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2001-2008 Animations Needed

Takuma Nuva


So, just the other day I realized that when I got my new laptop, I didn't transfer all the bionicle animations I had saved from the computer I was using. Problem is, I already deleted them off the other computer assuming I could just download them from the same website that I did before. Well guess what, that website is good as gone. :annoyed2:


I've tried using a program to download them from a video hosting site :rolleyes: but they end up low-res, small, and smooshed.


I tried looking on BZP as I remembered a topic that claimed having them in "pack 1", "pack 2", and "2008". Well, 2008 had only the '01-'08 synopsis and phantoka video and the two "packs" were links that no longer work.


So ............... HELP?!?!?! (please)


Bump'd for urgency...




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Yeah, I remember a topic like that. I didn't download any of them, though.


Hey, can someone find them and post them here, because I want them now. :P

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Well, if I ever catch you on Yahoo! Messenger anytime soon...


Just have 'em in a zip folder ready for deployal? :P


Still, if anyone has a link to all of 'em or somethin'....


takumasmilie.gifTakuma Nuva:infected:

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Every time I start to type in BZP's address on this computer, the first thing that shows up in the suggested URLs is for a topic titled "Bionicle's Ghost Movies." I'll have to get that right now...


Here it is. 2008 only has the 2001-2007 overview, the Phantoka video, and the Mahri blooper, though. I found the Mistika commercial somewhere, but I don't remember where.


EDIT:Judging by the "pack 1," "pack 2," and "2008," it's the same topic. Odd. :blink:


EDIT2: I found some sort of 2-minute Mistika movie. As I can't open RAR files on this computer or identify which movie it is just by its length and which canister sets were in it, I don't know which one it is. I think there were a few Mistika videos. Almost forgot--here's the link.


EDIT3: This topic has everything from 2001-2009.

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I've got a lot of the Ghost stuff from 2001-2007. However, it's 215 MBs. *shrug*

Any suggestions?


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