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Cot Rpg Judges And Comedy



First of all, congrats to CJ and TPTI for joining our ranks!


Second, this is a comedy I wrote up about the RPG Approval process in COT. Due to certain members believing that it makes the Judges look bad *coughSisencough*, I have decided to post it here in my blog instead. Note that all characters portrayed here are not my perceptions of you as a person. Also realize that my style is not well refined in the humor department. XD


And TPTI! I don't know you that well, so I just made your character up based on your display name :P Please don't kill me!


The COT RPG Judges


Hai guys! I gots a new game.


Host and co-hosts/RPG staff (if applicable): robo1000. You canz apply for staffz via aims


Title (Must have): Realty


Theme: Sandbocks RPG


Well-written summary: In Realty you canz buy and sell real estate across the world. You must build a giant empire and you start out with one million dallars, which is excptid everywhere and money. You can join as part of Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, or Lehman Brothers. Or mayby start yourz own banks. But you can also be the evil lawyers, trying to steal money and bring down the real estate.


Additional requirements (if applicable): At the stock market you can use your powahs to buy and sell stox. Attack people who try to steel your stokx.



• You can’t buy the moon. Real estate is strictly planetary.

• You must use dallars as money so that no one is confused

• No God-Buying, this mean purchasing all the real estate in one post, or bombing other peeplez realty with nuclear splozions

• Vandalism is allowed, but only small vandalism. Like putting carnivorus plants in the yard of houzes.


Profile example:





Monopoly Piece:

Uber Powahs: (For use in stock market only)

Appearnce: (Must be business suit and briefcase only)

Bio: (Must involve tragic death and other tragic tradgedies of a tragic life.)


Anything else you want to mention: It’s awesome you must approve. It will become BeeZP’s largest RPG at over 450 pagez in its heyday before a massive deltion.


You liek?


robo1000: Gais, post nao!


Judgemaster: That was unnecessary, 1000. Please have patience. From what I can see of your RPG, it needs a lot of work. Instead of actually giving you advice, however, I will let the others come in here and rip you apart.


Realty: Not Approved (1)


robo1000: Aww mann please reconsider. It’s awesum!


Royal Judge: I’ll tell you what this is, 1000. This is the worst RPG I’ve ever seen. Please add more description, especially about the money system and the different factions.


Realty: Not Approved (2)


robo1000: *adds description* I edited


*A footnote appears in the submission that states “Description is here”*


Crimson Judge: ###### This is the ###### RPG ##### EVER! You ##### ##### $%$#$##### should never #$#%#$^$#$^##^###$%$% RPGs #$%^#^%#$^$#^$%#^$#^$%# again!


Realty: Not Approved(3)


robo1000: *cries* I’ll even fix my gramer if it makes you feel better.


Not a Judge: 1000, it’s grammar, not gramer.


Judgemaster: You are Not a Judge, and thus not allowed to post here.


Not a Judge: Non judges can post advice.


Judgemaster: That was not advice. That was flame.


Ghost Judge: BOO!


Realty: Not Approved (4)


Not a Judge: What about CJ, was that flame? And Ghost Judge just booed! Is that flame?


Judgemaster: No. That was advice.


Powahful Judge: I call upon the powahs of Tohu to grant me the wisdom to approve this RPG. We thank thee, Tohu, and thy servants Bink, Rex, B6, D, and Ninjo for this bountiful forum in which we may share our thoughts on-


Judgemaster: Ahem. No religion allowed in forums. That post is spam, Powahful.


Powahful Judge: Tish not spam! Tish a religion!


Judgemaster: *facepalms* Exactly…. Just approve the game, or not.


Powahful Judge: Tohu, in his infinite grace has granted me the ability to give this game a rating. And that rating shall be Realty: Not Approved(5). It shall not be Realty: Not(5) unless thou proceedest on to Realty: Not Approved(5). Realty: Approved(5) is right out!


And this RPG shall snuff it….


Judgemaster: That’ll be enough, Powahful.


Iduncare Judge: I don’t really care about this. I’ve seen it before and I didn’t care. So I don’t care if it makes it or not.


Realty: Approved(1)


robo1000: yayz :happydance: an approval!


Judgemaster: You realize you just approved a horrible RPG?


Iduncare Judge: I don’t care..


Confused Judge: Everyone always forgets about me… Anyway, this game doesn’t make any sense.


Realty: Not Approved(6)


robo1000: It doesn’t have to be historical! I have my rights!


Fat Judge: *runs up panting* Guys! Lehman Brothers just filled Class 11 bankruptcy! The stock market has crashed and real estate is down the drain! Sell your stocks before it’s too late!


Oh look! An RPG! Realty: Not Approved(7)


Crimson Judge: ####$%$#&^%&^%#&*%#@$#%&%#%&$!@$^#%#@%#^@^$#&^%%@!@%#$&$#$!


Royal Judge: What he said!


Iduncare Judge: I don’t really care..


*everyone runs off, leaving robo1000 alone*


*Omigosh walks by*


Omigosh: Whatcha got there


robo1000: An RPGee… Do you liek it?


Omigosh: It sucks


robo1000: *cries*





Recommended Comments

I am one of the Judges...


That Iduncare one sounds like me when I talk to people =D


In most cases.


Though, if you got all the Judges' permissions along with scattered members, you would be able to post it as a comedy cuz you'd have permission from the people. XP

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It's stuck in blog until I can get their permissions. :P


And, yes that is you. It's pretty easy to figure out who everyone is.

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Oh, and Rex isn't one of the Administrators anymore, cuz I just remembered that he resigned, and I saw that he was mentioned with all the other Admins. Bink... remains a mystery to all.
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Thanks Robo.


Spink- But Rex was an admin at one point, and benifitted this site greatly ;) Bink was also an admin as well. :P

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For not having much experience with comedy writing, you sure did a great job, Exo.


<3 the Monty Python reference.



Best comedy group ever.

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Will you be thinking about adding regular members, or just making fun of the other judges?

Possibly. Are you applying to be made fun of? :P

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*Looks at comedy*

*Looks at RPG Topic*

*Looks back at comedy*

*Looks back at RPG Topic*



Du I subbmit ma RPGz hear? lolo1o1o1o1seventy-four!

Seriously, I have no clue which is which.



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lol, I'm a preacher, that's hilarious :D


Royal Judge and CJ are eerily accurate depictions of their real life counter parts...

Wait, Iduncare was Spink? I thought it was Idunnolol?

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*Looks at comedy*

*Looks at RPG Topic*

*Looks back at comedy*

*Looks back at RPG Topic*



Du I subbmit ma RPGz hear? lolo1o1o1o1seventy-four!

Seriously, I have no clue which is which.



That's what Sisen was afraid of :P


This is awesoma. I love it. >=D


Can't wait for more. =P


* Hopes I can make an appearance in here.*

You just might.


lol, I'm a preacher, that's hilarious :D


Royal Judge and CJ are eerily accurate depictions of their real life counter parts...

Wait, Iduncare was Spink? I thought it was Idunnolol?

*wipesbrow* Whew. I'm glad you didn't kill me for that XD. Yes, Iduncare is Spink. He' remarkably non caring in many conversations. He simply doesn't care about anything :P. Rather depressing really XD.


To all who would like to see some more of this. Perhaps a new chappy will be here some time this week..

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