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That's awesome Binkmeister! You know, if you find all of the red bricks, and purchase the codes, you can turn on the x2, x4, x6, x8, and x10 score codes simultaniously? I've done it before and every stud's worth is multiplied 3,840 times! It'll make another billion studs an easy feet to accomplish :happy: .


- :t::l::h:

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Knowing him... He'd build something :)


Nah, congratulations Kels on gaining a billion studs. As Mistress Tufi said, what will you do?

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I got there the hard way, no cheat codes. 90.2% complete, missing 2 canisters (I'm convinced it's a bug), and need to finish the bonus brick levels.


After that... maybe I'll actually, y'know, get a life and get back to what I'm supposed to be doing, like skinning BZP or something. :)

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After that... maybe I'll actually, y'know, get a life and get back to what I'm supposed to be doing, like skinning BZP or something. :)

Skinning BZP?! I would've never thought of that! =O


Congrats on being such a stud getting so many studs Bink. :D

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Pretty good, considering that the maximum you can hold is 4 billion.


» Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «
Stupidly, when you get all the gold bricks, you can build a fountain that sprays studs. But you have already bought everything by then.... That's what I've heard, anyways....


I should stop all this coursework stuff and get back to what I'm supposed to be doing - playing LSWII....

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Spoiler tag is the non-functioningness on the BlogBink!



I've known the spoiler tag was broken in the blogs, I finally just found where to put it, so it's working correctly now.


And the Search is back, too. :) Although someone altered from previously.

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And the Search is back, too. :) Although someone altered from previously.

I just remembered what the difference between Google and Rollyo is: Rollyo uses Yahoo's search engine... and it looks cooler. =D

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That. Is. Amazing.


Couldn't resist. But that is awesome. My brothers and I together have been working on the game; we've got all canisters but one, located in Escape from the Death Star; can't find it anywhere! But a billion studs...that's nice. We're currently trying to get 2 million so we can buy the 2X stud. Then again, we've only got half an hour each...but eh, it works.


72%, not bad for myself.



Perhaps you should get a life, Binkmeister..then again, what life is there better than LEGO? J/k.



Can't blame you. It. Is. Addictive!



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And the Search is back, too. :) Although someone altered from previously.

You make search sound so small. :P Maybe a news or a topic or a blog entry would be better. Most people still dont know lol.

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And the Search is back, too. :) Although someone altered from previously.

You make search sound so small. :P Maybe a news or a topic or a blog entry would be better. Most people still dont know lol.

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That's good, but not compared to me...









I own, don't I? :P



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