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7 Strong, But Growing



The Blue-Vice is relunctantly proud to introduce its newest member:


Name: Kouki
Digimon: BioThunderbirmon
Evolution-Style: Hyper Bio-Evolution (Self)
First Appearance: Digimon Savers: Episode 27

Backstory: Little is known about Kouki, the apparent leader of Kurata's gang of Bio-Digimon. With his two allies Nanami and Ivan, Kouki fights against Masaru and his team of Savers. His custom iC allows him to take on his Digimon form, though at this time it's unknown which is Kouki's true self.


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You should post more about cream and fruit filled pastries. That would get you more posts.

Interesting suggestion. I"ll take that into consideration for future entires. ;)

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FINALLY! Someone on BZP I am SURE watches Digimon Savers. I noticed your Savers-themed side buttons, but I wasn't sure. What language do you watch them in? I'm stuck at episode 15 because of the English subbing team's missing member. >.<


~ :v: _ :t:

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You should post more about cream and fruit filled pastries. That would get you more posts.

Interesting suggestion. I"ll take that into consideration for future entires. ;)

*steals idea*



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*steals idea*

*Steals idea back*


Trust me on this one.


FINALLY! Someone on BZP I am SURE watches Digimon Savers. I noticed your Savers-themed side buttons, but I wasn't sure. What language do you watch them in? I'm stuck at episode 15 because of the English subbing team's missing member.

There are certain sites that have videos with subs available to view. Last I checked these went up to 20, though I'm not certain if there are any more (haven't had a chance to look)


I've been staying fairly caught up on the action (best I can with about 7 episodes of subless material to take in). Kouki is just too good to pass up on though. I'm quickly making the finishing touches on his button, though it's meant making a few changes with the others.

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My only source for Digimon Savers info is Wikipedia... And that's pretty pathetic. Plus, last, I checked, they hadn't updated with Ep. 27. :(


*partially my fault 'cause I refuse to download any video from a place I am not familiar with*


So what's the deal with Kouki? I don't get the Hyper-BioEvolution thing.

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From the looks of things, Kouki and his cohorts are Digimon who have either been forced to take on a human form or are somehow fused with a human. They use their Digisoul and Digivice to turn back into their Digimon form.


Something like that...they haven't given much in the way of details yet.

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