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Voting For C. I. R. C. L. E. Articles 135-143



Confederated Inter-Related Collaborative League of Epics


Once again I'd like to welcome everyone, now straight to more business.


The one-hundred-thirty-fifth article proposed by Legend of Lesovikk is as follows:

Legend of Lesovikk hereby proposes that within "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" there exists a city known as "Eliax" (EHL-ee-acks) that is situated on the southeastern coast of the "Northern Continent", directly north of the "Tren Krom Peninsula", and is primarily inhabited by the species of which "Kalmah" was a member prior to his mutation.


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY".


The one-hundred-thirty-sixth article proposed by Legend of Lesovikk is as follows:

Legend of Lesovikk hereby proposes that within "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" there exists an immense tangle of vegetation in the western region of the "Northern Continent" known as the "Kewa Jungle" (KEE-wuh JUNNG-guhl) that is home to many species of Rahi, as well as a large village of Ota-Matoran at its' heart.


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY".


The one-hundred-thirty-seventh article proposed by Legend of Lesovikk is as follows:

Legend of Lesovikk hereby proposes that within "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" there exists a large land form in the center of the "Northern Continent" known as "The Nui Desert" (NOO-ee DEZ-ert). The "League of the Six Kingdoms" once massed their armies in this region while preparing to lay siege to the Island City of Metru Nui. Although the desert itself existed prior to that time, Teridax's subsequent swift and brutal strike drastically worsened the landscape.


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY".


The one-hundred-thirty-eighth article proposed by Legend of Lesovikk is as follows:

Legend of Lesovikk hereby proposes that within "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" the Makuta of Tren Krom is a being named Brydak (BRIGH-dack) who shall remain as the overseer of said region until such time as a Canon Makuta's name for this assignment is revealed.


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY".


The one-hundred-thirty-ninth article proposed by Legend of Lesovikk is as follows:

Legend of Lesovikk hereby proposes that parallel to "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" there exists a "Dimension of Light" that is home to beings known as the "Huyoh" (HOO-yoh) whose very essence is pure Light and who possess advanced intelligence including the capacity to speak Matoran.


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY".


The one-hundred-fortieth article proposed by Legend of Lesovikk is as follows:

Legend of Lesovikk hereby proposes that parallel to "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" there exists a species of beings known as the "Kravah" (KRAH-vah) whose very essence is pure Shadow and who have lived in a secluded section of the "Zone of Darkness" since its' creation. The "Kravah" have been at war with the "Huyoh" since the time before time, however the "Kravah" civilization was recently suffered cataclysmic destruction, tipping the scales of the conflict in favor of the "Huyoh".


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY".


The one-hundred-forty-first article proposed by Legend of Lesovikk is as follows:

Legend of Lesovikk hereby proposes that parallel to "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" there exists an organization known as "The Three Keepers". Each of the three members stands seven bio tall and were created by the "Great Beings" during the same time that the "Matoran Universe" was first being built.


The primary purpose of "The Three Keepers" is to pass on the knowledge of the "Great Beings" once they had gone and to that end each "Keeper" possessed a key to their knowledge. The three keys are "The Key of Forbidden Knowledge", "The Key of Craft", and "The Key of Light". They have been scattered and hidden in the most remote parts of the "Matoran Universe" and can only be attained by performing a specific task. When all three are collected then "The Three Keepers" can create a perfect warrior.


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY".


The one-hundred-forty-second article proposed by Legend of Lesovikk is as follows:

Legend of Lesovikk hereby proposes that within "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" there existed a band of sea pirates known as the "Tren Krom Raiders" (TREN KHROM REY-ders) who came into being shortly after the "Hand of Artakha" disbanded. The faction named themselves after "Tren Krom" in hopes that the sight of their ships on the horizon would inspire greater psychological fear in their intended victims. The ranks of this group were crushed during the height of the reign of the League of the Six Kingdoms and most surviving members have since joined the "Dark Hunters".


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY".


The one-hundred-forty-third article proposed by Tarth is as follows:

Tarth hereby proposes that within "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" the Makuta of Stelt is a being named Zanctai (ZAHNK-tigh) who shall remain as the overseer of said region until such time as a Canon Makuta's name for this assignment is revealed.


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY".


And with that said, I open this thread up for discussion on the various articles for the proposed enhancement of our group structure and joint storyline.


Please be sure to vote on all eight articles in this thread.


Also, note that this discussion and the corresponding voting will end at 1200 PST (Noon in the Pacific Time Zone) on Monday, September 7th, 2009 provided at least 2/3 of C.I.R.C.L.E. members have voted at that point.


