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Glitch Audiobook: Production

Lady Kopaka


(Right click to download trailer/avi file; 3MB)


  • IMPORTANT TO CAST!!!: I'm reposting a updated version of the story. When posting it, I discovered a lot of things were changed a few months back in the document file. So please, if you have any version saved on your computer, I'd encourage everyone to update it with the one I'm posting now. If you already have lines ready and don't have time to go back and fix it, it's fine. but it's not a huge revision.
  • SkullKid wanted to inform everyone that he wants to get at least Section 3 done and ready before we start showing the audiobook. The release date is unknown, but hopefully it won't take longer than a few weeks.
Remember: ALL of this is the member SkullKid’s idea. He came to me with this awesome suggestion and as of now I’m happily complying. I’m just hosting this up in my blog and making it all fancy like.

Advertizing is very important. As an epic, Glitch got a lot of wonderful reception, one of the major reasons for this was because of the support with linking in your signatures, or suggesting it to a friend. (If you have made any, feel free to show me so I can add it to the list)




(made by Chan'e The Demongirl)

(made by Chan'e The Demongirl)

(made by Raia)

(made by Raia)



Hang in there guys, it's coming soon! :D


Recommended Comments

Oooh, I get to show of my evil, overdone sort of semi-british accent. Naosu is going to be so fun to do...

I'd also like to opt in favor of a "bare" audiobook version. This is why:

You don't see sound effects or constant background music music in proffessional audiobooks. Now, maybe I'm just being stodgy and traditional, but this sort of format wouldn't have stayed the way it is if it didn't work.

The purpose of an audiobook is to be...well, an audio representation of a book. Does a book say "SLAM!" every time a character bashes another character into a wall. No, it doesn't. The prose lets us here the sound in our mind, and suddenly stating the sound is overdoing this. This wouldn't be true in a radio drama, which has no background narration, but in an audiobook its like dressing a girl up in a load of makeup when all she needs is a little lipstick and touch of blush. It's like reading prose in Individual Speech competition. You have no sound effects, only your own voice and the skill of the author you chose to impress the judges. But a good prose reader is can make you laugh or cry. Sound effects can't do that.

Also, has anyone listened to the audio version of The Golden Compass? It was one of the best multi-voiced audiobooks I have ever heard.

As I stated before, there WILL be background music, But i won't use as much as i do for the Audiobook.

I will also be using sound effects.

I take note of what you favor, but unless i get a majority of the people saying "No background music" its going to stay the same.



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Well, then it'd be more of an audio-play then an audio book. ^^ I have an exerpt from a horror audio-book where they use the most prominent soundeffects for the background while the speaker talks. So there is this charie stuck in a ravine and the wind howling coldly is the prominent sound. I think that would be suitable here.

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Well, then it'd be more of an audio-play then an audio book. ^^ I have an exerpt from a horror audio-book where they use the most prominent soundeffects for the background while the speaker talks. So there is this charie stuck in a ravine and the wind howling coldly is the prominent sound. I think that would be suitable here.


Thats what i mean.

I'm not going to constantly be playing music in the background.

Just during parts that i think are needed.

Same with sound effects.

In the story, Szian's servent's head exploades.

I think that a sound of an explosion is suitible for that.


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YAAAAAY!!! Wow, I didn't think my voice actually sounded that good. But that's just me being knit-pickey about my own voice. :) Now, to get my sister to audition... :sly:

Sakaru's sister says: I'm waiting for the lines, you goof. *glares at brother* :P

Sakaru says: Likely story...

Hope you enjoyed this two person post!

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Well, then it'd be more of an audio-play then an audio book. ^^ I have an exerpt from a horror audio-book where they use the most prominent soun

effects for the background while the speaker talks. So there is this charie stuck in a ravine and the wind howling coldly is the prominent sound. I think that would be suitable here.

And what book is this?

I have no problem with radio drama. My point is that it is not an audio-play. It is prose, not drama.

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Well, then it'd be more of an audio-play then an audio book. ^^ I have an exerpt from a horror audio-book where they use the most prominent soundeffects for the background while the speaker talks. So there is this charie stuck in a ravine and the wind howling coldly is the prominent sound. I think that would be suitable here.


Thats what i mean.

I'm not going to constantly be playing music in the background.

Just during parts that i think are needed.

