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The major project for this course is a performance program. You will select and define a real, local or imaginary performance event such as a musical, choral, orchestral, or other performance-based event. You may select a real event, but the program cannot resemble existing programs, art, or media related to the event or performer.


I have to decide on something to do. I'm just going to make something up for this one...


I'm thinking either:

BZP- Some gathering/party or something.

Pokemon- A group thing, like the Nintendo parties they have.

Harry Potter- Uh... Yeah dress up and come to a Harry Potter experience thing. It'd be like Hogwarts. Maybe Wizard Duels.

Wicca- Experience the experience lol. See what it is about and learn about it.


Let me know which you think I should do.


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You like Digimon? Right?

So do something like that.

Although the Harry Potter does seem interesting.

I'm not sure what type of performance event I could do with Digimon. Card battles? :P


How about a music festival like Ozzfest or Wacken?


Never heard of neither...



Oh my other idea I forgot was Wicca thing. I have this one logo I made up before, it'd look wicked on the stuff I have to make.

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Out of all those, I'd go with the Harry Potter thing


That was my original idea I think. It is probably a good idea to go with something everyone should at least know the name of and doesn't play with any religion. I need a secondary message to the thing I make, I could use that reading thing the books did.

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