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Alright Kids



I'm broken. Let's try this.



I am an adult. This is going to be the blog of an adult. Fair warning. I can, and I will talk about staying up all night at friend's apartments just to talk about life and politics and religion and saving our cash one dollar at a time to make a career for ourselves. It happens. You'll all get there sometime, and the adventure is going to be incredibly unique and mind-numbingly dull at the same time. Just do me a favor, and try to figure things out for yourselves once in awhile.



Stay tuned; art to come.


Recommended Comments

Dude, maybe you should start a non-BZP blog. ^_^


Your practice of deleting old entries is very idiosyncratic and makes me :(.


EDIT: I take that back. I just assumed you'd been blogging for longer! :blush:



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Since when did you become so dark? Or is this just a ploy?

I've been a cynic since the day I was born; but I'm actually pretty happy about it, so don't worry.


This is a ploy to get me to draw more artwork and to fit in with all the cool cats who have blogs :)

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I like adult Blogs. You guys should a blog by John Piper. Look him up!!


I like talking about religious stuff too. =-)

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I like adult Blogs. You guys should a blog by John Piper. Look him up!!


I like talking about religious stuff too. =-)

Talking religion is only fun when both parties come from vastly different backgrounds. My friend was brought up devout Mormon...Me? Well, let's say I don't have much faith in anything. Very good discussions we have together honestly. Especially laying on her bed at 4 AM.


Obviously, we'll keep it at that for this website.

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I like adult Blogs. You guys should a blog by John Piper. Look him up!!


I like talking about religious stuff too. =-)

Talking religion is only fun when both parties come from vastly different backgrounds. My friend was brought up devout Mormon...Me? Well, let's say I don't have much faith in anything. Very good discussions we have together honestly. Especially laying on her bed at 4 AM.


Obviously, we'll keep it at that for this website.

Oh Ray. Have I mentioned lately that I love you?

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"Adults Only"


...From what you have so far, it's obvious you have to stick with the rules. Great job on making a more mature blog though.


And I appreciate cynicism, it blends well with heavy metal. In particular, these peeps. Ironic.

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"Adults Only"


...From what you have so far, it's obvious you have to stick with the rules. Great job on making a more mature blog though.


And I appreciate cynicism, it blends well with heavy metal. In particular, these peeps. Ironic.

I can do some metal, but my music of choice usually falls under the category of music completely separate from any category; music that to some ears may sound more like random chaos then melody.

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