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Lady Kopaka


Life...ahah, you're so hilarious sometime. I'm doing better than awhile back, though one of the main reasons is 'cause my sister has a friend staying with us for about 3 weeks, so every time I walk around a corner in the house they're laughing about something hysterically (don't get me started on the evil cake from last night), so it's hard not to smile.


But mixed in with the crazy, I have been productive. Yesterday we did some volunteer work at this horse stable place, so it was nice to work around horses, but totally exhausting. Not to mention once you’ve already learned how to ride a horse and galloped on one from awhile back, it’s sort of confining when you can only walk around in circles. :rolleyes:


I did get some payment for a busy day. Mom let me drive my sister and her friend to the store…by myself. Which was quite the plot twist, but I did it and no asplosions or crashes! (The store was only like, ten minutes away but baaah). Now I’m just sitting here…being sore and tired. I got to get busy soon with cleaning the house and doing laundry, because we’ll be leaving this afternoon to Missouri to visit one of my sisters and family during Easter. Going to be fun…having nine people in the van for a 7+ hour drive? Not. :mellow:


So, here is a rare glimpse at what is going on with me. Lots of other crazy things…but I’ve had worse so I’m handling things pretty well. It must be the chocolate. Or that rather good (that I must brag about) fried rice and stir fry I cooked for dinner last night. Yuuum.


I would feel even better if my computer would let me play my video games for a few feeble moments too, without doing epic fails. I upgraded you for a reason. >[


I’m trying to catch up on PMs and stuff now, but don’t expect me to be on much for the next few days while I’m gone. Hopefully when I get back I’ll have some art…actually, what have I been up to lately in that?

  • Tahu [HB]: 80%. Almost fully sketched and shaded, needs a few more details added.
  • Art-trade w/Raia: 70%. Completely sketched out…time to colour!
  • S&T Contest #5: 20%. 2 out of 4 pages sketched out, almost ready to be inked.
  • Art-trade w/Tarik: 10%. Had a rough sketch, but probably is going to redo it. (Sorry!)
  • Set-trade w/Meteomaniac: 0%. Getting confirmation on the trade.
  • BS01 Certavus art contest: 0%. Still waiting to see which MoC that will become canon.
There are of course, a bunch of other minor drawings I didn’t add to the list (there is this one TachixKomas picture…but I may scrap it), and I’ll assure you I’ll be…accidentally drawing other things in between this. xP I usually like to surprise you guys, but here’s to prove I am still drawing! I’ll see about making a topic, or just posting art in my blog when I get back.


Yeah…lots of stuff. Yes, the S&T entry is going to be huge…if I can finish in time. 0:


Okay! Dragged this entry out long enough. See you guys. :)


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7 hours? That's IT??


Lady, I come from a family of nine (Dad, Mom, a Brother, and five sisters). How about all of us loaded into one van for five consecutive days?


You should be counting your blessings. d=


takumasmilie.gifTakuma Nuva:infected:

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7 hours? That's IT??


Lady, I come from a family of nine (Dad, Mom, a Brother, and five sisters). How about all of us loaded into one van for five consecutive days?


You should be counting your blessings. d=


takumasmilie.gifTakuma Nuva:infected:

...This is why I don't talk about my life.

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7 hours? That's IT??


Lady, I come from a family of nine (Dad, Mom, a Brother, and five sisters). How about all of us loaded into one van for five consecutive days?


You should be counting your blessings. d=


takumasmilie.gifTakuma Nuva:infected:

...This is why I don't talk about my life.


Depends on what people are used to. For him your situation isn't stressfor, for you it is. I am already feeling swamped when my granny comes to visit me (me=only child -.-).


But it's good to see you doing better :)


There is a certavus Art contest!? Ohhh, I am curious :D

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TachixKomas drawing?




It's ok, I kind of know how it feels to be stuck with people in a vehicle for ages and ages. My family road tripped to North Dakota for a family reunion a couple years back and even though it was only four of us plus a dog, my dad can be such a character sometimes it was like dealing with three or four extra people.


Yay, you went driving with no asplosions! The first time I went driving, I almost hit Home Depot....


Mmmmm, stir fry and chocolate. *glances disdainfully in the direction of the cafeteria* That sounds so good right now.


I hope you have fun visiting your family, and have a good Easter! =)

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All interesting news. It's been a while since I've ridden a horse, but I can recall some tiresome aspects of cleaning the tack and related jobs. What sort of volunteer work was it?


Hope you have an enjoyable Easter, even if the car trip is looking to be a hassle. And the artwork-in-progress sounds very interesting-- I'll be delighted to see what you can bring forth, however long some of them might take.

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Horsies!=D I lurv horsies.<3 Horsieshorsieshorsieshorsies! *is brick'd*


Maaan, I'm glad my parents don't feel the need to drive over to our relative's for Easter...that would be soo not worth it. But then again, I don't really know my relatives that well anyway, they all live in the middle of nowhere, in a galaxy town far far away.=P And we only have four people in my family, counting me; I can't imagine piling all your brothers and sisters in a van and driving for hours. I mean, I have only ONE brother and I can't hardly stand even taking him out in public just for a little outing.xD


Have fun tho! Even if you prolly aren't going to get this comment until you get back...but...eh, I'll send some mind-waves your way.^.^



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TachixKomas drawing?




It's ok, I kind of know how it feels to be stuck with people in a vehicle for ages and ages. My family road tripped to North Dakota for a family reunion a couple years back and even though it was only four of us plus a dog, my dad can be such a character sometimes it was like dealing with three or four extra people.


Yay, you went driving with no asplosions! The first time I went driving, I almost hit Home Depot....


Mmmmm, stir fry and chocolate. *glances disdainfully in the direction of the cafeteria* That sounds so good right now.


I hope you have fun visiting your family, and have a good Easter! =)

Replace North Dakota with New York State, dog with luggage, Home Depot with a telephone pole and the family cat, and cafeteria with kitchen, and you've got pretty much the jist of what I would have said here. Guess who doesn't feel like typing?!?!? :P


Really. My fingers feel like lead sausages. If sausages were made of lead. And really thin.




I can't imagine piling all your brothers and sisters in a van and driving for hours. I mean, I have only ONE brother and I can't hardly stand even taking him out in public just for a little outing.xD

Once again with the people saying things that I myself wanted to say, but they can say them better. Ditto, Raia.


_Xenn again

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Art-trade w/Tarik: 10%. Had a rough sketch, but probably is going to redo it. (Sorry!)


It's ok, the data loss left us all kinda confused. :) We can just pretend the request started recently. :P


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Oh, that's nothing; my life's much worse. I had 12 wisdom teeth pulled and my face turned blue after I consumed an obscene amount of colloidal silver.


XD I love being facetiously annoying; I'm sorry. ^^


Little Brian Regan reference there. :P

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