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Anyone Got An Idea?

Taka Nuvia


It's time for some sadness-sharing, I guess. Or at least I really need to tell someone, and maybe someone listens. *shrugs*


The problem is: I've lost my sunglasses. Might not sound like a great problem, it is, however. See, optical sunglasses are expensive. And I fear I might have lost mine. Maybe in our house, maybe at our last vacation in Italy, I don't know.


And of course my mum isn't happy with that. I'm not allowed to play any computer games until I've found them. (Thank Mata Nui I can go to the forums, still).


I've already turned my room upside-down for at least 2 times, same counts for all other places in our house where they could be, but I don't find them. I can hardly fall asleep at night, always worrying where they could be. Great.


Looks like I'll have to buy some new on my own. :(


Ideas, anyone?


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There was another entry like this before....

Go to that entry, see where what ever it was was, and check there

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Oh, I´ve never even thought about the possibility of someone being in that situation... I didn´t even know there were such a thing as optical sunglasses. :o


But of course there are, it´s just me who´s stupid.


Taka, you´ve got my full compassion. :(


Any kind of help we can give you?


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Sometimes backtracking is always the most logical idea. Think where you had them last and work from there. I've learned stressing and over-thinking about the problem doesn't help. Just relax and try not to get your brain worked up too much about it, usually for me it comes to me when I least expect it---when I'm not stressing.
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Well, I tend to lose things and later they pop up right in front of my nose, but... I'd say if you can't find them after the 24th time of seeking, you should go sit down and do backtracking, like LK said.

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I'm sorry to hear about your troubles. Harsh that you lost them on your trip...maybe wait till your birthday to by new ones? Sorry I can't help more <:(


I seriously hope I did not lose them on our trip :(

Because - if they really won't turn up again, I have to buy new ones myself. My mum insists on that. :(

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You can make a 50-page comic book series and sell them for 5 bucks each...




well, I guess that doesn't bring 'em back either...

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