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British People



First, for those wondering why I haven't started the Brawl tournament even though the deadline was 16 days ago, my basement flooded. It's fixed now, but my Wii and stuff were down there and, while not harmed, they still haven't been put back into place, so the tourney hasn't commenced yet.


Anyway, why are British people so much more elegant and fancy in their phrasing and stuff? For example, here's what the US Ibanez site says about the JS guitars;


Maestro Joe Satriani’s jaw-dropping skill on the guitar is only matched by the sheer beauty and artistry of his Signature instruments. Created in collaboration with Satch himself, these models are indeed an extension of his playing: finely nuanced yet capable of staggering heights of musicality.


And here's what the British site says;


The Magician's power is transformation through the use of will and sheer talent. This is power of a dangerous sort which commands the material world and the high-wire acts he performs often seem like dark magic. With its clean, body-fitting design, the JS a deceptively simple yet potent divining rod, able to raise impossible flurries of notes and melodies from the fertile pastures of your rock guitar dreams.


Why is it in the US they're to the point while in England they get the message across while making it much more interesting sounding? In the US Joe's "Maestro Joe Satriani". In England he's "The Magician". In America the JS guitars are "finely nuanced yet capable" instruments, which they are, but still, in England, they're "a deceptively simple yet potent divining rod, able to raise impossible flurries of notes and melodies from the fertile pastures of your rock guitar dreams." It's so much fancier and more poetic you could say, but it gets the point across nonetheless. Why can't we be fancier with our words?


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I think this just reflects the paragraphs writers attitude towards the guitar. The guy who wrote it for the US site probably is a more direct and to the point kind of person.


I bet you could find a direct to the point writer for this small text in Britain as well :P

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