Same with sound effects.

In the story, Szian's servent's head exploades.

I think that a sound of an explosion is suitible for that.



That's what I can't wait. Mmm, head blown apart...

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I would like to audition for the voice of Komas. Vezoks Friend told me about this, so here I am. Past experience? I play Katuko in Katuko's next stop-motion movie, which is not out yet, and I voice Shasta and Corin in a fan movie of C.S. Lewis's Horse and His Boy, which is also not out yet. Looking at Komas, I think I could do him. Are there lines that I can use to audition for him?

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I would like to audition for the voice of Komas. Vezoks Friend told me about this, so here I am. Past experience? I play Katuko in Katuko's next stop-motion movie, which is not out yet, and I voice Shasta and Corin in a fan movie of C.S. Lewis's Horse and His Boy, which is also not out yet. Looking at Komas, I think I could do him. Are there lines that I can use to audition for him?

Hahaha. The epic's here. Good luck.

There are actually some pretty good Komas Lines in Section 1.0. I read some of them for my Tachi audition, just for fun. Of course, my impression of Komas sounds like an squirrel.


I can tell I'm losing this argument. >_>

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Hm...Well, do you think I could try either Tachi or Lariska? I've played Nikila in Skullkid's podcast before, and I thought it was fun, so I thought I'd try this. Here's my audition for Tachi, and I can't find any Lariska lines right now, but I'm probably looking in the wrong chapters. Thanks for taking the time to check it out!

~Toa Maora

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Hm...Well, do you think I could try either Tachi or Lariska? I've played Nikila in Skullkid's podcast before, and I thought it was fun, so I thought I'd try this. Here's my audition for Tachi, and I can't find any Lariska lines right now, but I'm probably looking in the wrong chapters. Thanks for taking the time to check it out!

~Toa Maora


Next time, please send the audition to my email or PM me.

Nice audition though.



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Hey, using my old man's laptop for a sec and I decided to pop in with some random notes.


About the bare audibook vs. the one with sounds; personally I like both. I just listened to a classic audiobook with no sounds and I liked it, but then again it's always nice to have some music/sound effects to set a mood, expecially for something like this. Here's the deal, SK, simply try both. When you work on Chapter one, or simply a 'test', try some with music and stuff, then try the bare one and send it to me. We'll make a comprimise.


And remember guys: if you're playing a major part, like Komas or Tachi you need to read the entire story first, no offence. Minor characters you don't have to, but if you're going to play the star then you need to make sure you're familiar as you can be with everything.

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Hey, using my old man's laptop for a sec and I decided to pop in with some random notes.


About the bare audibook vs. the one with sounds; personally I like both. I just listened to a classic audiobook with no sounds and I liked it, but then again it's always nice to have some music/sound effects to set a mood, expecially for something like this. Here's the deal, SK, simply try both. When you work on Chapter one, or simply a 'test', try some with music and stuff, then try the bare one and send it to me. We'll make a comprimise.


And remember guys: if you're playing a major part, like Komas or Tachi you need to read the entire story first, no offence. Minor characters you don't have to, but if you're going to play the star then you need to make sure you're familiar as you can be with everything.

fair enough.

I do like the sound of music and sound effects, but if i do do a silent audiobook, it would take a load of my back.

we'll see.


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Hey, using my old man's laptop for a sec and I decided to pop in with some random notes.


About the bare audiobook vs. the one with sounds; personally I like both. I just listened to a classic audiobook with no sounds and I liked it, but then again it's always nice to have some music/sound effects to set a mood, expecially for something like this. Here's the deal, SK, simply try both. When you work on Chapter one, or simply a 'test', try some with music and stuff, then try the bare one and send it to me. We'll make a comprimise.


And remember guys: if you're playing a major part, like Komas or Tachi you need to read the entire story first, no offence. Minor characters you don't have to, but if you're going to play the star then you need to make sure you're familiar as you can be with everything.

In that case, wouldn't it be possible to publish both versions?

This reminds me, I was planning on doing a review of GITS. Better start on it before the review topic dies...




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Hey, using my old man's laptop for a sec and I decided to pop in with some random notes.


About the bare audiobook vs. the one with sounds; personally I like both. I just listened to a classic audiobook with no sounds and I liked it, but then again it's always nice to have some music/sound effects to set a mood, expecially for something like this. Here's the deal, SK, simply try both. When you work on Chapter one, or simply a 'test', try some with music and stuff, then try the bare one and send it to me. We'll make a comprimise.


