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Wolverine: Extensive Review

Takuma Nuva


EDIT: C'mon, people! Haven't you heard of SPOILER TAGS?


So last night I went to the midnight showing of "X-Men Origins: Wolverine". Since I see that nobody has yet put together a review, figure I'll do so.


First off, let me say that, according to rumor, there are two different endings to the movie that were being showed in different theaters (or perhaps just on different screens), so my review may differ from one with an alternate ending. Also, obviously this review will have spoilers, though I'll put them in tags mostly towards the bottom.


Secondly, I didn't really see this movie for Wolverine. I saw it because it had Gambit and DEADPOOL in it. More on this later.


Before we get to the nitty-gritty of the movie though, allow me say "Five-dollar footlong tickets FOR THE WIN!"


Now then, "Wolverine" is rated PG-13 for "intense sequences of action and violence, and some partial nudity". Normally, I wouldn't even consider seeing a movie due to the second rating, but since I already had a pretty good idea of exactly what it was referring to and I knew it wasn't female-related, I decided to give it a go. Well, let's just say they showed a little more than I was expecting; therefore, I wouldn't recommend this movie to any girl.


Violence, well, this section kinda goes without saying.


I was curious about how the rating didn't mention language. I figured maybe it was just too brief to not bother mentioning or maybe even (GASP!) curse-free. Well, I was wrong. I wouldn't say there was a heavy or extreme amount of language, but likely moderate. But it's nothing too hard to edit out along with other shtuff should I actually decide to get the movie when it comes out.


The plot was okay, but certain elements deviated too far from the canon story for my taste. I was particularly disappointed in this as far as Deadpool is concerned. On this note, if there really is two different ending to this movie, I hope that one sucks, one rocks, and that the one I saw was the one that sucked, because although the movie was decent the ending was quite unsatisfying. Well, thanks to Wikipedia, I just found out that the alternate ending were merely the parts shown after the credits are over, of which there are three, and ours was the worst of the three. It also brings a certain relief about how Deadpool's character turned out. Obviously, movie endings are spoilers so you'd best not look 'em up.


I should really learn to stop listening to all the hype. There was all this stuff about various characters making a debut in the movie, but then it turns out many of them had little more than cameos, particularly in the area of The Blob, Scott Summers, Emma Frost and even Deadpool wasn't in the movie quite as much as I would've liked, though that's probably just because I like Deadpool so much.


The visual effects of the movie were all quite impressive with one exception where I was thinking "THIS LOOKS SHOPPED" as Wolverine was taking apart a metal ladder/staircase-thing-that-you-find-on-the-outside-of-apartment-buildings-type-thing.


Moving on, there's something I'd like to point out because you'll likely not understand this in the beginning unless you already know. As the opening credits roll, we see scenes of Logan and Victor in various battles. This is supposed to be showing how the two fought side-by-side through three major wars: The Civil War, WW1, and WW2.


Um, yeah, that's all the non-spoiler related stuff I can think of right now, so I guess this is the part where I rant about Deadpool (and Gambit a little).


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I'm glad Gambit showed up in the movie, but it seemed that there were missing things from his character. I mean, where's the strong Cajun accent? And his eyes are supposed to glow a bright red, which they didn't. That right thar is fail.


Deadpool only shows up in the beginning and end of the movie, which is less than I was hoping for. Whether he got more or less screen time than Gambit, I don't recall. Unfortunately, we don't get to see Deadpool in his costume in the movie, but I was kinda expecting that. Actually, he's almost never even called by that name, particularly because his character didn't follow canon story the slightest bit. Pretty much the only thing that stayed the same was the fact that he was part of the Weapon X program (which actually refers to something and not the organization in the movie). Most of the time, he goes by his name of Wade Wilson.


Deadpool doesn't disappoint (well, at least not much) in staying true to his nickname "Merc with a Mouth" with his witty, smart-alec cracks and jokes.


As I mentioned before, Deadpool's role in the plot was entirely different that what one would expect, one that, while it was kinda cool the way they used him, it, for me, ruined his character. But such details are major spoilers as he actually plays a significant role and should ONLY be read if one does not intend on ever seeing the movie.


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In canon story, Deadpool joins Weapon X in hopes of them curing his cancer and in the end he escapes and runs off to become an antihero. In the movie however, "Weapon X" actually refers to Wolverine (X meaning Roman Numeral 10). Throughout the movie, various mutants are captured/killed with their powers being copied in order to infuse them all into a single mutant: Weapon XI. Turns out this is Deadpool. So, it's cool that they beefed him up and made him this Uber super-mutant, but it's disappointing that he lost his character this way and was completely under mind-control. I mean, he's got his super-healing like normal and teleportation (though, in canon, this is a special belt he wears and not an inherent ability). That stuff's all good. But then they have to take the katana out of his hand and make them like Wolverine's claws in that they emerge from his knuckles, one blade in each hand. Then they really made it over-kill by giving him Cyclop's radioactive vision beams. But the very WORST part? When he had the surgery done to him to give him all these powers, they PERMANENTLY CLOSED HIS MOUTH!! That TOTALLY ruins Deadpool when you can't hear his wise-cracks during the final battle!! Of this, I am angry. A fight just isn't a fight without banter, especially Deadpool's.


Another small qualm is that he never breaks the fourth-wall (which he is infamous for) except for one barely noticeable moment in one of the alternate endings (one I didn't see).

So there you have it. That's my review of everything I can think of. If you have quesitons feel free to ask as I'm sure I left out some stuff.


All in all, it's a pretty solid movie. I might care to see it again, though I'm really not sure that I'll get it when it come out on DVD. If I do though, first thing I do is load it on the computer and do some editing.




Well, okay, FIRST thing I'd do is watch all the bonus features, THEN I'd edit the movie. d=




Recommended Comments

» Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «
We've known they've been discussing having Deadpool and Gambit have their own spin-off movies for quite some time. Nothing has been decided for sure yet.


Unless this is some sort of new development as of very recently...


takumasmilie.gifTakuma Nuva:infected:

» Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «
Yes, they confirmed that Ryan Reynolds is coming back to play Deadpool in a Deadpool movie. According to news stories, Ryan Reynolds actually wanted the role.


They also confirmed a second Wolverine movie that takes place in Japan, and a Magneto movie.

I'm not even kidding you, I JUST got a PM from somebody containing a link to all that.




takumasmilie.gifTakuma Nuva:infected:

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» Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «
We've known they've been discussing having Deadpool and Gambit have their own spin-off movies for quite some time. Nothing has been decided for sure yet.


Unless this is some sort of new development as of very recently...


takumasmilie.gifTakuma Nuva:infected:

» Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «
Yes, they confirmed that Ryan Reynolds is coming back to play Deadpool in a Deadpool movie. According to news stories, Ryan Reynolds actually wanted the role.


They also confirmed a second Wolverine movie that takes place in Japan, and a Magneto movie.

Reynolds has been pushing for this movie since X-Men hit the big screen. Which is how he got his role in Wolverine in the first place.



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