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Five Score And Seven Years Ago



Well last night I was at Wal-mart with my mom, taking 80 hours to look at everything (my mom, not me :P) when I decided to check out the music section for a slight chance that they might have a Relient K CD. Now most stores seperate Relient K into the Christian section, so I looked there first, but then I saw that Switchfoot was in with all the normal rock, so that's where I found Relient K's 2007 album, "Five Score and Seven Years Ago".

Yes....I already have the songs from download... <.< >.> Buuuuut, I'm slowly buying all their albums to pay for the songs I have. :P

After all, if you really wanna call yourself a "true" fan of a band, you'd support them instead of just downloading their music...

So anyway, I guess I never posted that I got their newest double EP CD of "The Nashville Tennis ep"/"The Bird and the Bee Sides" for my last birthday....then again I didn't post anything I got lol

Anyway, it's one of my favorite albums by them, if not my favorite, it includes a couple of my favorite songs, most note worthy being "Must Have Done Something Right". Also 'tis the last album that their ol' drummer Dave was on....but I did notice that in the song "Deathbed" within all the people that put music and stuff into that (which is a lot by the way) the new drummer Ethan Luck had actually played the moon drums in Deathbed before he was actually the drummer in the band. :P

Would have been cool to pick up the special edition with the DVD...but what're the chances of finding that at Wal-mart? lol

So anyway, now I have 2 of their physical CDs...and now that I've stopped downloading their music, I'll be sure to pick up their album coming out soon this year (which I can't wait for!!!!!! D:) when it comes out!

Anyway, here're some pointless pics of the album if ya wanna see: Relient K CDness!


Remember, Relient K is one of the few clean (you can make a good song without having to have bad language and all), normal (not hideous eyeshadow freaks with a million tatoos and 60 piercings) looking, good (awesome) sounding, family bands out there...and also, disco is in this year!


Note: Their new drummer....Ethan...I suppose he's a bit pierced...but doesn't mean I like that :P lol


-Jordboy1 :miru:


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normal (not hideous eyeshadow freaks with a million tatoos and 60 piercings)

How else are they supposed to get people's attention? =D





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normal (not hideous eyeshadow freaks with a million tatoos and 60 piercings)

How else are they supposed to get people's attention? =D





Their tallent.



-Jordboy1 :miru:

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normal (not hideous eyeshadow freaks with a million tatoos and 60 piercings)

How else are they supposed to get people's attention? =D





Their tallent.



-Jordboy1 :miru:

*puts away goth makeup and piercings*





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