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What are some good books to read? For my liking, I really love J.R.R. Tolkien and Lord of the Rings. Along with other action/adventure/fantasy.


Any suggestions? I'm looking for more books to add to my shelf. And if someone mentions BIONICLE books, I will have to kill you. I already read them - and I like them.




Recommended Comments

Go for D.J. MacHale's Pendragon Series. The last book comes out in May, so you won't have long to wait if you read through all of them. :P


If you like Graphic Novels, Jeff Smith's Bone is a good read.


I don't know if you would like them, but I particularly enjoy Star Wars EU novels from the 90's.

Some good ones are:

-Tales of the Bounty Hunters (An Anthology), edited by Kevin J. Anderson.

-The Mandalorian Armor, by K.W. Jeter

-Truce At Bakura, by Kathy Tyres

-Heir To The Empire, by Timothy Zahn

-Jedi Search, by Kevin J. Anderson

-The Crystal Star, by Vonda N. McIntyre

(All are in chronological order)


Oh, and if you like Tolkien, you should look into The Children of Hurin, and some of his other works.

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What's a book?


The Redwall series was very enjoyable. And long. Like 14 books or something.


Are you serious? There are like fourty.




O RLY? There are only twenty. =/


But they were kk. Got a little repetitive after like the tenth. But I enjoyed them.


If you like Sci Fi, all the Halo books are pretty good, with the exception of The Flood. I've heard there are also a fair number of good Star Wars books, but I haven't read any personally.



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An awesome series is The Tripods Trilogy, by John Christopher. It's a beautifully written Sci-Fi series, definitely worth reading.


Here are their titles:


The White Mountains

The City Of Gold & Lead

The Pool Of Fire

The Coming Of The Tripods (Prequel)


And Robert A. Heinlein also has awesome Sci-Fi stuff, here are his best, IMHO. Some of his other books are written for adults, so watch anything else you get from him. :)


Have Spacesuit Will Travel

Red Planet

Space Cadet


And, also, Lemony Snicket's "A Series Of Unfortunate Events", which odds are, you've already read.


We do a lot of reading in my family, and my parents have a reading list website, with ratings and stuff, for all the better books we've read. So... yeah, there are my recommendations. :)


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If you like Tolkien, I would highly recommend Christopher Paolini's Inheritance Series. The fourth (and final) book hasn't been released yet. It's all about dragons, magic, and sword fighting! The Harry Potter series is exceptional as well if you like fictional fantasy that is placed in our own world. It's very creative and humorous as well! The books keep you sucked in until the very end.

If you want a really, really good thriller which will twist itself around your mind, you have to read Thr3e by Ted Dekker. His Circle Trilogy is wonderful too (that's one that I need to purchase one of these days...)

If you would be interested in a humorous comic-book style novel that is very different from your average comic, I would recommend the Tintin series. That's right, Tintin. It's hard to describe, but his adventures are always enjoyable to read!

And finally, if you want a book which is good for thought and will actually make a difference in your life and the life of others, I would highly highly highly (repeat: highly) recommend you read Alex and Brett Harris' "Do Hard Things". Don't ask why, just read it. Out of all of the books I have mentioned, you should read this one first. I mean that.

Let us know what you get! :)

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If you would be interested in a humorous comic-book style novel that is very different from your average comic, I would recommend the Tintin series. That's right, Tintin. It's hard to describe, but his adventures are always enjoyable to read!

O_e We watch Tintin in French Class... I find the videos boring and corny as is, I couldn't imagine reading it. Maybe the ones made into films were the older and more boring ones though. And maybe it being translated into french has something to do with it. Still though...


Ummmm... Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.... Read it.

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If you would be interested in a humorous comic-book style novel that is very different from your average comic, I would recommend the Tintin series. That's right, Tintin. It's hard to describe, but his adventures are always enjoyable to read!

I almost recommended Tintin, lol. Tintin is fun to read, a classic. Sort of an old school graphic novel. :)


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Anything by Isaac Asimov (I Robot, Foundation series, Nightfall, The Naked Sun, etc). Also, Anthony Horowitz wrote some pretty good spy books.

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Sort of an old school graphic novel. :)

Ohhhhh, I didn't know it was a graphic novel. Nevermind my statement a bit more.

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Tom Clancy's novels are great, but be prepared for mass swearing! I'm reading Rainbox Six at the moment.

Also try the Jedi Apprentice Series, they're a quick read, but are really interesting and there's 18 of them.

Speaking of books, I have to go finish of a writing task for school...

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Lol, thanks for all the suggestions. I'll have to visit the library/barnes and nobles some time soon. :P


I've heard of most of these, and I think I'll probably read at least some.

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Yes, the Tintin series is great, that's my favorite series after Bionicle. Captain Haddock is very funny. :lol:

I also started reading a relatively new series called The Chronicles of the Imagnorium Geographica, by James Owen.

All I'll say is if you like Tolkien, you'll most likely enjoy it. :P

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Oooh! Try:


Artemis Fowl series by Eoin Colfer

Percy Jackson and the Olympians series by Rick Riordan

Secrets of The Immortal Nicholas Flamel (namesake of Alchy) series by Michael Scott


Great books. :)



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I suggest you read The Longlight Legacy, by Dennis Foon, if you like adventure/fantasy. It's a trilogy. The books are called The Dirt Eaters, Freewalker, and The Keeper's Shadow.

And yes, if you haven't read it already, Harry Potter. 'Tis very much yes.

