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Star Rants, Episode I



So, basically, this was an idea I got last night while overtired, meaning it's either an excellent idea, or it's a horrid one. But the only way to find out is to try it, eh?


Anyway, essentially in each episode I rant about something in a Star Wars film I didn't like. I may be a fan, but there are still some things Mr. Lucas can do that annoy me.


So, to start, since this is Episode I, let's start with something from Episode I.




I don't dislike Qui-Gon. In fact, he's probably amongst my five favourite Jedi characters from the movies. Once you go into the Expanded Universe that's more questionable, but still possible. The rebelliousness he had towards the council made him more than a generic Lawful Good Jedi Master, but at the same time take out that rebelliousness and he seemed almost like a perfect Jedi Knight to me.


So why am I ranting about him? Very simple. He dies.


I'm not the kind of person who whines just because someone awesome dies. Heck, if it serves a purpose I do it myself time to time in stories and such. But frankly I didn't see a lot of purpose in his death. To start, it's right near the end of the movie, so it's not sending Obi-Wan on a quest of revenge, though that both wouldn't make sense since the Sith fights always are at the end of the film and killing a Jedi Master to a battle droid just doesn't make a lot of sense. That and Obi-Wan, being thoroughly with the code as Episode III proved, wouldn't go after someone for revenge.


I think probably the reason I'm upset though is because it seems like he just died to put Obi-Wan in position to train Anakin. I understand you needed a way to get Obi-Wan to become a Jedi Master so he could train Anakin to make the canon work George, but come on, why did you make Qui-Gon in the first place then? He lives right to the end, shows impressive fighting skills against Darth Maul, is generally awesome, and then he gets killed by Maul.


This would be alright with me if he died to make you truly dislike the villain or something like that, but not even twenty minutes later Obi-Wan kills Darth Maul. Again, it seems like you put Qui-Gon in to be an Old Ben to Obi-Wan's Luke, and then when you needed to make Obi-Wan the guy training Anakin you just went "Oh yeah, and kill Qui-Gon right near the end with Maul, take care of that." which sounds like a nice and neat solution on paper, but it really doesn't transfer as well to film.


That being said, it did give a nice and cinematic ending to a fun character(Rather than killing them off in between Episode I an Episode II), plus if we go with the canon, at least he didn't get caught in Order 66, so it's not all bad. I guess I just would've liked a little bit more of Qui-Gon is all.


So yeah, thoughts on the Star Rants thing?


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He gets a blink and you miss it role in Eppy III. He's apparently the first one to figure out how to come back as a ghost. He's the one who teaches Obi-Wan to do it in the later films.

Of course this begs the question of who taught it to Yoda and Anakin...

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Of course this begs the question of who taught it to Yoda and Anakin...

I'm pretty sure that Qui Gon taught Yoda the trick as well. And since Anakin was a Sith prior, they also know other tricks too.



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