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Bionicle-Вased Creations Critics Club









+ Main Entry: Describes the Club and is the location to place any MoC review requests.

+ Critics Entry: This is where you apply to become a Critic and where you report in your reviews.

+ News Entry: This is the place where all the new updates are listed. Anything that is changed will be listed here.

+ Graphics Entry: This is where all the advertising banners are.

+ Signoffs Entry: This is where all the signoffs are that you may use when you post reviews.

+ Lists Entry: This is where the list of MOCs to be reviewed are in.

+ Archive of Reviewed MOCs: This is where the list of already reviewed MOCs is.


Fellow BZPower Citizens, welcome to the new and improved Bionicle-Based Creations Critics Club!


I'd like to express my thanks to ~GreenBioGuy~, ChocolateFrogs, 55555, and anyone else who has helped improve this club!


First of all, if you have received a review from a critic, understand that the views expressed in said review are by no means the views or opinions of the club as a whole, but rather the honest observations of the reviewer.

Should you find anything offensive, rude, or of breaking the BZPower rules within said review, then please contact a BBC Critics Club Curator [Toa Velox or ~GreenBioGuy~].


The purpose of the BBC Critics Club is to stimulate the writings of higher quality reviews and to give average MoCists a place where they can come to get a guaranteed review.


However, that's not the sole purpose of this club. It's also to get more people to review and become active in the BBC forum. I care about the BBC Forum very much, and I would love to see a change for the better in it.


As I am sure most of you know, most of the posts in the BBC Forum are bits of praise, and often give no helpful comments. This club is designed to give in-depth reviews to MOC, providing constructive criticism and encouraging comments [however, nothing like 'OMG I LOVE IT IT'S SO AWESOME 234324234/232!!!']. A small [hopefully it will be considerably bigger in a short amount of time] group of members have come together to do just that – review your MOC with an in-depth review.


All you MOCers have to do is post in this entry after reading through this entire entry. However, it must be understood that we are all humans. Don't expect us to get to your MOC in one day, it may take a bit longer than that.


Of course, like most other things in this world we live in, there are rules and guidelines. Understand that these rules/guidelines can be revised or changed at any time, and any revisions will be located in the News entry. The guidelines for critics and becoming a critic are in this entry.


Rules and Guidelines for MOCers


All MOCers [and critics, for that matter] must follow the rules of the BBC forum as outlined by the Forum Leaders. I, or any Co-Curators/critics are not responsible for any MOC topics being closed because they violated a BZPower rule. We go to your MOC to give a review, that's it. We're not staff, but just members that want to help out.


Request limit ~ For now I am going to say that there is none. But if you think we can handle ten MOCs from you, and a bunch from other people, think again. Please only request a few at a time, and after we finish those, you can make another request.


Civility ~ The Curators will not tolerate any rudeness toward any member of the BBC Critcs Club. Also, do not start spamming this entry with complaints of “My MOC hasn't been reviewed yet!” and so on. Additionally, do not PM any Curators/Co-Curators/Critics along the same lines. This may, and most likely will be considered harassment, and you will be reported to the proper authorities and taken care of. Not to mention your MOC will never be reviewed by a BBC-CC critic.


Please, just don't spam in this entry – it's that simple. If you see an error, or it has been a while and no one has reviewed your MOC [which means over a week], you may politely post in this thread, or send one of the Curators [Toa Velox or ~GreenBioGuy~] a polite PM asking whatever it is you want to ask. Make sure, however, that you don't come PMing a Curator, or posting in this thread if it's been a week or less. If it's been more than a week, then we, the Curators, have no problem with you PMing one of us. Of course, if we made a mistake when adding your MOC to the list, feel free to PM a Curator right away.


MOCs only ~ This topic, as you hopefully have guessed, is for MOCs only. We do not review stories, we do not review artwork, we do not review comics, and we do not review anything that is not a MOC. If you post in this entry for anything besides MOCs, your request will be ignored. Additionally, I will delete your post.


Back-Seat Reviewing ~ We've all heard the term “back-seat driving”. This is what happens when a passenger in your car [if you drive, of course] starts telling you what lane to turn into, when to brake, when to accelerate, etc. It can get really annoying. Back-seat reviewing is the same idea, where MOCers explicitly tell us how to do our job. We're here for you, but we also know what we're doing.


