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Texas Seceding?



Just heard about this from Craig Ferguson, who you should really watch the show of.


I don't want to drag a bunch of politics in and cause a flamewar, but Texan members, what do you think of this? Is it just a boast, or do you guys really want to be an independent nation between America and Mexico? Also, would you remain Texas, or become Texico?


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Then that'd be a real lone-star state.


And on a funny sidenote you'd have to rename the whole country into the AUSA (almost united states of America).


But aren't there people like that who want their own state to be individual in every country? We have some of those people in Germany too (our largest "state" Bavaria has them. Not that they make much progress seperating themselves though.)

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I was pretty sure this was a joke when I also heard that Chuck Norris was leading the cause and would become the president if it happened.

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Eh, its not gonna happen. Remember last time a state tried to secede? Actually, I'm writing a paper on one of the battles of that war right now :D



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Hey, why don't they rename themselves Texico anyway? That's much more catchy


I bet they'd get ine trouble with Texaco over that. Allthough...Texaco in Texico has a certain ring to it :P

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Well, considering that the reason that they're in the U.S. in the first place rather than being the good ol' Republic of Texas is because they failed miserably at running their own country in the first place, um, yeah. That on top of the whole Civil War thing kind of killing off any precedent for seceding smoothly and bloodlessly.

There's so much history telling everyone that it's just a bad idea that it's not even funny.


It's like those folks who threaten that the South will rise again or what-not. Lot of talk. Genuine discontent. Little action to come from it.

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Loool....if you're from the south, you know a lot of states there are Banana Republics sort of. I sure know Louisiana was one. It's probably just talk.
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Well, in the parallel universe of the Golden Compass, Texas is its own country. What's to say the same couldn't happen in our world too? :o

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Well, in the parallel universe of the Golden Compass, Texas is its own country. What's to say the same couldn't happen in our world too? :o

But see, that's because Texas originally was its own country, the Republic of Texas. So, it just stayed that way in Lyra's world.

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I was pretty sure this was a joke when I also heard that Chuck Norris was leading the cause and would become the president if it happened.


The bit about Chuck is actually true...he's gone off the deep end.

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I'd be happy if this happened.

Think about it. Texas could have it's own government which would be the same as the USA, be we could just say "Oh Texas's government is inspired by the USA's".

Plus it would leave 49 states, so my dream of Long Island becoming its own state might work.
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Chuck Norris? Secession? TEXAS?


First of all... good bloody riddance. I lived in Texas once, and I don't feel like going back. "Everything bigger in Texas"? No, apparently just the egos.


Second... New England threatened to secede during the War of 1812. That left the Federalist Party with a good bit of ol' ___ over easy on their faces.


Then there was the South. The South got dragged through a field of broken glass just to prove a point.


Now Texas? I wonder who'll pounce first, the US or Mexico... Texas used to be Mexican territory, and I don't think they're half so scared of Chuck as they are amused by him.

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