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Final Fantasy 12 Review

Spoony Bard


The game is awesome. The license leveling system is coool beans. Gambit system is alright.


One thing that ticks me off though is the field battling. I was mad at random battles, but now I want them back. The "random" battles in FF12 really suck IMO, because I have all these guys ganging up on me, and when I flee, they keep chase.


So I dropped many bombs of the F variety because of that.




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just XD


you know, there's always the chance of writing to the game developers, and say "GIVE ME BACK THE OLD SYSTEM!"


Or find the Difficulty settings. *shrugs*


Good luck with that, Omi. -Swert

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just XD


you know, there's always the chance of writing to the game developers, and say "GIVE ME BACK THE OLD SYSTEM!"


Or find the Difficulty settings. *shrugs*


Good luck with that, Omi. -Swert



Lol, Well i hope the game is fun. Never did play a FF game before. Would love to though.


I'd have to relate to your anger towards the game because sometimes I also get mad when they take out the good stuff and make the game partially worse.


Well, have fun in college and lean something ;)



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If you haven't already, I'd suggest dropping it into Wait Mode. Don't know if you played X-2 yet, but that helps lessen the frantic pace of battles.


I've pretty much said to heck with the gambits for now. They've only got two slots each...not even close to enough to build actual AI.

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