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Notes From Billund



One more day left in my BIONICLE week in Billund, and thought I would share some notes:


-- Piraka are doing very well, outselling the Toa Hordika and Visorak from 2005. Everyone is very pleased about that.

-- Saw the first Toa Inika commercials yesterday, which were just great. Very different, but still true to the feel of the characters and what they can do.

-- Got some details on some big promotions and some big web news you will be hearing about in the coming weeks.

-- Saw the whole range of 2007 sets for the first time -- they blow away anything ever done for BIONICLE, individually and as a group. The most differentiated sets we have ever done, they make the 2001 Toa look like clone sets. I was impressed with the Piraka when I first saw them, but if the 2007 sets are a sign of the future of BIONICLE, the future seems very bright.

-- Lots of story discussion on Wednesday. As usual, the story team fought a lot :) Wouldn't be a story meeting if we didn't, because everyone involved in BIONICLE gets very passionate about it.

-- Found out that as of the end of 2005, over 600,000 BIONICLE books have been sold and 11 were on Barnes and Noble's Top 500 list. Sales are a wee bit softer this year, which is to be expected after a series has been running this long -- but the books are now making it into more places, like Spain and France, with activity books slated for a lot of other places -- so go buy books :)




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Yes Greg. *I Go out and buy every Bionicle book I can find*


Wow. Now I am really excited about next year! Woot!


Those are some pretty good book sales too. And the Piraka are out selling them both? Wicked.


*Waits excitedly for Promotion info*

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Wow...I am impressed with the number of books sold...I am anxious to hear more about the 2007 sets...Looks even better than the Piraka? Absurd... :P-The Servant-

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Piraka are doing very well, outselling the Toa Hordika and Visorak from 2005.
Well, you're welcome. :P

I only recently completed the Visorak collection but am currently unable to do that for the Hordika. >,<


Oh no, you're already going to get people pumped for 2007, and we haven't finished half of 2006... we're not ready! Of course, the series does get better and better with each year, and we know that's in part because they actually do listen to fans. ^_^


©1984-2006 Toaraga EAM

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So the 2007 Toa and the six evil will be more different from each other than ever? That's just awesome, the more variety there is the more sensible it becomes to buy all of them for MOCing purposes and it makes the individual sets much more interesting.



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Saw the whole range of 2007 sets for the first time -- they blow away anything ever done for BIONICLE, individually and as a group. The most differentiated sets we have ever done, they make the 2001 Toa look like clone sets. I was impressed with the Piraka when I first saw them, but if the 2007 sets are a sign of the future of BIONICLE, the future seems very bright.

/salute Lego

Thank you! Thank you! I've always wanted more variety in the sets! But, you have the whole 2007 range finished in the middle of 2006? Oh well, you do have a three-year story arc you want to come together nicely. Planning ahead is necessary.


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Sets have to be done early, because you need them to show to licensees, you need art of them for book covers, you need to start making posters and standees and other things like that for stores for next year. Now we have to start on 2008!



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How come I'm never in Billund when you are, hm?


Sounds good about 2007, I'm curious to see these new sets, though I guess we'll have to wait till fall... that's when leaked images always appear. But could you at least tell if they're different in the Piraka way, such as feet, heads, bodies, armor and such, or if it's also construction-wise? 'Cause that would rule.


I'd buy those books too, if only they were being sold here... currently, I'm rampaging through BST on my search for them.



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Piraka are doing very well, outselling the Toa Hordika and Visorak from 2005. Everyone is very pleased about that.

Exaaaactly as I predicted. :evilgrin: Excellent--one more step for 2006 to be the best Bionicle year so far. ^_^ Keep up the awesome work yall are doing, Greg and LEGO! Can't wait for '07 now...


so go buy books

Duly buying! :salutes:

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Promotions? Could this mean MCDONALDS PROMOS? :happydance:


I'm ready to eat McNuggets every day during the promo.


Can you at least give us a tiny description of some of the 2007 Sets?

Probably not, but the Inika and the 06 Titans are involved, right?


What are the Inika Commercials like? Baseball-themed? :P


Seeing as how their nicknames are very similar to Baseball stuff, why not? Or are they like Lightning striking the Canisters, and the Inika emerging?

