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Lets Take A Nap



A how to, by me, Gavla the nap master.


Hey. You. Dude in front of the comp, watching videos, making a comic, writing an epic, or chatting, or reading THIS RIGHT HERE<^> Get off the comp. And take a nap, WITH THIS HOW-TO BLOG ENTRY.


The type's of naps.


long hour to more naps


short, three second naps


a few minute naps


car naps


boat naps


and "how to get out of something" naps


First: How to have a nice long hour to more nap.


Ok, so your tired. Been working all day? No? Been running? Nah? Something else? Maybe. Well dont just rush into something else when you just got through something tough or such. Walk to your room. The best place for a hour to more nap. Remove your bed cover. Close your door to not be interupted. Pull back the BOTTOM sheet, the one you lay on if you lay under only the top cover. Make sure it's cold, and feels good to the touch. Now, pull the bed cover off or to the very end. Dont want to be warm now do we? Lay on the bed however you want. Cover yourself with the cover you always lay on. Lay flat. Not on sides, or gut. Close eyes and sleep. The cold ness relaxes you so you do get a longer nap then normal.


I'll post how to's for the other naps later.


Recommended Comments

I'd take naps but it takes me half an hour to a full hour to fall asleep, but once I do fall asleep, I don't wanna wake up until Christmas :P
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I got 8 hours of sleep :P


Lucky. I can't sleep that long. *sighs* *falls asleep on the keyboard* kjwjebgkkfrc erkw.rekcbrekjc. *wakes up* :unsure: :rolleyes:




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I got 8 hours of sleep :P



I usually tend to sleep for 10+ hours (if my family lets me), and lay in my bed for 2 more after wakening. ^_^


Therefore I don't need naps - I wouldn't be able to sleep at night... and then I'd be in a horrible mood :P


But nice tutorial ^^

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