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Computer Upgrade

Lady Kopaka


Yuuusss. <3


Ordered some parts a few days ago and they came in the mail yesterday. Dad and I stayed up basiclly till 12am yesterday putting it together, and it's just now that I've finally got most things reinstalled and running smoothly. Still got a few options to tinker with, I need Microsoft Word and some other programs, but so far everything's wonderful. :D I just got most of my favorite games installed and they are playing perfectly, it's amazing how fast and smoothly they are running. And hopefully I have eliminated a lot of the lagging and crashing for Photoshop.


If you guys are wondering, my new specs are now:


Microsoft Windows XP

AMD Athlon 64 X2 Duel Core 6000+

3.10 GHz, 4.00 GB of RAM

NVIDIA GeForce 9600 GT

DVD RW Drive

150 GB Space


The only problems so far is I don't like the current resolution, the computer is claiming I only have 3GBs when I know there is 4, and lastly the fail harddrive space, it was the only thing I wasn't able to update. So while 150 is fine, my next-gen games basically devoured the majority of the space.


What I love about this too was how cheap I was able to upgrade. Sure I had to deal with the annoyance of building, and had to kick it a few times to work, but huzzah all the same! :D


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I mean uh, that's great.^.^ I don't know what half that list meant, buuut anything that causes Lady K to put two :D emotes in one blog entry has to be good, right?x3



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Niiiiiiiice! Sounds like the upgrade brought it up to a decent level! Almost par with mine:


Windows Vista™ Home Premium (6.0, Build 6001) Service Pack 1 (6001.vistasp1_gdr.080917-1612)

Intel® Core2 Duo CPU P7350 @ 2.00GHz (2 CPUs)

2.00Ghz, 4090 MB of RAM (approx 4 GB)

NVIDIA GeForce 9700M GTS

DVD RW Drive

189 GB Space


Not that I'm trying to out-shine you or show off though. d=


Do you use a desktop or a laptop? I myself have a laptop.


takumasmilie.gifTakuma Nuva:infected:

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Woah! You've got a Elmo av now?


Phy was Elmo.


And Raia's Zoe, last time I checked.


And I had my av as Cookie Monster. Maybe I should change it back to that....


This sudden change to Sesame Street avs is very nice.

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Do you use a desktop or a laptop?

Desktop. This computer has been around for ages, I'm too clingy and poor to get anything else for now.


You can't change your resolution?

I can, but the other resolutions don't look good at all. I'm just not used to such a large screen. (1280x1024)

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Wait, your building a computer?

You are just like my friend(except he is a guy, and he built his computer completely for gaming)

Sounds like you have a very ampped up computer.


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Grah, I wish I had your computer. I am really getting sick of Windows Vista and it's incredibly incompetent compatiblity problems. :rolleyes:



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If your computer is claiming you only have 3GB, it may mean that your system can only recognize up to that amount of space. So no matter how much you put in, it'll only recognize 3GB of it.


I may be wrong, because I'm definitely not a computer expert, but that's what I know, so I'm just puttin' it out there. :)



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If your computer is claiming you only have 3GB, it may mean that your system can only recognize up to that amount of space. So no matter how much you put in, it'll only recognize 3GB of it.


I may be wrong, because I'm definitely not a computer expert, but that's what I know, so I'm just puttin' it out there. :)



Well I thought about that and it may be true, but when I was ordering my parts I thoroughly checked on that, and made sure my parts would handle that. I got 4gbs because it was on sale, and if my system really can't recognize that extra gig it's not a extreme loss, but I'd like to figure out if it is that, or just some silly thing I gotta fix.

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I think it has something to do with what version of Windows you're running, if anyone knows what I'm trying to say :P

I know what you're trying to say ... I think. :P


Problem is, I don't know of any versions that can only handle up to 3GB of memory. I always thought it was 2GB, 4GB, and 64GB.



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I think it has something to do with what version of Windows you're running, if anyone knows what I'm trying to say :P

I know what you're trying to say ... I think. :P


Problem is, I don't know of any versions that can only handle up to 3GB of memory. I always thought it was 2GB, 4GB, and 64GB.



I sorta understand...lol. I recently updgraded to SP3 to see if that did any good, but nope. :(


See that confuses me too! That's why I think it's more of a problem in the machine or settings, rather than the system can't handle it...because it should. I may go in the computer and make sure the memory is properly inserted. I already made the mistake of forgetting to hook up power to the video card. :P

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I believe it has something to do with whether you're running the 32-bit or the 64-bit version. The 64-bit version can handle up to 64 gigs of memory, but if you put 4 gigs into a system running a 32-bit version it will only recognize three.

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