Lastly, the C.I.R.C.L.E. members will be notified of the results via the C.I.R.C.L.E. Results Overview & Discussion thread, however, when there are other blog threads where authors can vote on the proposals surrounding the details of C.I.R.C.L.E., that communication will still happen via PM.




UPDATE: Articles 135 & 136 have both passed with a total of "EIGHTEEN AYE VOTES TO ONE NAY VOTE" each, also

Article 137 has passed via "UNANIMOUS DECISION", next

Article 138 has passed with a total of "EIGHTEEN AYE VOTES TO ONE NAY VOTE", plus

Article 139 has passed with a total of "TWELVE AYE VOTES TO FIVE NAY VOTES", moreover

Article 140 failed to pass due to a "VETO", where as

Article 141 has passed with a total of "SIXTEEN AYE VOTES TO ONE NAY VOTE", furthermore

Article 142 has passed with a total of "SEVENTEEN AYE VOTES TO TWO NAY VOTES", meanwhile

Article 143 has passed via "UNANIMOUS DECISION" and the polls are now closed.




Recommended Comments

135- AYE. It's always nice to have some more species, especially some form the Northern Continent.

136- AYE. We need more major jungles with some type of civilization. It adds to the '2001' feel.

137- AYE. The Norhtern Continent seems like the kind of place that would be split into major regions.

138- AYE.

139- AYE. Are these the ones that eat shadows? NAY. Sorry, inter-dimensional is nearly impossible.

140- UNDECIDED. How can they be at war with a species from another universe? NAY. Same as above.

141- AYE. Seems cool.

142- AYE. Pirates are cool.

143- AYE. This was in your Moc topic, I believe.

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Aye to all articles, except for Article 138, for which I vote "UNDECIDED." Isn't Gorast the Makuta of Tren Krom?




Gorast is the Makuta of the Tren Krom Peninsula. ;)

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Aye to all articles, except for Article 138, for which I vote "UNDECIDED." Isn't Gorast the Makuta of Tren Krom?



I'll kindly point this out for hopefully the last time.


No ballots should say "I vote such-and-such on all articles" and from this point forward I will consider all such comments as null and void. Furthermore I would like to see everyone place article numbers alongside their votes as well. I'll write this into the bylaws if I have to.


Oh, and ChocoLvr13 is correct, Gorast is the Makuta of the southeastern region of the Northern Continent including the proposed City of Eliax, not the Island at the southern end of the Western Islands. ;)


As far as my ballot goes, I vote "AYE" on Articles 135-138. The locations are all well thought out and the prospective Makuta's name seems reasonable to me.


Next, I've made up my mind and decided to vote "AYE" on Article 139, meanwhile I "VETO" Article 140. Like Auserv, I'm in favor of the existence of the prospective "Kravah", however, as ChocoLvr13 pointed out, an Inter-Dimensional War seems terribly unrealistic and you neglected to answer any of our questions about this. :shrugs:


Article 141 is another one I have a hard time agreeing to and have therefore decided at this point to oppose this article with a "NAY" vote, restraining my urge to exercise my power of "VETO" on this proposal as well. I would have liked it if you would have answered these few questions, because I may have be persuaded to change my mind:

  1. How exactly is this theoretical warrior created? And to what end?
  2. Can you tell me why this sounds exactly like more than half of all TRANSFORMERS plotlines? :???:
Now, at this time I've decided to vote "NAY" on Article 142 as well. We already have the "Kabarn" from Article 92 thus this seems a bit redundant.


Lastly, I vote "AYE" on Articles 143. Again, the prospective Makuta's name seems reasonable to me.


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I did forget about the Kabran. After a bit of thinking, I may change my vote on that matter.


However, I see a bit of a possible mishap, or I'm just interpreting it as that. Article 140 proposes both a species and a war. All I'm saying is- If it were split into two articles, we can alow the two species into parallel universes, and think over the war. With this, by saying NAY to Article 140, it cancels out the idea of both a war and species.


Also, I'd like to hear a bit more on Article 141.

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Very well, Ausar.


135 -- Aye, since although I don't see much use for this it seems well thought out and is doubtless important for someone's writing.

136 -- Aye, since although I don't see much use for this it seems well thought out and is doubtless important for someone's writing.

137 -- Aye, since although I don't see much use for this it seems well thought out and is doubtless important for someone's writing.

138 -- Aye, since although I don't see much use for this it seems well thought out and is doubtless important for someone's writing. I have changed my vote from Undecided because apparently that is a separate region from what I thought.

139 -- Aye, since although I don't see much use for this it seems well thought out and is doubtless important for someone's writing.

