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I didn't do a fail at Contest! GAAAASSSP.


In fact, I thought I did quite well on my xylophone part. The xylo was a sort of burnt orange color, which was amusing to me. Had a nice tone, too, clear and with a bit of a ring to it. Also the stage was quite hot, which didn't help my sweaty hands. But whee! We also got a 1 rating, btw. [with 1 being the best rating possible. or is it possible to get a 1+, with that being the best...? I dun remember.]


But owowowowwww, my feet. I have FOUR BLISTERS, and in one other spot an entire layer of skin came off. Ooowwww.Dx




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Alas yes, you were right Veef. Tho really I figured you would be...and then LK came along and seconded the motion. Myes.<3


@ Nukaya: Got most of them from my dressy shoes...they're cute, buut they weren't made to be worn while tramping to and fro toting heavy percussion equipment AND simultaneously trying not to trip over your uber-long uniform skirt. Noo sir. Some of them tho, I'm not sure where they're from, cuz I've had them for a while; I think PE may be partially responsible.=/


But seriously ooooowww. I am going to have to wear a band-aid where I scraped the skin off my pinky toe, it really hurt when I took a shower. Owchhh. rsd speaks ze truth.



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@ Nukaya: Got most of them from my dressy shoes...they're cute, buut they weren't made to be worn while tramping to and fro toting heavy percussion equipment AND simultaneously trying not to trip over your uber-long uniform skirt. Noo sir. Some of them tho, I'm not sure where they're from, cuz I've had them for a while; I think PE may be partially responsible.=/

Ouch! Yeesh, this is why I despise shoes that are fancy or adorable but hurt your feet like no other. If you put moleskin cloth over the blisters, it can really help with keeping them from getting worse, though band-aids work as well too (I sometimes even use masking tape or athletic tape as well). A lot of the people on the track team here use moleskin when they get blisters from running and it seems to work quite nicely for them.


Ugh, know that feeling as well, except it was a huge cello instead of percussion equipment......during Orchestra in HS, we had these crazy long dresses that we were required to wear and they were so difficult to walk in if they weren't hemmed.

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