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We Now Interrupt This Program...



...to bring you some random! Because I hate to see this place rot.:< I have no ideas for wacky entries anymore...so we are interrupting the program of BLAH with some random Raia facts that are random, and not even possibly relevant to anyone except me, and if you're lucky, you'll find them entertaining.^^


This is only temporary programming...I have art coming soon.0: HONEST TO GOODNESS, GENUINE BIONICLE ART.


...okay I kinda lied, it's HB.>.> But still! It's not even Glitch-related! Aren't you proud of me?xD


Random Fact 1!:

I hate rulers. SO EVIL. They always go all crooked on me and they always have weird edges that ruin my lines, pah.


Random Fact 2!:

My favorite Bionicle character for a long time was Nokama, but nowadays Vezon, Lariska, and really all the Toa Metru hold a dear place in my heart. The Metru sometimes drive me crazy, but IMHO, they are the most realistic, human, un-perfect characters in the series so far, so I put up with their antics.


Random Fact 3!:

Pie> cake. Blueberry cobbler> cherry cobbler. There are to be no exceptions to this rule.


Random Fact 4!:

For some reason, I find skunks and stingrays to be cute. Go figure.


Random Fact 5!:

I still hang out on BZP for two reasons: friends and Bionicle news. At this point, the forums have really started to bore me.:/


Random Fact 6!:

I dislike odd numbers, with the notable exceptions of 5 and 13.


...now excuse me while my brain shuts down entirely.@_@ Have a nice day, and don't forget to smiiiiiile! :D




Recommended Comments

Yeah I'm not involved very much in the forums anymore....I wish I was, but other than my stuff....and some friend's topics...I'm not too active in the forums anymore... :P


-Jordboy1 :miru:

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