- :l: :flagcanada:
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City of Ember, People of Sparks, and Prophet of Yonwood are books I enjoyed. They are a series, so I suggest reading the City of Ember first. But you don't have to read it to understand the others. Lets see now, of, the Westing Game was one of the best I've read. I've heard the Alex Rider Series are good, but I only read one book, Scorpia. Great book, I tell you.
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If you like Tolkien, I would highly recommend Christopher Paolini's Inheritance Series. The fourth (and final) book hasn't been released yet. It's all about dragons, magic, and sword fighting!

I wouldn't. o_o


I read the first two and they were the corniest copycat books ever written. In My Opinion. :P


I've been too scared to read the newest one.


For seriously.


In book two.


They said.


"Barges? Barges? We don't need no stinking barges!"


And no I'm not kidding.


I wish I were. =/


But the rest of the book isn't like that so it was really out of place and weird and awkward and I almost put the book down and I NEVER put books down.


End rant.



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If you would be interested in a humorous comic-book style novel that is very different from your average comic, I would recommend the Tintin series. That's right, Tintin. It's hard to describe, but his adventures are always enjoyable to read!

I almost recommended Tintin, lol. Tintin is fun to read, a classic. Sort of an old school graphic novel. :)


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Yay! Someone else who likes him! ^_^


If you like Tolkien, I would highly recommend Christopher Paolini's Inheritance Series. The fourth (and final) book hasn't been released yet. It's all about dragons, magic, and sword fighting!

I wouldn't. o_o


I read the first two and they were the corniest copycat books ever written. In My Opinion. :P


I've been too scared to read the newest one.


For seriously.


In book two.


They said.


"Barges? Barges? We don't need no stinking barges!"


And no I'm not kidding.


I wish I were. =/


But the rest of the book isn't like that so it was really out of place and weird and awkward and I almost put the book down and I NEVER put books down.


End rant.



lol! :P


Yeah, I've gotta admit they do copy some other stuff, but personally I like them. I guess I wouldn't highly recommend them on hindsight. I just like that genre and the storyline; therefor, I like the books! NOT to say that you have to! ;)


I'm not sure what you were getting at with that quote. As I recall, it was from an individual who just talked that way. Not everyone was like that in the book! :rolleyes:



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Here goes nothing. *takes in deep breath*

Brian Jacques' Redwall series. Also his Castaways series. Christopher Paolini's Inheritance Cycle is excellent (Eragon, Eldest, Brisingr, but you've already read that series, heven't you? Or am I confusing you for someone else?) D.J. MacHale's Pendragon series and the spin-off Before the War series is great. Also Eoin Colfer's Artemis Fowl books are excellent. Plus anything by Eoin Colfer. The Alex Rider series (by Anthony Horowitz) is pretty good, also anything by Horowitz is good. Kenneth Oppel's Firewing saga was great, along wiht the rest of his books. Another great book is Bifocal by Deborah Ellis and Eric Walters. And the rest of Eric Walters' books are excellent. And finally, Conor Kostick's Epic and its sequel Saga is (are?) excellent.

I'm a big reader. Go read those books now. They're mostly Sci-Fi/Fantasy/Action/Adventure novels.



EDIT: Oh, and you can't forget The Bartimeus Trilogy, The Ranger's Apprentice series or Vampirates.

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If you would be interested in a humorous comic-book style novel that is very different from your average comic, I would recommend the Tintin series. That's right, Tintin. It's hard to describe, but his adventures are always enjoyable to read!

I almost recommended Tintin, lol. Tintin is fun to read, a classic. Sort of an old school graphic novel. :)


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Yay! Someone else who likes him! ^_^


If you like Tolkien, I would highly recommend Christopher Paolini's Inheritance Series. The fourth (and final) book hasn't been released yet. It's all about dragons, magic, and sword fighting!

I wouldn't. o_o


I read the first two and they were the corniest copycat books ever written. In My Opinion. :P


I've been too scared to read the newest one.


For seriously.


In book two.


They said.


"Barges? Barges? We don't need no stinking barges!"


And no I'm not kidding.


I wish I were. =/


But the rest of the book isn't like that so it was really out of place and weird and awkward and I almost put the book down and I NEVER put books down.


End rant.



lol! :P


Yeah, I've gotta admit they do copy some other stuff, but personally I like them. I guess I wouldn't highly recommend them on hindsight. I just like that genre and the storyline; therefor, I like the books! NOT to say that you have to! ;)


I'm not sure what you were getting at with that quote. As I recall, it was from an individual who just talked that way. Not everyone was like that in the book! :rolleyes:



No no no, the words in and of themselves are fine. However, it is parodying the line "Badges? Badges? We don't need no stinkin' badges," from some movie or other. Parodied again with Badgers in Weird Al's UHF.



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Anything by Isaac Asimov (I Robot, Foundation series, Nightfall, The Naked Sun, etc). Also, Anthony Horowitz wrote some pretty good spy books.

Yeah, definitely check out Horowitz's Alex Rider series. The first book is called Stormbreaker and it's amazing. So are the other 6 that follow.

And I enjoyed Eragon, though I don't read as much fantasy as I would like, so maybe those that say it's bad are more immersed in it than I am.



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Alright, I'll be sure to check those out next time I go to the Library [i'll go to a bigger one next time, too =P].


And, I actually haven't read the Eragon series, though I've been wanting to. If they have it next time I go [they didn't last time] then I'll pick it up.



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Alex Rider is epic win. :P


Also, maybe The Bourne series, if you're into intelligent, crime mysteries. ;) I'd also recommend anything by Eoin Colfer.


EDIT: Eragon isn't as awesome and big as I thought it would be. It wasn't disappointing, but it was also nothing to be hugely recognized for. =/



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