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Ave Kanohi

ToM Dracone


Pohuaki is awesome.


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So is everyone who voted for me – thanks again! The same can easily be said of a lot of the artists who entered AC12 in both categories, as there were a lot of great entries this contest ...


This brings my count of rare Kanohi to find down to four: the orange Vahi, chrome Hau, infected Hau, and copper Komau (not counting misprints). I've never wanted the movie edition Kraahkan, and I'm obviously not even counting the solid gold Hau and platinum Avohkii ... But this is great! I now have four Poisoned Hau Nuva and one of my most coveted Kanohi, the transparent neon green Miru.


I shall now go and contemplate the shrine I intend to make to the Miru until I find something more interesting to fawn over. If you were wondering about the title.

– ToM


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Ah yes, I have two contaminated Hau Nuva and an orange Vahi. Course, both mine have the same texture (the same one on your Toa and the little blue Matoran), but yanno...


"Ave Kanohi" is "Hail to the Mask", correct? I read a book where "Ave Dominus Nox" meant "Hail to the Lord of the Night" and "Ave Imperator" means "Hail to the Emporer", so yeah... I love Latin. It sounds so cool.

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I'm excessively jealous of you're stash of CHN's and a TNGM... however, I have a chrome hau. :P


And I have a Chrom Hau and an orange Vahi. u_u


Anyhow, nice job on the contest ToM. Good luck on the collection.



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I have an orange Vahi and Infected Hau. I don't see what's so special about the Infected Hau, though. They were available in Muaka and Kane-Ra... Now, unless the code or whatever is different for the Kanohi Pack IH, and the Muaka IH (Like the Europian and American CH), then they're not worth much. They just look sweet.


I am jealous of three of your CHNs. I have but one, the (normal) green forhead. And I also have a TNGM, so... Yeah.


Anywho. Congrats, ToM.

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As I'm listening in on a discussion about Halo, I notice that my blog has 117 comments ... How typical.


Mikerahk, Tmd – I saw the Powerpack at Toys "R" Us once in 2001, but I didn't get it ... I really wanted it, but my dad discouraged me ... Now one of my chief objectives is to get one and thereby acquire (Tohunga) Hafu and a Kanohi Rua. I also have a knack for narrowly missing promotions – I think I was out-of-town during the Walgreens Vahi promotion. :annoyed2:


Takatu – Indeed! Ave Caesar morituri te salutant! "Hail, Caesar, those about to die salute you!" I love Latin ... Ave! is a fun way to greet people. ^_^ (Although Dominus Nox is technically "Night Lord," not "Lord of the Night.")


ET – Yes, but Muaka and Kane-Ra were a big set ... Which I didn't get. :lookaround: So it qualifies as rare in my case, and it's also a really cool mask anyway.


Ave Roodaka!

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Ah yes. So maybe I can see why people make such a big fuss over prizes all the time. ;)


Lookin' good, guys. Ol' Ninjy looks rather sick, though. He looks like he's got a killer fever and he's all green in the face and everything. I mean, for crying out loud, that Hau started off black. Hope it isn't contagious.


Ah, I jest. And the conflags for the win still stand. Woo. :D

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You know ToM, you should donate those masks to the Mike and Rahk Foundation. Here at M&R we collect contaminated objects, such as CHN's. Studies show that they can give their owners serious anger issues. For your own and everyone elses safety, I would recommend getting into contact with this esteemed foundation and liquidating your 'collection' of CHN's, and as a special offer, we are also currently accepting TNGM's because they are said to give the owner ... I got nothing.


And since I didn't comment on them before, the mocs all look great with the masks. IMO if you tossed some neon green on the navy moc, it would look quite spiffy.


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Atleast you'le be able to make a shrine for youre tngm.I've got to make a rack for 40 tngm's.And I don't think the_sim will be able to put up all his 296 CHN's.Atleast I'm building something original for my misprints and most rare collectibles.

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What a Mötley Crüe you've got there, mate. :lol:


Many congratulations, ToMmy boy. :D You definitely deserved that win.


*thinks* My "rare" mask/collectible count is...seven? Movie-edition Kraakhan, shadow kraata, orange Vahi, gold Vahi, disk of time, trans-neon-green Miru, and US Copper Huna (thanks to homiecron for those last two). I only have one of each kind, so that's the full count. ^_^

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Uhm,I think youre going to envy me,cause I have some items you want.

1:Sealed muaka&kanera(wich means also 2X infected hau)

2:3 spare infected hau olda's

3:sealed powerpack

I am in the market of selling/trading these,but I'm guessing youre not a trader.But if you are intersted pm me.

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