140 -- Aye, since although I don't see much use for this it seems well thought out and is doubtless important for someone's writing.

141 -- Aye, since although I don't see much use for this it seems well thought out and is doubtless important for someone's writing.

142 -- Aye, since although I don't see much use for this it seems well thought out and is doubtless important for someone's writing.

143 -- Aye, since although I don't see much use for this it seems well thought out and is doubtless important for someone's writing.





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Article 140 proposes both a species and a war. All I'm saying is- If it were split into two articles, we can alow the two species into parallel universes, and think over the war. With this, by saying NAY to Article 140, it cancels out the idea of both a war and species.

I see what you're saying but I'm not so certain the species even have a point to exist without the war? :P



Always! ^_^



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Article 135 - Aye as this seems important to someones epic.

article 136 - Aye as this seems important to someones epic.

Article 137 - Aye as this seems important to someones epic.

Article 138 - Aye, no reason to oppose.

Article 139 - Nay as the species seems pointless without the war and as Ausar and Choco has said, a inter dimensional war seems unlikely

Article 140 - Nay as the species seems pointless without the war and as Ausar and Choco has said, a inter dimensional war seems unlikely

Modified Vote below.

Article 141 - Aye, Lessovik has answred my questions.

Article 142 - Aye, I assume this is not a species and is merely a faction?

article 143 - Aye, no reason to oppose.


Toa Zahaku


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Aye to Article 135


Aye to Article 136


Aye to Article 137


Aye to Article 138


Nay to Article 139. It seems that an inter-dimentional war does not fit into the BIONICLE Universe or in the C.I.R.C.L.E Universe.


Nay to Article 140. Same reason as stated in Article 139/


Aye to Article 141


Aye to Article 142


Aye to Article 143


If anyone needs to know why I voted the way I did, please PM me.

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one-hundred-thirty-fifth article


Important location in my multiple epics.


one-hundred-thirty-sixth article


Important location in my multiple epics.


one-hundred-thirty-seventh article


Important location in my multiple epics.


one-hundred-thirty-eighth article


I'm okay with it.


one-hundred-thirty-ninth article


Important to my upcoming epic, which may be why I should've waited to propose this.


one-hundred-fortieth article


Important to my upcoming epic, which may be why I should've waited to propose this.


one-hundred-forty-first article


Important to my upcoming epic, which may be why I should've waited to propose this.


one-hundred-forty-second article


Important to my upcoming epic, which may be why I should've waited to propose this.


one-hundred-forty-third article


I'm okay with it.

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Article 135: Aye, more background, more fun stuff to mess with.


Article 136: Aye, but I must ask: what are Ota-Matoran again?


Article 137: Aye, more geography...


Article 138: Aye, more fillers. And I've just noticed; The CIRCLE really is filling a lot of non-important, but important-enough stuff, huh?


Article 139: Aye, adding more species furthers the intrigue of the CIRCLE universe.


Article 140: ...Aye? Yeah, Aye. But wouldn't it be difficult to battle beings two dimensions away? :???:


Article 141: Aye; Although I'm minorly iffy on the fact of a Perfect Warrior possibly coming into existance, I'll go with Aye because it's just so darn interesting.


Article 142: Aye. :blink: Well, that was a quick bio.


Article 143: Aye, more background....




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Article 135: Aye, more background, more fun stuff to mess with.


Article 136: Aye, but I must ask: what are Ota-Matoran again?


Article 137: Aye, more geography...


Article 138: Aye, more fillers. And I've just noticed; The CIRCLE really is filling a lot of non-important, but important-enough stuff, huh?


Article 139: Aye, adding more species furthers the intrigue of the CIRCLE universe.


Article 140: ...Aye? Yeah, Aye. But wouldn't it be difficult to battle beings two dimensions away? :???:


Article 141: Aye; Although I'm minorly iffy on the fact of a Perfect Warrior possibly coming into existance, I'll go with Aye because it's just so darn interesting.


Article 142: Aye. :blink: Well, that was a quick bio.


Article 143: Aye, more background....





Ota-Matoran are Matoran of Plantlife.

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135-138: Aye. None of these seem particularly unreasonable.

139-140: Nay. I dont like the idea of having these two around and having some huge feud. Just my two cents...

141-143: Aye. Again, none of these seem unreasonable.

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Aye to all.

Koji, please see my comments here, here, or here. :lookhere:


Article 136: Aye, but I must ask: what are Ota-Matoran again?

Em, anytime you see a word like "Ota-Matoran" that has dotted underlining beneath it, it means that you can hold your mouse cursor over the word to see the definition of said word that I've added right into the coding. ;)


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Article 135: Aye, this gives Kalmah more of a backstory.


