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Weekly Update - 8/7

Black Six



Another week spent offline. It makes me sad. :(



This week was full of milestones for me. On Sunday I celebrated my eighth anniversary of joining BZPower. Wednesday was my 22nd birthday. Yesterday I celebrated my eighth year as a staff member of this fine site. Darn I'm old...


So other than the forums being offline still, we did manage to get two set reviews posted. Shannara took a look at Kiina and Bfahome shared his thoughts on Skopio. We have a couple more reviews in the pipe, but you'll probably see them before you read this...


And oh yeah, a little thing I like to call the BZPOWERCAST! It's back! Go listen! Tell us what you think! We spent a lot of time trying to plan this and failing, so I kind of ended up throwing something together at more or less the last minute. It's not perfect by any means, but it's a start. With any luck our next episode will come out shortly after BrickFair.


The admins continue to work on making the site safe.



1) Do you enjoy being old?

2) Will bears one day rule America?

3) What was the last movie you saw?

4) You have an earthworm, llama's foot, and a lego brick in your pocket. What do you have around your neck?

5) The three musketeers are: Athos, Porthos, and?

6) In regards to the last question: Did you win one million dollars?

1)Sure, rub it in why don't you.

2) Not if I have anything to say about it.

3) In theaters: Star Trek. At home, Taken.

4) A necklace of shark teeth.

5) Aramis

6) I really think that movie was overrated and didn't deserve all the awards it got.


Want to see your questions answered? PM them to me and put 'Mailbag' in the subject line. I'll pick the few I like the best and answer them in the next update.



Until next time.


Recommended Comments

So was TDK...


*Is killed*

What awards? Heath Ledger got Best Supporting Actor. Compared to Best Picture, Best Director, and Best Writing for Slumdog. While I thoroughly enjoyed TDK and it was my personal favorite movie of last year, I didn't expect it to win best picture. I certainly didn't expect Slumdog to win either though.

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