42 equal 42? Or is mathematics a flaw in that reasoning?


Answer as many or as little of those as you want. If I'm too insane don't answer any. :P




~:silver: :m_o: :silver:~


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Are you Ethnically Jewish?


And which do like better abotu NCIS, Gibb's dope slaps, DiNozzo's DiNozzo ness, Ziva mistakes in the English idioms, Abby, Ducky's stories, or McGee's geekyness?

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You live in the south, right?

Ever gone through any Hurricanes, Tropical Storms, or Tropical Depressions?

Yes, I live in the south. I don't go through them really anymore since I've recently moved, but the last place I was living in was Louisiana. I've gone through it all down there.


Can I ask more than one?(If this counts and the answer is no, I hate myself. >.<)

Yes you may. :P


Waitaminute, when did I ever say I was a northerner? :blink:

I don’t think you did, I just made an assumption. =P


Also, I was not saying pork is bad. I was stating what a horrible mix of applesauce and pork. Everyone knows you have BBQ with pork, or green beans with mashed potatoes!


Can I call you 'Brew for short? :D

Uh, sure. =P


1. If you could blow up anything, what would it be?

Politics and blue cheese.


2. If you were a megalomaniac, do you think your personality would be mostly the same except for that?

Hmm…I probably wouldn’t be, and I don’t see how that could rightfully mix in my personality now that’s so opposite to that.


3. Since 42 is the answer to everything, does the square root of 42 equal 42? Or is mathematics a flaw in that reasoning?

Uh…yes? Maybe? I dunno. 0:


Are you Ethnically Jewish?

As far as I know, I am not Jewish. I'm Irish.


And which do like better abotu NCIS, Gibb's dope slaps, DiNozzo's DiNozzo ness, Ziva mistakes in the English idioms, Abby, Ducky's stories, or McGee's geekyness?

Why not all of the above? =D

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If you were stuck on a deserted island and knew that you would never be found, ever, would you


a) Scream and shout at the ocean in the hope of maybe being seen and dismissed as a figment of sailor's imagination.


b ) Kill seagulls to drink their blood in an attempt to stay alive.


c) Wander around aimlessly.


d) Wonder "What would EW do?"



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3. Since 42 is the answer to everything, does the square root of 42 equal 42? Or is mathematics a flaw in that reasoning?


Psht, everybody knows that this so-called 'math' is all a conspiracy of the public school system to preoccupy us with arbitrary numbers while the universe is systematically destroyed. :P


I mean uhh...the square root of 42 is 6.480740698. Therefore, the square root of 42 is not real. Right?>.>



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1. What's your favorite part of GitS? BTW, mine is when Niilhus and Zerak and Philo dismantle Szian's servant.


2. Can people will themselves to die successfully?

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