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I Have Bad Handwriting



I do. I really do. You'd swear a monkey wrote what I write, but that's too mean. To the monkey, that is. This monkey would have had to never gone to monkey kindergarten, if such a thing exists.


But I do feel special for having it, as bad handwriting is a privelege usually reserved for doctors. Now, I've made, in my career, about a tenth of what a doctor earns for going to the bathroom in the morning. But it makes me feel like I'm stickin' it to the man, cause I can have terrible handwriting too. It's wonderlicious.


But perhaps it's time for another one of those great events, that the world more or less stops for on a dime (which starts to get expensive, cause of all the dimes) - The Title Awards!


IPB Image


We're just gonna hand out one today, and this award is for Most Annoying Bionicle Character. Taipu obviously deserves a mention, but he's just so annoying it's actually cool. No, I believe this one goes to Vakama Hordika, who has "let his friends down" around 79 times, by my last count. Also, then he turned evil, and acted like it wasn't his fault. Pfffft. He's such "a super cool dude". The one redeeming quality is that Bionicle Rex quote, "likes", unquote, him. Congratulations, schmagulations, Vakama Hordika!


: TA Winners :


Most Misleading Band Name : Men Without Hats

Best Animal Name : Yak

Worst Sports Mascot : Stanford Tree

Most Annoying Bionicle Character : Vakama Hordika


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Say what you will, but Vakama Hordika is kinda annoying. He lost the accent! And he's all "GRR!" which isn't that hot. Nope, I think I'll take him without the rediculous neurotoxins coursing through his hydralic fluid.

And five bucks says that I have worse handwriting than you. I'LL SHOW YOU. It helps that I can't decide whether I'm right handed or left handed, so I suck with both.



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I never thought Taipu was annoying. :mellow:


I mean, I just thought he had too many cups of coffee and an overactive imagination. And he follows you for the entire game, which kinda...


Nah, Exo's right as always, Taipu's officially annoying. :P

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You don't even know the meaning of those three words. Perhaps individually, but in one sentence? I fail to think so.

Sometimes even I can't read what I write.

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I have to agree about the trees. . I went to a Stanford game with my friend, and me not being the football type, I didn't know what their mascot was. And my friend pointed to the tree. It's quite humiliating I bet though when your team gets beat by a tree.

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Never been to Kindergarden.




Offentriecomment:Exo,I would like to Imform you I am now Ehlek,Not chupacabra anymore.So make a different snappy comback name on the abnormal list.




Fear me,mortals.....Bwahahahahahahahaha

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Most Misleading Band Name: Barenaked Ladies OR All American Rejects


Both are lies


The Barenaked Ladies are not Barenaked, nor are they ladies. They are fullyclothed men


And the All American Rejects are not All American, because they don't play Football and watch Baseball over Family Guy, and they are not rejects. They are conformist buttmunches

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In order, starting from Kika:


Forestly owned!


Done, Eel-Kicker.


u r rite!!!!!1111


Complicated machinery, Mitt-Spit. Complicated machinery.



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Most Misleading Band Name: Barenaked Ladies OR All American Rejects


Both are lies


The Barenaked Ladies are not Barenaked, nor are they ladies. They are fullyclothed men


And the All American Rejects are not All American, because they don't play Football and watch Baseball over Family Guy, and they are not rejects. They are conformist buttmunches

LOL, you're right. Barenaked Ladies is, IMO, the most misleading band name. I've never thought about it. :P

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Most missleading band name:I don't know.

Best animal name:Trogdor:Burninator

Worst mascot:Larry lint

Most annoying bionicle character:Matau metru.

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