Article 136-137: Aye, both of these geography-related articles are fine by me.


Article 138: Aye, sure.


Article 139: Aye, didn't Brutaka mention this proposed Dimension of Light somewhere before?


Article 140: Nay. While I don't disagree to the existence of the Kravah, a war between them and the Huyoh seems impossible - even if they had technology capable of opening dimensional gates, I doubt inter-dimensional warfare would be practical for either party, given that the other's dimension is made out of a heavy concentration of light/darkness that would presumably be dangerous for each.


Article 141: Undecided. This one seems sort of strange. Would Legend of Lesovikk mind clearing this up a little bit for me?


Article 142: Aye, everything's better with pirates. :P


Article 143: Aye, nothing wrong with this that I can see.

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135 - AYE. I vote for it because I really don't see a reason to go against it.

136 - AYE. I vote for it because I really don't see a reason to go against it.

137 - AYE. I vote for it because I really don't see a reason to go against it.

138 - AYE. I vote for it because I really don't see a reason to go against it.

139 - AYE. Obviously the author is trying to make a contrast between two species here. It seems important to the writing and impossible to have one without the other.

140 - AYE. Obviously the author is trying to make a contrast between two species here. It seems important to the writing and impossible to have one without the other.

141 - AYE. I vote for it because I really don't see a reason to go against it.

142 - AYE. I vote for it because I really don't see a reason to go against it.

143 - AYE. I vote for it because I really don't see a reason to go against it.

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I vote "AYE" on Articles 135-138. All of the locations seem thought out, and since we have no maps of geographic references of the region, it is open range.

I vote "NAY" on Articles 139, and 140. The fact that the species exist i do not mind, but sadly an inter dimensional war was something I had hard times coming to terms with in the BZPRPG, let alone under the roof of the C.I.R.C.L.E..

I vote "UNDECIDED" on Article 141, it doesn't really make much sense when you get down to it, as it doesn't to most of C.I.R.C.L.E. I would be able to decided if you were to elaborate on the issues already stated.

I vote "NAY" on Article 142, for reasons stated by my fellow C.I.R.C.L.E. members.

I vote "AYE" on Articles 143, we have no reason, storyline or otherwise to refuse.



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Guest kopakanuva13


135: Aye.

136: Aye.

137: Aye, fits in with my own epic, Early Sunsets, too ;D

138: Aye, seems okay.

139: Aye.

140: Aye.

141: Aye, sounds like awesome content for an epic =P

142: Aye.

143: Aye, although I think it would look more Makuta-esque if spelled "Zanktai" :unsure:


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"AYE" to Article 135. No reason to oppose.

"AYE" to Article 136. Same.

"AYE" to Article 137. Same.

"AYE" to Article 138. Same.

"UNDECIDED" on Article 139. I would be in support of this if these are the beings of Light refered to by Brutaka in Federation of Fear.

"UNDECIDED" on Article 140. I'm not sure I like the idea of interdimensional wars.

"AYE" to Article 141. On the same basis as Ausar, what purpose would it serve to have these "Keepers?"

"AYE" to Article 142. Depending on some details, I might use this in my epic.

"AYE" to Article 143. Again, I see no reason to oppose.

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Article 135- Aye, seems reasonable

Article 136- Aye

Article 137- Aye

Article 138- Nay, a canon makuta exists

Article 139- Aye, alternative dimensions are always fun.

Article 140- Aye, an interdimensional war, while highly improbably does make the "light vs. dark" more entertaining.

Article 141- Aye, sounds like a difficult task for that amount of information, so it seems fair.

Article 142- Aye

Article 143-Aye


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Article 138- Nay, a canon makuta exists

Your above statement is actually a common mistake --V--.


As was stated by ChocoLvr13 in Comment #3 and explained further in Comment #4 by myself, Gorast is the Makuta of the Tren Krom Peninsula, which is in the southeastern region of the Northern Continent including the proposed City of Eliax, not the Island at the southern end of the Western Islands. ;)


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OK, Put it this way I dont really get the point in article 141 but it seems important to Lessoviks story which is why I have kept it at undecided so far.

These are my concerns/questions:

1. I highly doubt the Great Beings would give any of there knowledge out to other species, even ones they created.

2. This perfect warrior? Could you clear this up, what exactly is the perfect warrior?

3. Do the Keepers have their own motives? in the article they seem like they would just do whatever found them told them.

4. If yes to the above, why would you want to create "the perfect warrior" if it could just do whatever it wanted instead of help the finder.


~ Zahaku

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