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Goin' To Waor



We've got a meet this weekend up in Spokane. Woo! Evidently WAOR is this huge meet where it's Oregon track teams versus Washington track teams in an all-out track battle for who will be the border clash champions. I'm competing in pole vault and the 200m (though my coach must have great faith in me for putting me in the 200, as there are gals on the team who are loads faster than me), but I think it'll be fun.


I just have to not go all mental and psych myself out during vault like last practice.....


On Friday, there's a banquet with all the teams and Saturday is when the meet is actually occuring, so we're leaving Friday at 9 AM to drive the four or so hours to get there, but I'll be bringing my laptop with me as I have a design I'm working on for someone ,so I cross my fingers that the hotel we'll be at will have wifi of some sort.


The one problem that I have is that the radio show I'm doing at the college's station is from 9-12 and the bus leaves at nine, so I unfortunately have to miss it this week. D:


And, today the photo editor of my college's newspaper offered potential paying work for me as one of their photographers. Even though it'd probably not be much money-wise, it's still awesome that someone is actually offering to buy my photos instead of just flat-out stealing them.


Hmm, this blog needs a better name....as much as I like "The cupboard under the stairs" it's just sort of like stating "why yes, as a matter of fact I am totally a blatantly obvious crazed insufferable know it all of a HP fan who does not think that that fact is siriusly riddikilus at all". The though of "Mishaps and Bubble Wrap" comes to mind, as well as a few other ideas, but suggestions, anyone?


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Polevaulting...Phew...one of the disciplines I never could figure out how they came to be...:D

Hope you have fun though. And wifi.

Congrats on the job offering too!


But no name comes to mind. At least nothing witty, just random insanity like the mountain.territory of a tripple-headed baboon.


=) Thanks! Yeah, pole vault is pretty bizarre, but I love it anyway. I think it may have started in Ireland or Scotland where they had competetions of jumping over ditches with poles....I remember seeing that on the Amazing Race one season.


"Mountain territory of a triple-headed baboon"....sounds like a Gorillaz song. :P



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Song names are always fun for blog names. Not exactly crazy or anything, but still awesome.

Paid photography, nice.

Ooh, and blog, woo.




Yes and yes. Well, the "mishaps and bubble wrap" is from Frou Frou's song, Let Go, which is probably one of my favourite songs ever, so maybe that will be it. I don't know. I'm being indecisive again.



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Haha...I really stink at thinking up blog titles, myself

. ^^;


Oh and congrats about the photography! I really love your work, so that's just awesome.


Aw, thanks! I have to say the same thing about your art as well. You know, the first time I looked at your art topic, I thought you were like this crazy twentysomething college artist with all this talent who was doing all of this Bionicle art, and then I went on your profile and was like "She's 16?! Holy Batman! That's incredible talent for someone who's only 16!"



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Waor? And here I was thinking you meant war. :(



Sounds like fun! A shame I can't be there to cheer for ya, or else I so would.


Best of luck, though!




I've have family members and friends who've been affected/involved in past and current wars, so I don't really like it much. I think I'm too much of a hippie....


But WAOR, on the other hand, just plain rules. If there is ever a track meet near you I'll be all "OMYGAWD, EW, TRAAACK MEET!!1!!" and promptly demand that you show up. :P




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Looks like there's a lot of work to be done.


But at least you'll get something out of it, and somethins better than nothin. :lol:


Yep....like usual. That's quite true, though. =)



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Hmm, this blog needs a better name....as much as I like "The cupboard under the stairs" it's just sort of like stating "why yes, as a matter of fact I am totally a blatantly obvious crazed insufferable know it all of a HP fan who does not think that that fact is siriusly riddikilus at all". The though of "Mishaps and Bubble Wrap" comes to mind, as well as a few other ideas, but suggestions, anyone?

Nah, there's no problem with a title declaring psychotic fandom for something. Heck, I called mine "Mudkip Manor" for a time! Having said that, that suggestion there's great.


Maybe.....I don't know......I'll figure it out.



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:drool: Not... PEOPLE?!?!?? :P


And about the name: A fine name as it is, but how about "Me=/=Myself=/=I" for complete insanity? :evilgrin:




~:silver: :m_o: :silver:~


People? Huh?


Maybe you should get a blog and name it that....




People at WAOR. :P




~:silver: :m_o: :silver:~
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