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I'm Gone...



... for the weekend. :P Fooled ya, didn't I? Anyway, I'm goin' away, so I most likely won't have acces to internet. I might though. But don't expwct me

to be on. Bye!


EDIT: I just got a PM from Iro warning me about some conspiracy to leak private info if the admins don't shut down BZP. I don't know why, but as a precaution I have changed my password and disabled my PM system to try and prevent being hacked. I suggest you all do the same.





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Huh, must've explained it to you wrongly. Just know that people are getting hacked and that you should be cautious.

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When in doubt...


...fight hackers with hackers.


Someone with enough stomach to handle their site (don't know what they have there, don't think I want to know), email me.


Not PM. Email.


I do a lot of PMing, so I won't disable it yet. I'll start checking people out before opening their PMs.


But the Men in White shall rise, and defend our "communist" site!

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Ok, sweet. Nevermind then. :P I didn't know you could lock blog entries, that's pretty weird.



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