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Well, I'm Just Going To Kill Some Bandwidth

Nathan Evo


Well, this will involve my comics, which half the people who read this blog actually care about. You don't have to read this. You don't have to comment.


And you certainly don't have to spam, thank you very much.


Time to murder some bandwidth.


Anyway, I figured I'd get started on another comic series. This one probably has the longest title. There was TMUTS and TMUCW. The next series, originally TMURG, is now TMUWoS.


So, the original plan was to use six-shade Chimoru. But since I'm not a six-shade obssessionist like Kahinuva ( :P ), I figured I'd be a little more original, even though I was the guy who made six-shade Chimoru. ALSO YOU NEED DARK'S PERMISSION TO USE THE SIX-SHADED EXPRESSIONS. I'm going to self-sprite the whole thing. No kit. Whatever I'm using won't be released. And no, I'm not using the Gerlickit, even though it is awesome. The sprites I'll use have been on my computer for probably a year at the most. By the way, the colors in the Gerlickit will be used.


Poor Dark. Seems like half my life revolves around something made by him. I've been a little too into Chimoru lately. Six-shading is starting to be a pain and I'm stuck on a Metus spritesheet. (It was made by VakamaTK.) Well, unlike Dark709ists who cotton-pickin' worship him, it's like I make a loop around him and loop around something else. Repeat. In other words, my path of revolution makes a figure-eight.


This time I'm hoping to poke some fun into things. Gerlicky puts up the Plasma Saber and replaces it with a few much-needed guns. Gerlicky's going into war. The goal is to rescue a group of Matoran held hostage by Hapori Dume. Yep, I'm poking some fun into Dark's third movie.


Now, this is where things might get ugly and backfire. See, Dark's movies may not be beloved by all, but they are pretty dang popular. And there will be at least one noob who loves Dark709's stuff to the point of saying "im gonna ripport u cuz u maed fun of dakr790!! i haet u!! UR MEAN!!11!!11@!Q!!~!" like that Willy Wonka guy on iTunes when Weird Al spoofed "Complicated" by Agril Lavigne. In other words, there will be some misconception and a whole lotta ugly.


On another note, Dark may approve fan kits, but I doubt he lets others use his characters often. And since he invented... well, whatever team Hapori Dume works with, I'm afraid I've got no option but to ask him. And if he says yes, but only if I use Chimoru, then we've got another problem in Uglyville.


Still, I find it tough to see how this isn't awesome.



Yep, I've got a lot planned and one downfall could mess it up entirely.


And if you were brave enough to endure my yammering about Dark709 and Hapori Dume and ugly stuff, then give yourself a pat on the back until I can find something to give you. Unfortunately, the only things on the list are eggs and extension cables.


ALSO CHOCOLATE MILK: Okay, I was able to send Dark the PM. Not a lot of talking, but I CAN use Hapori Dume from his movie. So we're ready to go!




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That does look awesome. And--


Wait, you sent a PM to Dark? Just now?! YES! I've been waiting three weeks for him to empty his inbox so I can send him a really important PM! Don't ask what it's about; it's top secret.


Also, are you going to bury that bandwidth? It's kind of rotting over there... :unsure:

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That does look awesome. And--


Wait, you sent a PM to Dark? Just now?! YES! I've been waiting three weeks for him to empty his inbox so I can send him a really important PM! Don't ask what it's about; it's top secret.


Also, are you going to bury that bandwidth? It's kind of rotting over there... :unsure:

Oh, no, I haven't sent him one yet. Sorry. :(

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Another kit that's no going to be released? Or is it only going to be released among a certain group?


But that looks awesome. From what it looks like so far, I might even switch LLL from Six Shade to that if it was even released...


And I am still a Six Shade obssessionist, but not as much, cause I found Xaniskit. Still using it as my main kit, though...


Is this going to be that comic series you talked about earlier?


EDIT: And, VTK, I sent a message to him asking to use his expressions about a week ago and he responded, so I'm thinking it's not empty anymore...



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Kit= same one you used in your profile pic?


This is looking to be pure epic. Love the gun. But why!?! WHY DID YOU HAVE TO END THAT POOR BANDWITH'S LIFE! WHHHHHHHHHHHHHY!??!?!?!??!?!? I said why.

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I find the usage of your hand drawn stuff shall be quite awesome indeed. And the idea sounds good. But, let's hope them Dark fans won't go crazy if this doesn't work with the movie's canon.


And awesome gun is awesome.

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Hey, you know what, if I got my BZHistory right, Dark actually didn't make Hapori Dume, the BZStaff did...



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Hey, you know what, if I got my BZHistory right, Dark actually didn't make Hapori Dume, the BZStaff did...



Yes, I'm aware. Actually, I asked to use his version of Hapori Dume, since no one knows what he really looks like. I'm not even sure about the head. His avatar was a Keerahk head, which was an actual set. It's all speculation, and I asked to use Dark's. Which I got permission to do.


Anyway, I'll release another TMU before this plot, since Gerlicky's girlfriend is involved in the one I'm working on right now and she is dead in TMU:WoS.


And don't worry, the Barricade (that gun I made) will still be used.

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That does look awesome. And--


Wait, you sent a PM to Dark? Just now?! YES! I've been waiting three weeks for him to empty his inbox so I can send him a really important PM! Don't ask what it's about; it's top secret.


Also, are you going to bury that bandwidth? It's kind of rotting over there... :unsure:

Oh, no, I haven't sent him one yet. Sorry. :(


The inbox had some room anyway. XD


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