So please, don't tell us how your want your MOC to be reviewed. If you have a preference, you may explain such in your own topic. However, whether or not the critic reviewing your MOC takes such into account, the BBC Critics Club cannot be blamed. We're writing reviews how we feel will help you best. Only if the review you receive goes against the BZPower rules do you have the option of reporting such grievances to me [Toa Velox], the Curator, ~GreenBioGuy~ [the other Curator], the Co-Curators, or the Forum Leaders of the BBC forum [currently: Tufi Piyufi, Than: Matoran of Anger, Cajun, Kex, or -Shanarra-]. Which is the same for rudeness. If the review you receive is rude or impolite, feel free to PM me or a Co-Curator about it and we will take care of it. :]


Begging ~ It is not alright for an MOCer to beg for a review. I understand that you may not get reviews, or if you do all you get are reviews short posts of praise offering no help, but that does not mean you are allowed to beg and spam. Don't give us that. Just post saying you'd like a review, and one will be given. This follows under the rule above of Civility. Be civil to us, and we will be civil to you. :]


Requesting a Review:


To request a review, use the following code [just copy and paste it into your post, and fill it in]:

[url= (your MOC url)] MOC Title [/url]
Your screen-name:


You must link to your MOC. Do not say 'It's in my sig'. Your request will be ignored if you do. Also, you must put your name under the 'Your screen-name' section. Pretty self-explanatory, right? Good.


Also, your MOC must be in a [live] topic. This is because we would get swamped with requests if we reviewed a bunch of dead topics.


General Information:


I [or one of my assistants (Co-Curators)] will be checking over each and every review, to make sure each is appropriate and has given constructive criticism, and encouraging comments. If I find that one does not give enough insight, then I will PM that critic asking them to edit their post. However, if it has been a few days since the review was given, and you don't feel like they gave you enough help, you may politely PM me [Toa Velox], or ~GreenBioGuy~ [the other Curator] telling me what you feel about it.


I really want each and every one of you MOCers to get good reviews, so I really don't mind you PM-ing me nicely asking about it. However, be civil, and make sure to wait the appropriate amount of time. Remember, Patience is a virtue.


Here is the list of current approved critics and curators [bios may be put up at another time]:



Toa Velox






Nuju Metru




Toa Velox - Senior Critic

~GreenBioGuy~ - Senior Critic

TECHNICOLOR FIGURATION [Neaku/Draco] - Elite Critic

Major Marvelous - Elite Critic

Ballom - Elite Critic

55555 - Advanced Critic

I'm Not Toa of Dancing - Advanced Critic

Lokki [Elemental Rahaga] - Advanced Critic

Keetongu Hordika - Advanced Critic

TECHNICOLOR CHEERIOS [Laka] - Standard Critic

-Zaxvo- - Average Critic

Sumiki - Newbie Critic

Dr. Cockroach Ph.D. - Newbie Critic

Sir Thomas of Black Falcon - Newbie Critic

Darth Eryzeth - Newbie Critic

Xinlo: Lord of Olnix - Newbie Critic

I'm 12 and what is this - Newbie Critic

mata nui's savior - Newbie Critic

Blue Dragon - Newbie Critic

Mysterious Minifig - Newbie Critic


The Guidelines for becoming a critic and for current critics are listed in this entry. Also listed in that entry is the reason as to why people are at the rank they are at.


Thanks for all the support. Now go ahead and request a review!




Recommended Comments

As an anal grammar Nazi, I'd like to point out that "soul purpose" should be "sole purpose." :P



Lol, fix'd.





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I know this is more than a single MOC, so reviewers don't have to review everything at once, but:


The Inhabitants of Terra Nui



Also, since you reposted these, I would check all of the links. For example, in the line where it says "The Guidelines for becoming a critic and for current critics are listed in this entry", the word this leads to a Board Message saying "You are not authorized to view this page".



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Does the MoC have to have a topic? If not:



-Serene Nightmare-



-Serene Nightmare-

Yes, the MoC does have to have a topic; we can't review it if it doesn't! ;)



( ( ( curatorbbc.png ) ) )

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Yeah, and on that note TV and I have decided that we shall base the ranks of the current Critics on their next review (not three, in other words). New members from now on will have to bring their ranks up like normal though...



( ( ( curatorbbc.png ) ) )

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Does the MoC have to have a topic? If not:



-Serene Nightmare-



-Serene Nightmare-

Yes, the MoC does have to have a topic; we can't review it if it doesn't! ;)



( ( ( curatorbbc.png ) ) )


It does have a topic - it's dead. It's just that the comments were somewhat lacking, which is why I posted it here. :)



-Serene Nightmare-

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I know this is more than a single MOC, so reviewers don't have to review everything at once, but:


The Inhabitants of Terra Nui



Also, since you reposted these, I would check all of the links. For example, in the line where it says "The Guidelines for becoming a critic and for current critics are listed in this entry", the word this leads to a Board Message saying "You are not authorized to view this page".




Alright, for this, each MOC can count as a separate review. So, each MOC someone reviews from this topic, counts as a full review [and you can get points for each one].


Also, once this topic gets two MOCs, please move on to other things on the list, and only come back to this if there are no more. Okie?


Yeah, and on that note TV and I have decided that we shall base the ranks of the current Critics on their next review (not three, in other words). New members from now on will have to bring their ranks up like normal though...



( ( ( curatorbbc.png ) ) )


That's good, I agree.