And remember guys: if you're playing a major part, like Komas or Tachi you need to read the entire story first, no offence. Minor characters you don't have to, but if you're going to play the star then you need to make sure you're familiar as you can be with everything.

In that case, wouldn't it be possible to publish both versions?

This reminds me, I was planning on doing a review of GITS. Better start on it before the review topic dies...

Frankly, i don't want to make 2 versions.

It takes to much of my time.

If i make a version, its going to be that and that only.

I don't want to spend extra time making to versions of the same chapter.


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Hey, using my old man's laptop for a sec and I decided to pop in with some random notes.


About the bare audiobook vs. the one with sounds; personally I like both. I just listened to a classic audiobook with no sounds and I liked it, but then again it's always nice to have some music/sound effects to set a mood, expecially for something like this. Here's the deal, SK, simply try both. When you work on Chapter one, or simply a 'test', try some with music and stuff, then try the bare one and send it to me. We'll make a comprimise.


And remember guys: if you're playing a major part, like Komas or Tachi you need to read the entire story first, no offence. Minor characters you don't have to, but if you're going to play the star then you need to make sure you're familiar as you can be with everything.

In that case, wouldn't it be possible to publish both versions?

This reminds me, I was planning on doing a review of GITS. Better start on it before the review topic dies...

Frankly, i don't want to make 2 versions.

It takes to much of my time.

If i make a version, its going to be that and that only.

I don't want to spend extra time making to versions of the same chapter.


Sorta what I was afraid of. I know two versions would be nice, but that's just too much work for SK to do, and then I have to do a lot of approving before things go public, and checking in on two versions would be a tad too much. As I said, SK could try making a test and seeing which one sounds the best, and we can make a compromise to how much music/sound effects is used.


As a note Yukiko: library topics don't die. So it could be over twenty days old and you could still review it. :)

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I'm going to be out of town for about....a week.

During this time, you can still send me auditions, but i won't be listening to them, for about a week.

Anyway, sorry, and i'll get to all of them soon.


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Oh, this is interesting... stumbled upon this topic a few days ago (shame I didn't find it sooner...).

Hopefully I'll have my mic working before all the spots are taken up, so I can at least try for a part.

Any idea how much longer auditions will be going for?

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Oh, this is interesting... stumbled upon this topic a few days ago (shame I didn't find it sooner...).

Hopefully I'll have my mic working before all the spots are taken up, so I can at least try for a part.

Any idea how much longer auditions will be going for?

Not sure...SK and I are being pretty easy on deadlines and letting you guys audition at your own pace. Instead of announcing all the actors at once, we're selecting a few at a time every week or so. Any major parts will be announced last, so everyone has a chance to try out those (save for Szian). So there is no rush, though of course, it is nice for people to try to send them in soonish.

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If we try out for one part, but don't get that, but you think our voice suits someone else, will you tell us you'd rather have us as a different character? Or will we need to still audition seperately for that character?
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If we try out for one part, but don't get that, but you think our voice suits someone else, will you tell us you'd rather have us as a different character? Or will we need to still audition seperately for that character?

If we notice your voice could be suitable for a certain character, we'll ask you to audition for that said one. But usually it's hard to tell right off the bat if a person could be good with a different character. So, we'll tell you if we think you could be better as another person (but we'll still ask for a audition for that said character, to make sure), but we cannot always tell, of course, so it doesn't hurt at all to try out for as many as you would want. :)

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Okay, I'm going to give a few more parts out.

COngrats to SPIRIT for getting the part of Yuuzian and Ancient.

And congrats to Kanohi Zatth for getting the part of Toa Uchik.


I would also like to mention the parts that have not been auditioned for.



Unnamed deep voiced Onu Matoran

Unnamed bounty hunter.

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This looks like great fun! I'll set about recording an audition straight away--I hope it's not too late if I get it in today or tomorrow! ^^
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This looks like great fun! I'll set about recording an audition straight away--I hope it's not too late if I get it in today or tomorrow! ^^

No rush at all, Mista Smeag! As we've said before--it's nice if people can send it soonish, but we're in no rush at all nor is there a deadline set. :)

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