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Glitch Audiobook: Production

Lady Kopaka


(Right click to download trailer/avi file; 3MB)


  • IMPORTANT TO CAST!!!: I'm reposting a updated version of the story. When posting it, I discovered a lot of things were changed a few months back in the document file. So please, if you have any version saved on your computer, I'd encourage everyone to update it with the one I'm posting now. If you already have lines ready and don't have time to go back and fix it, it's fine. but it's not a huge revision.
  • SkullKid wanted to inform everyone that he wants to get at least Section 3 done and ready before we start showing the audiobook. The release date is unknown, but hopefully it won't take longer than a few weeks.
Remember: ALL of this is the member SkullKid’s idea. He came to me with this awesome suggestion and as of now I’m happily complying. I’m just hosting this up in my blog and making it all fancy like.

Advertizing is very important. As an epic, Glitch got a lot of wonderful reception, one of the major reasons for this was because of the support with linking in your signatures, or suggesting it to a friend. (If you have made any, feel free to show me so I can add it to the list)




(made by Chan'e The Demongirl)

(made by Chan'e The Demongirl)

(made by Raia)

(made by Raia)



Hang in there guys, it's coming soon! :D


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Sorry, Skullkid, but many people are just busy at this time of year, with the school year wrapping up-- I personally have had little spare time for anything, I have finals approaching, lots of end-of-year school projects, and a lot of other things going on. I would like to audition for the part of dear Zimriah, but first I need to get everything else under control.=)



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Sorry, Skullkid, but many people are just busy at this time of year, with the school year wrapping up-- I personally have had little spare time for anything, I have finals approaching, lots of end-of-year school projects, and a lot of other things going on. I would like to audition for the part of dear Zimriah, but first I need to get everything else under control.=)



No, its fine.

I am pretty busy too right now.

If I sounded rude in my last comment, i did not mean to be.


SO yah, if any body was offended by that, sorry.

SO take your time, and only hurry once i set an end date for the auditions.


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*Groans* Yeah, you guessed, no mic. If I did, I'd love to play Zerak. But I look forward to listening to the audiobook, and hearing your voice, LK, as narrator.


Good luck with the project.

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Yeah, with school and all it's really understandable if people can't do much now--I think SkullKid mainly wanted this up early so people could get a heads up on this (this was pointed out eariler since he has some other projects to finish). But yeah, if you CAN audition soon, it would be nice and would save us a lot of trouble.


Also, Nidhikiandco, I'm not sure if I'm narrating, I think SkullKid is.

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I might try this out, but first, I know the iMac has a microphone, does anyone know how to record stuff with it? Also if you can equate their voices to movie characters I'd be able to do them much better as I can imitate voices better them actually make them up.



~ :e: :e: :k: :m_o:

Mac 9 had a recording program called SimpleSound, but if you have anything higher, you're probably out of luck. You either have to use Quicktime pro, which costs money and requires an external microphone anyway, or download audio-recording software of the interweb. And I'm terrified of giving my computer a nasty virus and killing it, so I probably won't be auditioning. *sigh* I could see my voice as Tachi's. (Or hear it, rather.)

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I might try this out, but first, I know the iMac has a microphone, does anyone know how to record stuff with it? Also if you can equate their voices to movie characters I'd be able to do them much better as I can imitate voices better them actually make them up.



~ :e: :e: :k: :m_o:

Mac 9 had a recording program called SimpleSound, but if you have anything higher, you're probably out of luck. You either have to use Quicktime pro, which costs money and requires an external microphone anyway, or download audio-recording software of the interweb. And I'm terrified of giving my computer a nasty virus and killing it, so I probably won't be auditioning. *sigh* I could see my voice as Tachi's. (Or hear it, rather.)

Speaking of recording programs--if any of you guys are searching for a program without the fear of viruses I'd encourage Audacity. Very easy to download, completely free, pretty easy recording software once you get the hang of it. It's completely safe since I've downloaded multiple times on computers, so have other people. And as I've said before, certain types of mp3 players, phones or camera/video devices can be used as recorders too.

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Is there any way to reduce the, uh, high-pitchedness that electronic recordings seem to give me? I swear, even my deep voice/tone will sound like it comes from a ten-year-old. And it's sad, since it's a strong tone, but it is taxing on my chords. xD


Does everyone have the same problems with recording? or is my mouth just that cruddy? XD



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Oh, it's not just you, my voice does that too.xD Although the quality of the mic may have something to do with it...my mic is on my mp3 player.*shrug*



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Well, it really could be just you (not to state that in a rude way). You may think it sounds weird, but if people heard it they might not even notice and think it's fine. When I heard Raia's voice via one of your audition test runs I didn't think it was high pitched at all. I think we just have trouble hearing our voices like that, and then of course it's really hard for a simple recorder to get your voice down exactly as you want it to be heard. Of course, if your uncomfortable with your voice, Audacity has some options where you can play around with your voice--the pitch, the speed, etc. So you may try those options out and fix your voice to your liking. :)
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Yeah, with school and all it's really understandable if people can't do much now--I think SkullKid mainly wanted this up early so people could get a heads up on this (this was pointed out eariler since he has some other projects to finish). But yeah, if you CAN audition soon, it would be nice and would save us a lot of trouble.


