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Good Stuff!



Pro: I got an apartment next year with four friends!

Con: There are no single rooms on the 4 person apartments, which means I'll have a roommate. He's a nice guy though.

Con: It's on the fourth floor. For reasons too complicated to explain here. And all my friends are on the best floor of all: 2nd.

Pro: But it's an apartment! (Which means kitchen.)

Pro: Another good friend I don't see enough of is also on the same floor. Hopefully that means we'll hang out more.

Uncontrollable con: The sun shines its first rays on my room. (I had better find some good blackout curtains, then, huh?)


Pro: Space Skulls arrived!

Pro: ...for $25!

Pro: It came with probably two dozen big bubble "wrap" bags that make a popping sound.

Con: I can't build it until tomorrow.


-CF :kakama:


Quote of the Day: My interest is in the future because I am going to spend the rest of my life there.


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Pro: It's on the forth floor, so you're guaranteed exercise. The seventh of either floor really keeps you in shape, although it starts to become annoying...


Unless you take the elevator...




What do you mean by "The seventh"?

But very good point. If I don't have my backpack with me (messenger bag) I'm always tempted to run up my two flights of stairs currently.



I meant "seventh or eighth" but I'm not using my regular keyboard so my typing is off...

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I guess I missed the boat with the space skulls set. Oh, well.


I hope you have fun building your new set.

For a second I thought you meant there was a boat in the set. I reread the entry to try and figure out where you had gotten that idea. A very O.o moment.

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