Does the MoC have to have a topic? If not:



-Serene Nightmare-



-Serene Nightmare-

Yes, the MoC does have to have a topic; we can't review it if it doesn't! ;)



( ( ( curatorbbc.png ) ) )


It does have a topic - it's dead. It's just that the comments were somewhat lacking, which is why I posted it here. :)



-Serene Nightmare-

Then unfortunately we can't review it for you.


~ Velox

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It does have a topic - it's dead. It's just that the comments were somewhat lacking, which is why I posted it here. :)



-Serene Nightmare-

Then unfortunately we can't review it for you.


~ Velox

Couldn't you or another critic(s) just PM him a review?

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You know how many MOCs people have made? I don't think Velox wants to get drowned in MOCs several years old.

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Couldn't you or another critic(s) just PM him a review?

That might be possible, but then (if we did that) we would get swamped with tons of other people wanting reviews for dead MoCs, which wouldn't be acceptable at all. Vaka Nui makes a good point:


I don't think Velox wants to get drowned in MOCs several years old.

Too true. Therefor, I believe that we need to add in a rule (Velox) which says that you have to have a (live) topic in order to get a review.

Please understand that we would love to review your MoC, but under the circumstances, it would make things very difficult for us. ;)



( ( ( curatorbbc.png ) ) )

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I don't think Velox wants to get drowned in MOCs several years old.

Too true. Therefor, I believe that we need to add in a rule (Velox) which says that you have to have a (live) topic in order to get a review.

Please understand that we would love to review your MoC, but under the circumstances, it would make things very difficult for us. ;)



( ( ( curatorbbc.png ) ) )


I've added that. I also added that signoff you requested [the 'Curators' one].


I'm going to go fix those links that Ballom mentioned right now.


It's because those old entries are drafted.


~ Velox


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I really doubt that you'd get a lot of applicants for dead MOCs, but I suppose it's not that much trouble to make a new topic.

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Wait, how the heck am I a newbie critic?


EDIT: Oh I see, you have a ranking system.

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I really doubt that you'd get a lot of applicants for dead MOCs, but I suppose it's not that much trouble to make a new topic.


That's not allowed in the BBC Forum Rules. Once it's dead, it's dead.


Wait, how the heck am I a newbie critic?

Everyone starts out as a Newbie Critic, besides Curators/Co-Curators. For you Critics who were critics in the first club, all you have to do is post one new review [on any MOC - even if it's not on the list], post here with a link to it, and then either I or ~GBG~ will rate that review, and whatever you get for that review, will be your new status [see the Critics Entry for the new rating procedure].


Also see ~GBG~'s post here.


~ Velox


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I really doubt that you'd get a lot of applicants for dead MOCs, but I suppose it's not that much trouble to make a new topic.


That's not allowed in the BBC Forum Rules. Once it's dead, it's dead.


~ Velox


You aren't allowed to PM someone a review of a dead MOC?


- Sidorak

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I really doubt that you'd get a lot of applicants for dead MOCs, but I suppose it's not that much trouble to make a new topic.


That's not allowed in the BBC Forum Rules. Once it's dead, it's dead.


~ Velox


You aren't allowed to PM someone a review of a dead MOC?


- Sidorak

Yes, but ~GBG~ and I have decided to not review MOCs that aren't in topics. This may change later, but not right now.



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Sup my home-skillet McGriddle biscuit! Wow, I can't believe you actually pulled this off V! Good job!

Well, since I'm here, I might as well request a review...




...I would add it to the list, but it appears that one of my critics has already reviewed it. :D

Good to see you active again, Tikaro.

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Hey Velox. Unfortunately I don't think I can be a critic right now. I'm kind of busy (not to mention a big procrastinator), and I doubt I'll be able to do many reviews.

So for now it's a no, but maybe I'll sign up again another time.

- :l: :flagcanada:


That's fine. I only had Nuju Metru PM you because you had asked before.

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I see that you have no requests, so I'll throw this in:

Member Name: -Zaxvo-

Topic: Topic

There's something like six different MOCs in that topic, so you can split it up however way you want among your critics or asign the whole thing to just one critic, it's up to you. It's basically a topic for all the MOCs that I lost in the Time Slip.



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You did it! Thanks for the request. :)


Did what? Stopped procrastinating? Well, I figured it was about time.

Anyways, I'm jsut posting here to say that Major Marvellous gave me an EXCELLENT review, it was amazing. Thank you, and I'll be back! [in a good way lol :D ]


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You did it! Thanks for the request. :)


Did what? Stopped procrastinating? Well, I figured it was about time.

Anyways, I'm jsut posting here to say that Major Marvellous gave me an EXCELLENT review, it was amazing. Thank you, and I'll be back! [in a good way lol :D ]


Yes, that's what I meant, and I agree on MM; he is a good reviewer! ^_^


I'm glad you'll be back! :)



( ( ( curatorbbc.png ) ) )

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