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My company had a photoshoot for the boss who's getting married this December, and offered to take some fun graduation pictures for me. Here's one, hehe.



Gosh, graduation was so fun! Part of the fun was because I was, remarkably, the top of my course. *bragbragbrag* So that got me a few awards and a bit more money too! On top of that, I was one of two valedictorian speakers! Well, I was the reserve at the end of the day, but the other guy got all the fuss and stress while I sat behind him and re-read my script over and over without any fussing. */bragbragbrag*


So, come graduation day, and the school ground gets flooded with many students, most of them in smart attire or already decked in their gowns. At the really early hour of 8 in the morning, the school's plaza rarely gets that filled. As for me, I was isolated to the side. It was evil that graduation administration had to drag different graduands from their friends to other parts of the theatre - I really wanted to find my classmates (and I couldn't find them all after the ceremony! Hmph!).


But everything went quite well! The speeches were really funny - the principal was poor in giving his speech, and I almost fell asleep, but the guest speaker, a senior minister, sounded very good and his speech was really funny at some points. He even asked the live camera to find a student in the crowd that he was talking about and stream him on screen. That student was my classmate, but the camera picked out the wrong people. XD




After the whole event, speeches said and prizes given, I went to the VIP reception where I met up with my family. There were the lecturers, directors of school and other VIPs, and I ended up wasting almost an hour meeting people, then bringing my family to lecturers and people I knew or people to my family. And there was the photo-taking too, lots of incessant photo-taking. I did manage to leave the area and catch a number of my classmates, while my family left for home and let me do what I wanted to.


With time to spare after eating the buffet lunch, I found my boyfriend and we walked into campus - with the graduation gown still on my shoulders. I had nowhere to hang it, and I wanted to catch up with friends who were still studying in school, and play a little bit of wizardry with them before their lessons started.



That summed up the day which I spent blood, sweat, and tears in 3 years to get to. I can't say it was the most remarkable day ever, but it was still a really good one. :D Now I can finally add something on my shelf that's of immeasurable worth - my diplomas, my medal, and a bit of pride.


Leaving you with picture of cute doggeh! XD







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I know I already congratulated you, but I'll do it here too.


*Virtual firm handshake and hug* Congratulations. I'm proud of ya.


Lucky is so :3.



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