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You Have One Day To Live...

Jonestown Bartender


You can not say goodbye to family/friends

When your day is up all evidence you will be gone.

You can not go outside of 40 miles of your home.

If you destroy anything or kill anyone they/it will go back to it's/their former state because after your day you will never have existed.



Now what do you do?


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Live a nice day, and a minute before I seaze to exist I will be at the highest point I can find, possibly the bridge over the highway. And 5 seconds before I vanish I throw myself off there and vanish before I hit the ground.

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I would sit in a corner and cry, seeing as I would have no one to talk to. And besides, if I ceased to exist, it would cause a paradox because then everything I did before then would be gone, and all the decisions I influenced would have no basis, and the space-time continuem would eventually fold in on itself, causing a massive implosion, vaporizing everything in the universe.


Moral of this story? There's a difference between dying and ceasing to exist.

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If I can't say goodbye to my family and friends, I would tell total strangers to do it for me. And my friends and family would be totally creeped out by strangers giving them lots and lots of tearful hugs for me.

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I would sit in a corner and cry, seeing as I would have no one to talk to. And besides, if I ceased to exist, it would cause a paradox because then everything I did before then would be gone, and all the decisions I influenced would have no basis, and the space-time continuem would eventually fold in on itself, causing a massive implosion, vaporizing everything in the universe.


Moral of this story? There's a difference between dying and ceasing to exist.

The universe dose not implode if you stop existing because reality would correct itself and make someone else do what you did.

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I would sit in a corner and cry, seeing as I would have no one to talk to. And besides, if I ceased to exist, it would cause a paradox because then everything I did before then would be gone, and all the decisions I influenced would have no basis, and the space-time continuem would eventually fold in on itself, causing a massive implosion, vaporizing everything in the universe.


Moral of this story? There's a difference between dying and ceasing to exist.

The universe dose not implode if you stop existing because reality would correct itself and make someone else do what you did.


I know. The fabric of time warps itself so that the events you caused or decisions you made were done or made by someone else. Imploding just sounds cooler. =P

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