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Which fool is too lazy to have made it say a word one letter longer?



Chuck Norris is three letters and a space longer.



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Correction: Zero goes into fifty-eight infinity times. And it's pretty obvious why-- no matter how many zeroes you add up, they'll never add up to fifty-eight, so dividing fifty-eight into groups of zero you get an infinite number of groups. Dividing any number by zero should give you this result, even zero itself.


It's just one of those weird math things, like how .999 repeated is equal to 1. When you deal with any sort of infinity, be it an infinite number of decimal digits or an infinite number of zeroes, things tend to get muddled up beyond comprehension.


I have a really awesome book called Zero: The Biography of a Dangerous Idea that is basically all about this sort of stuff. It's pretty awesome, and I recommend it to anyone who can get their hands on it.

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Windows just says "cannot divide by zero". At least macs kinda sorta divided by it. =/


But both still need an explosion animation for this, yeah.

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Correction: Zero goes into fifty-eight infinity times. And it's pretty obvious why-- no matter how many zeroes you add up, they'll never add up to fifty-eight, so dividing fifty-eight into groups of zero you get an infinite number of groups. Dividing any number by zero should give you this result, even zero itself.


It's just one of those weird math things, like how .999 repeated is equal to 1. When you deal with any sort of infinity, be it an infinite number of decimal digits or an infinite number of zeroes, things tend to get muddled up beyond comprehension.


I have a really awesome book called Zero: The Biography of a Dangerous Idea that is basically all about this sort of stuff. It's pretty awesome, and I recommend it to anyone who can get their hands on it.



...I actually understand you. Like, both things you said.


Which is weird for obvious reasons.



Peace, but not really,


-Dr. Horrible-

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It's just one of those weird math things, like how .999 repeated is equal to 1.


.999 repeating is NOT equal to one. It is infantessimally less than one. While in real life, it's close enough, in mathmatical terms, only one equals one.

Plus, the way you stated it made it sound like 999 thousandths equaled one.
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It's just one of those weird math things, like how .999 repeated is equal to 1.



.999 repeating is NOT equal to one. It is infantessimally less than one. While in real life, it's close enough, in mathmatical terms, only one equals one.


Plus, the way you stated it made it sound like 999 thousandths equaled one.

Actually, there's a mathematical proof that shows it's equal to one. I used to think it was infinitesimally less as well, but we went over that proof in my Trigonometry course (I think that was the class in which we went over it) and it made a lot of sense. See here for a number of proofs.


And sorry if it sounded misleading, but I didn't know any notations for recording repeated decimals in a post at the time I made that post.

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