Also, Nidhikiandco, I'm not sure if I'm narrating, I think SkullKid is.

Yah, i'll be narrating.

If Lady Kopaka wants to however, she could narrate a couple of chapters, but thats only if she wants to.


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Did I get the comment on page #2 right? Only one audition entry yet? (Moi?)

Wait I'm confused...? If you're asking how many times you can audition, you can try out for as many as you like. This is actually a better idea than just trying for one or two parts, because you never know how well your voice could be for certain characters, though you probably can only get accepted for at least three parts.

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Well, found out Leopard does in fact have a built in recorder, but I still haven't had time to record any lines. Also, do you mind if I clean up some static sounds digitally?



~ :e: :e: :k: :m_o:

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Well, found out Leopard does in fact have a built in recorder, but I still haven't had time to record any lines. Also, do you mind if I clean up some static sounds digitally?



~ :e: :e: :k: :m_o:

Sure, as log as i am able to here the audition.


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Lady K,


Do you have an audio recording program you recommend using? I have a digital camera that has video, but then I would have to cut it down to an audio file. Plus, the sound is really lame on it. It picks up everything but what you want it to.



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Lady K,


Do you have an audio recording program you recommend using? I have a digital camera that has video, but then I would have to cut it down to an audio file. Plus, the sound is really lame on it. It picks up everything but what you want it to.



I'm Not LK, but I recommend using either Sound recorder, or Audacity(this can be dowloaded for free, just search it on google.)


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Lady K,


Do you have an audio recording program you recommend using? I have a digital camera that has video, but then I would have to cut it down to an audio file. Plus, the sound is really lame on it. It picks up everything but what you want it to.



Pretty much what SkullKid said, cept I'll throw in some helpful tips:


1) Definitely get Audacity or something. Good program it is.


2) Video recorders are actually not that bad, but I sympathize with the annoyance of any type of recorder. I'd suggest just playing around with it before officially assuming it has bad quality. Try it close to your mouth, away, under, speak more slowly than usual, in a really quiet place (though it sounds weird, I got a lot of good recordings done once in my van, because it was really quiet and small, good for sound, etc). In short it just takes some practice to get it how you want. Then of course, you can use a program to remove noise and such.


3) When cutting down to get the audio file, just place it in Windows Movie Maker or something, and import it to WMA, that should do it.



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Lady K,


Do you have an audio recording program you recommend using? I have a digital camera that has video, but then I would have to cut it down to an audio file. Plus, the sound is really lame on it. It picks up everything but what you want it to.



Pretty much what SkullKid said, cept I'll throw in some helpful tips:


1) Definitely get Audacity or something. Good program it is.


2) Video recorders are actually not that bad, but I sympathize with the annoyance of any type of recorder. I'd suggest just playing around with it before officially assuming it has bad quality. Try it close to your mouth, away, under, speak more slowly than usual, in a really quiet place (though it sounds weird, I got a lot of good recordings done once in my van, because it was really quiet and small, good for sound, etc). In short it just takes some practice to get it how you want. Then of course, you can use a program to remove noise and such.


3) When cutting down to get the audio file, just place it in Windows Movie Maker or something, and import it to WMA, that should do it.





Thankee! :D



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Well, it looks like I've been conscripted into this. :rolleyes:


So what exactly are we sending in for our auditions?

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A lot of people say I do good voices when reading Bionicle stories to them. I could try out if I had a mic, but alas, I do not. I should go buy one and try out.

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Aight, I got Audacity, and so far, I like what I'm seeing, er, hearing. But I can't really work on it until Monday, since I'll be away from home for the weekend (Camporee yay!). So, yeah. But I do have all intentions of sending in a sample, so don't run away yet! xP



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Well, it looks like I've been conscripted into this. :rolleyes:


So what exactly are we sending in for our auditions?

Ahah! My womanly appeal got to you. :P


Well, you see all the list of characters? Choose a few that you would like to do, find a couple lines and audition—then send them to SkullKid.


Now I know I requested people to read the story first, but I looked back and was like "Woah...that's a really long story." And then of course, people will probably listen to it when the audiobook comes out...hmm, I may have to edit/update that rule.




New Rule guys:


If you're playing a minor or cameo role, you are not required to read all of Glitch in the System. As long as you are familiar with the characters and plot, you're fine (and of course, I hope you'll listen to the audibook itself when it's out). If you need help getting familiar with the story, or finding lines, either PM me or request it in this topic and I'll fish up some lines, and will help you out with whatever else.

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My father downloaded Audacious to his spiffy new computer to help me record an interview for humanities class. I'll see if it doesn't work on my ancient mac...

He also downloaded something called record pad that he says is simpler. I'll try that too.

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My father downloaded Audacious to his spiffy new computer to help me record an interview for humanities class. I'll see if it doesn't work on my ancient mac...

He also downloaded something called record pad that he says is simpler. I'll try that too.

SOunds good.


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