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The most differentiated sets we have ever done, they make the 2001 Toa look like clone sets.

ALRIGHT!! Now THAT'S what I'm talking about!! Way to go, Lego! Way to go, Bionicle! And here I was getting all complainy that the Inika only made clone sets worse. Well, I'm looking forward now.

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Great news on all fronts, Greg - thanks for the update!! ^_^


I'm just getting into 2006 and now you're talking about '07! Still, good to hear that the sets are so promising. And that's really awesome info on the book sales - my sisters and I love reading them and can't wait to get BL#3. Thanks for all the work you do and for being so kind to let us know of the events higher up in Lego. :)

-Israeli Toa

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Wowzers, man. Must've been a productive trip!

Piraka are doing very well, outselling the Toa Hordika and Visorak from 2005. Everyone is very pleased about that.

That's definitely good news - Means that Lego is finally learning from its mistakes. The Piraka are definitely an improvement over last years' sets, so I'm glad to see them succeeding.

Saw the first Toa Inika commercials yesterday, which were just great. Very different, but still true to the feel of the characters and what they can do.

Lovely ^_^. They sounds good - I'm thinking that tey have something to do with their "Sporty" nicknames (That would certainly make the ads "Different")

Got some details on some big promotions and some big web news you will be hearing about in the coming weeks.

Ooooooo...VNOLG? Matoran Escape? Those big animations? Shweet. Can't wait!

Saw the whole range of 2007 sets for the first time -- they blow away anything ever done for BIONICLE, individually and as a group. The most differentiated sets we have ever done, they make the 2001 Toa look like clone sets. I was impressed with the Piraka when I first saw them, but if the 2007 sets are a sign of the future of BIONICLE, the future seems very bright.

Oh man...Oh man...This is incredibly tought to go through, you know? :P the suspense is killer...But at least it's nice to know that we have something to look forwards to.

Lots of story discussion on Wednesday. As usual, the story team fought a lot Wouldn't be a story meeting if we didn't, because everyone involved in BIONICLE gets very passionate about it.

Lol :P Of course. I can just picture it now. Enthusiasm is good, though.

Found out that as of the end of 2005, over 600,000 BIONICLE books have been sold and 11 were on Barnes and Noble's Top 500 list. Sales are a wee bit softer this year, which is to be expected after a series has been running this long -- but the books are now making it into more places, like Spain and France, with activity books slated for a lot of other places -- so go buy books

Well, I buy books, so I'm proud to say that I support Lego well enough ^_^. I'm pretty sure I contributed to that 600,000.


Sounds like everything went awesomely in Billund. Keep it up Greg and everyone!





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-- Piraka are doing very well, outselling the Toa Hordika and Visorak from 2005. Everyone is very pleased about that.

That's probably because the Piraka are a lot better than the 2005 sets.


-- Saw the first Toa Inika commercials yesterday, which were just great. Very different, but still true to the feel of the characters and what they can do.

Hm... I never even saw a Piraka commercial.


-- Got some details on some big promotions and some big web news you will be hearing about in the coming weeks.

Sweet... can't wait to hear about it!


-- Saw the whole range of 2007 sets for the first time -- they blow away anything ever done for BIONICLE, individually and as a group. The most differentiated sets we have ever done, they make the 2001 Toa look like clone sets. I was impressed with the Piraka when I first saw them, but if the 2007 sets are a sign of the future of BIONICLE, the future seems very bright.

Wow... sounds awesome. I can't wait till we can see what they look like... around the end of this year.


-- Lots of story discussion on Wednesday. As usual, the story team fought a lot Wouldn't be a story meeting if we didn't, because everyone involved in BIONICLE gets very passionate about it.

That's good.


-- Found out that as of the end of 2005, over 600,000 BIONICLE books have been sold and 11 were on Barnes and Noble's Top 500 list. Sales are a wee bit softer this year, which is to be expected after a series has been running this long -- but the books are now making it into more places, like Spain and France, with activity books slated for a lot of other places -- so go buy books

Part of the reason for that is that only 3 out of 6 books so far have been released... You might have better numbers once all six are out (at the end of the year).



