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I Has A Sketch? 0:



Just another sign of the apocalypse.;D




So I needed something to do, and this happened on me. Kopaka Mata, in case you couldn't tell. I <3 his furry hood.:3


Will be colored. Eventually.>.>




Recommended Comments

That actually looks pretty awesome.

For a sketch you put a lot of detail into it.

Great job! :D

*gives you a free coat*


-Jordboy1 :miru:

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Arms? Too long. Hood? Makes it up. Awesome.



Sounds like the reviews of sets we get these days. :P


He has a frowneh face. :(


I would've added some insane eye scope, but this is cool.


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Thanks for the feedback, everybody. :) Now, regarding comments on proportion: technically, the head IS in proportion, but you're right boanater, the arms are too long-- by the time I had noticed, I had finished detailing the sword, shield, etc, and didn't feel like going back and fixing it.xD I'm not too concerned cuz it's just a concept.


I did think about an eye scope, rsd, but I ended up not doing it cuz I didn't want to erase his face. I like his frowneh face.0: Kopaka is -supposed- to be frowneh.: D



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Aw. Silly rsd, if you don't keep trying to draw, how will you ever get practice?:/ But yeah, I wouldn't start with the scope...I always start with a head, and then I'll sketch out a rough outline of the body, go back to the head and do the face, and then go back to the body and go crazy.


Definitely one of the silliest things I used to do was draw a perfect head and shoulders without doing anything about the rest of the body...which I would then have to fill in and it would suck.>< Always have a rough outline of all body parts BEFORE you go crazy with detail...I learned that the hard way.



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I would always draw what I THOUGHT was a really good face, and then draw the body too big or too small and have to draw the head again.


And I don't practice usually because whenever I try it just looks awful. I can't stand to work with that. I miss when I was little and thought my faildrawings were legitimate, so that I had the confidence to keep trying...ugh.

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