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The Current Contents Of My Bed



-Wall-E blanket

-crazy t-shirt quilt

-Kermit the frog green sheets


-brown comforter

-a bag containing a sketch book, glue stick, pens, hair clip, art class instructions, and a United Air Ways flight pin

-package of Craisins

-water colour paints

-paint brushes

-huge pillow

-sports bra

-tank top

-chopped-up text book

-sketch paper

-Mountaineers track team shirt

-another bag containing a water bottle, note pad and the Marauders Map

-empty blueberry yogurt container with some India ink in it

-soap box derby sweatshirt

-sweat pants

-bowl containing water and two paint brushes

-fleece jacket

-KEOL t-shirt

-paint palette

-October 1975 National Geographic magazine

-steel ruler

-sleeping bag

-yoga pants

-spandex pants


....which will all be promptly shoved off my bed tonight so I can go to sleep.


This also might be a good reason why I need to stop using my bed as an extra table when I'm working on art projects.


And I'm now (finally) in the 4 digits numbers for post count! Woo! Only took me like.....five years and a bunch of days to get there. *throws confetti*


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Seriously, you must have one big bed...


Not really.....it's sort of like this.


I think it's scarier under my bed, actually.



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Lol, I have a lot of stuff underneath my bed at the moment. My philosophy is that if nobody can see the mess, it doesn't matter.


-another bag containing a water bottle, note pad and the Marauders Map


I remember when I was little I made my own little version of the Marauders Map...on copying paper. :P


Hah! Yes! Someone noticed the Marauders Map! It's really some paperwork for my Graphics class, but I think Marauders Map is loads cooler. There was a great pair of shoes someone painted that had the Marauders Map theme and they were absolutely amazing.


That is a very good philosophy.



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Only a queen sized bed would fit a queen.




I don't think I'm the queen of anything, unless you beg to differ.


......though I think if it was a queen-sized bed it'd be taking up half of my room.



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I was just being nice. =[


And yes I do beg to differ >=O




Thank youuuu. :)


Yer quite nice as well.





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sounds like what I did to my bed tonight, but it was just dirty clothes stacked on it....


I usually tru and keep my art projects where I can work on em.... but in my house, space is a hot commodity, and right now, I have a lego tornado to clean up....


Yeah, sometimes I take over the area in the main room, but it tends to tick off my roommates and their friends because they have to step over me and everything else to get to anything.


Ooh, a Lego tornado, that sounds fun, though slightly dangerous! ;)



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Wow. I have nothing on my bed... :P


Anyway... it took you FIVE YEARS to get to 1000? It took me five months! :P




~:silver: :m_o: :silver:~


Well, it's mainly because I took some time off and wasn't that active for a bit.



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