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Webcomics Emulating Life

Avohkah Tamer


This latest comic is so totally me.




I was even planning on playing my new Half-Life 2 for the first time this evening before I read this!


Y'see, a couple months ago I bought Orange Box at a crazy $10 price it was selling at for only one weekend. I haven't been able to play it due to two things: My computer's not powerful enough, and it only had 1GB hard drive space left (each game can be about 5-6GB). I knew I wouldn't regret buying it, though, and I was right. As of a few days ago I have access to a computer I was delighted to hear was approximately a gazillion times better than my regular computer. I promptly installed my Orange Box games and have been playing through them! I beat Portal the other day, and practiced on Team Fortress 2 with Takuma Nuva, and I planned to try out my Half-Life 2 today!


Oh, the coincidence gets weirder. I was playing around with a tape measure not a half hour ago, and decided to figure out how far I could extend it without it bending and collapsing. I got to exactly eight feet. Then something occurred to me... Another strip yet again exactly like my life:




Any readers have crazy coincidences you'd like to share?


~ :a: :t:


Recommended Comments

Wow. that is almost creepy.


Something funny, the night before the animation with mata nui's form looking up and his eyes turning red, I dreamed up (day dream) the exact same animation only with the eyes turning green instead of red. I even dreamed up the part with the ignika shooting out from him


-almost as if they stole my idea- :o


DJ Reidak

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