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Well, No Need For My Laptop Anymore... Or My Ds For That Matter.

Nathan Evo


I bought a DSi today.


I thought it would be impossible to get one. Thank goodness I had all that money saved.


But there's no GBA cartridge so the DS Lite will come in handy.


As an equality, some things like my iTunes aren't on my DSi so the laptop will still come in handy.


And a DSi is not a good idea for making pic comics.


So I bought something I do not need.


Fun to play with, though. I'm glad I bought it.




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There's still a bunch of other features, though. I just don't know what they are.


Also, in the future, they may make games have features exclusive to the DSi. Which kinda sucks for me...

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Before I even think about getting the DSi, I have to get my Wi-Fi set up again. My internet's not on WEP right now, and I don't know how to do. And I want to do it without making a mistake to the internet.

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Meh, still back on the good ol' GBA SP

Probably wont get any form of DS til the next thing comes out and the price drops to like, nothing

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There's still a bunch of other features, though. I just don't know what they are.


Also, in the future, they may make games have features exclusive to the DSi. Which kinda sucks for me...



The DSi gets Internet access, obviously, because I'm using it to post this comment.


The DSi microphone is in the middle again... but it can record your voice and edit it. You can make your voice higher or lower, or make you sound like you're talking in an electric fan or a tunnel.


I know. I'm looking forward to buying Brain Age Express: Math Edition. Right now, though, there aren't many DSi games.


Meh, still back on the good ol' GBA SP

Probably wont get any form of DS til the next thing comes out and the price drops to like, nothing

I still have my Game Boy Color. I only have one game for it, though.


In addition, I still have my first DS (the one with the broken screen), my second DS (the one with the broken hinge), my GBA, and my GBA SP (with the chewed-up edges).


Also, you can buy a Gamecube for virtually nothing!


Ah, speaking of which, you know Game Boy Micros are being sold for like 2 or 3 bucks on Ebay? Is it really that bad? :P

What?! I always wanted a Game Boy Micro!


I want a Game & Watch, personally. :P

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But beware: It may be extremely portable, but the screen size is SO small...


Oh, so it actually DOES have internet connection? I need that. But do you need a wifi spot? Can it connect to a router?

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GAMECUBE FOR VIRTUALLY NOTHING?!?! I worked for months to save $100 so I could get one a year and a half ago! :P Pretty much because all of my friends had them and I was fed up with it. But guess what? Right after that they all got Wiis.


I remember when the Micro came out. I went, "wo itz liek a noo vurzhn of the sp!!111!11"


And then I only saw one person who had one. And it was like a year later.


I think I might get a DSi. And Pokemon Platinum. The DSi mainly so I can trade stuff between Platinum and Diamond. I'm so used to that with the GBA Pokemon games, since I somehow ended up with two GBAs and one SP, so it would be a lot harder to get all of the Pokemon in there.


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