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If it'll make you feel any better, to put things in perspective: I'm nineteen, about to start a second year of college.


I'm old. :P

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Don't forget to change your bio content block! =O


Happy birthday, and prayers and best wishes for the coming year!


And many apologies for not having a gift ready to give to you for your birthday-- I've got some artz I hope to show you, but I haven't gotten around to photographing them. With luck, though, I'll be able to get those to you soon.

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I'm almost 19 ^^ You've got quite a way in front of you :P


On the negative side people wont take you for grown up until you move out from home or are 21 or so...


I forgot to draw you something though x.x


Happy Birthday :)

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Happy B-day Lady K (that's a lot of abbreviations :P ). I've been 17 too for close to two months, and ... it's not all what it's cracked up to be. Oh well, have fun with it.

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Well LK, if it's any consolation at all, all the upperclassmen agree that junior year is the worst, after sophomore year...senior year is supposed to be the best.


Dunno if that applies to you homeschoolers tho...I'm just not helping, am I.xD Ah well, have a happeh birfday anyhoo! :D


And remember, next year you'll be a legal adult.0: So enjoy being 17 while it lasts!



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I'm pretty much in the same boat with Raia. 17's not old, it's awesome. Next is 18, then 21, then the prime of your life! You aren't old. Anyway, I'll be joining you on the seventeen pedastal in 9 days. (June 9th, rock on)

Keep the SS "we're seniors" docked until I climb aboard, then?

Make sure to keep your head above water, too. (Am I done with the nautical references yet? Does a Skakdi like poetry?)


_Xenn' of the Moon

PS: Arrrrgh!

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You young whippersnappers don't have any room to complain.


I'm 21 and in need of a walker.


Now if you'll excuse me, I'll be shuffleboarding with Omi and Black Six. -Swert


edit: Oh, and happy 17th LK : D

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You young whippersnappers don't have any room to complain.


I'm 21 and in need of a walker.


Now if you'll excuse me, I'll be shuffleboarding with Omi and Black Six. -Swert


edit: Oh, and happy 17th LK : D


Old Man Sweeeert! Old Man Sweeeert!~


Yeah I'm 19 in a month so i'm getting old too ;_;


Happy Birthday KL and I hope you get lots and lots of presents!

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You young whippersnappers don't have any room to complain.


I'm 21 and in need of a walker.


Now if you'll excuse me, I'll be shuffleboarding with Omi and Black Six. -Swert


edit: Oh, and happy 17th LK : D


So THIS is why LK drew you with a walker...nice one, Lady!xDD



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You've no room to talk LK :P , I've got like 1 year until I'm 20! Happy Birthday though, I hope it's a great one.


Now if only I had remembered to send you a present... no wait, I did :P .



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Oh whoa, it's your birthday?! I totally forgot! Happy Birthday, LK! Have a goo...


*shoved aside*

*Ahem*, excuse that bit of nothing. However, now that has been dealt with, let me also wish you a joyful anniversary of your birth. Day. I am sure it is going to be a good year for you, being almost 18 now. Time flies.



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Ha ha! You're an old man now!


Exactly how turning seventeen turns you into a man does not matter. You'd better start lining up at the nursing home old timer!

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Ha ha! You're an old man now!


Exactly how turning seventeen turns you into a man does not matter. You'd better start lining up at the nursing home old timer!



But yeah. Hope seventeen is fun for you. Gonna have to start getting your ideas together and your paperwork filled out for a college soon! :ohmy:

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Poor Lady K.


Well i turned 16 on the 25th, so now i have to drive.

I'm scared of the road.

Anyway, Happy birthday LK, and just know that your only 359 days older then me.


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