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-- Saw the whole range of 2007 sets for the first time -- they blow away anything ever done for BIONICLE, individually and as a group. The most differentiated sets we have ever done, they make the 2001 Toa look like clone sets. I was impressed with the Piraka when I first saw them, but if the 2007 sets are a sign of the future of BIONICLE, the future seems very bright.
as bright as jaller inika's face :lol:


i am now incredably eager to get my hands on pics of these guys

they sound revolutionary, can't wait till '07... and '06 isn't even half over


and all that other stuff is good too i guess :P

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2007! gettin exited exited excited...really EXCITED! (jumping around the room) wooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.



inika commercials? i wander what they are like? *hint* *hint*


^_^ :onfire: :dunce: :giveup: :flaguk:

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Oh, you lucky person. ;)


Man, I would die to see the '07 sets.....Especially if they aren't clone sets. :P


Well, I've got BL 1 and 2 so far, and eagerly awaiting the arrival of BL 3 in stores near me! I love the books, they reveal so much more than the comics ever will, and the writing style you use is great, too. :)


then the future seems very bright


As bright as the Piraka's eyes! :lol:



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Oh, Greg. You make me drool with envy.


They make the 2001 Toa look like clone sets.


Which frankly they were, but it's still awesome news! I suppose you can't divulge any information, but how many different body types are there? Can you give us a hint about that? (You'll probably say something very enigmatic like, "Lots.")


Rantingfully yours,

:smilelewanu: LFZ

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1.The piraka are very cool.Plus,many people don't have them and will clear the shelves for new stuffs.Yay stuff! :drooling:

2.OMGETH,Inika comercials!?!Do they go any thing like this:

Lightning zaps the canisters,the inika cut there way open.They step on the island,and look at the piraka.Their weapons glow,and the Inika and piraka fight.

3.Ah,yes,the voya-nui games and animations.

Promos?Do you mean like burger king or other fast food restaraunts that are all the rage that come with toys? :drooling: Omg....

4.*Screams to the top of my lungs*

Holy crud!That awsome!???!!

I need to see those sets!!!!!!

5.Yes,changes for even more exiting stuff.Yes...

6.Ain't nothin new,in my opinion.

Well,you only released three books so far,just wait,just wait....

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Y- Y- You ssss- saw the whole range of 07 sets!?! :wired: OMG! They made the Toa Mata look like CLONE SETS!? I CANNOT WAIT!! That part just made my jaw drop two feet.



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Piraka are doing very well, outselling the Toa Hordika and Visorak from 2005. Everyone is very pleased about that.

Knew they had it in them. ^_^ The Piraka are simply outstanding. Which reminds me, I STILL don't have Hakann or Avak! *sigh* I'm SO behind... :rolleyes:


Saw the first Toa Inika commercials yesterday, which were just great. Very different, but still true to the feel of the characters and what they can do.

Oooooohhh...I guess that means they won't have a cool lair like the Piraka, but then maybe that's a good thing for everybody else. :glare:


Got some details on some big promotions and some big web news you will be hearing about in the coming weeks.



*when I shout that, it really sounds like "SPRING BREAK! WOO!" Try it. ;) *


Saw the whole range of 2007 sets for the first time -- they blow away anything ever done for BIONICLE, individually and as a group. The most differentiated sets we have ever done, they make the 2001 Toa look like clone sets. I was impressed with the Piraka when I first saw them, but if the 2007 sets are a sign of the future of BIONICLE, the future seems very bright.

NO WAY, dude! :bigeek: This is VERY good news! :D


Lots of story discussion on Wednesday. As usual, the story team fought a lot.

:lol: That's good to know. You know Greg, you should tape one of these things, then release it months later when all the facts and story info are widely known. Of course, that might be impossible... :P


Found out that as of the end of 2005, over 600,000 BIONICLE books have been sold and 11 were on Barnes and Noble's Top 500 list. Sales are a wee bit softer this year, which is to be expected after a series has been running this long -- but the books are now making it into more places, like Spain and France, with activity books slated for a lot of other places -- so go buy books.

*writes in schedule* Buy. Books. :wakeup2:


I get every single Bionicle book by you Greg, no exceptions. :) I don't get the Chronicles series, those are just boring(except for #4, I like that one).

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Holy cow. That's awesome!


Personally, I can't wait to hear about the website, and also the sets. But that won't come 'til later this year. Ah well.


600,000 books and counting!



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