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Lemon Club



This was Bundaling's idea, so, um, yeah. We've decided to start a Lemon Club, where you can express your opinions for Lemons, or just ignore them, you decide. To join, simply post a comment in this entry.


If you think this is rather bizarre, then you should probably read this entry, which explains why Lemons are so great.


And here's a wonderful bannner:




Alternatively, here's a user bar:




And of course, here's a custom Lemon Smilie:




If you want to make the banner into a link, just copy and paste this code into your signature:



So there you go.smilemon.gif




Zero Two


Aanchir: Rachira of Time






~Ruhann: Rider of Azuakk~





Titan XP





Sumiki the Roadrunner


Commodore van Beebo2579


kongu888: Fighter of magnetisim




master mind 3.0

President Lhikan

Michael Toa of Lightning


The Mystery Member


Toa Axzaa

Lunarite toa of the moon


Ultimate Nobody

Vahki 530

Barraki of Boomerangs


Toa Vezorn

Legendary Guardian of Time

Toa Inika X Matthew

Barraki Zuju: Electric

Chocolate Frogs

// Air Freak



biovee: toa of hockey

Toa Vahkshi of Electricity

Onxy-Toa of Sonyx

Autobot Kopaka

Knogu Inika



Darth Maul


Toa Nuva Ponewtu



Hakkan Barraki of Colours


Garfield fan!

Roa McToa

Kurnak The Overlord

Tigs: The Candy Man

Toa of Geckos

pridak king

toa lewa8796




Toa Mirok Nuva

Fyren diamondpoint

Letagi Great Toa of Air


The Disousa: The Undead Werewolf


mr bionicool


Phyoohrii the Dark Hunter Hunter


piraka ain't cute


The Sword of the Heart

Alku Toa of Rahi

The Egg Of Choas

Galin: A Dark Hunter's Fear

Rabin: Toa of Electricity

Lord Ehlek

The Holy Chair



Dark Pickle

Toa Dave: The Savior of Trix

the earth man


Hakama. Toa of Deloreans andVWs

jallers comics




kritu:destinys warrior

Lyichir: Rachira of Influence


Emperor of Chaos



Carapar: The Destroyer



Toa Viran



philbert toa of steak



matoro toa of ice


Scythrax-Toa of cheese


Kanohi Wearer


Lemon Club Challege 1:

Design a Toa of Lemons


Winner - Aanchir


Lemon Club Challenge 2:

Write a poem or story about Lemons


Winner - Arpy


Recommended Comments

Here`s another "Lemon Fact" for you guys,okay, so first,take out two beautiful and pleasantly yellow LEMONS,then,you peel one of them,now,now dont cry,we all are feeling very sad for that peeled lemon,but its skin must go,now,take a bowl and fill it with WATER,then put the PEELED lemon into the bowl,then,take the UNPEELED lemon into the bowl.And the result?The UNPEELED lemon will FLOAT!This is because the lemon`s skin has tiny air holes in it, and when the lemon goes into the water,the air in the water will go into the holes,which will support the lemon to float.

You evil, evil person. First you skinned the poor lemon alive, then drowned it to see if it'd float? Cool. :D

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LEMONS RULE!!!!!!! but i cannot join this club, for as lemons cannot truley be worshiped by a mere club.

lemons still rock though. IPB Image


Tish is not a club, tish is a religion! :P


Anyway, I used to eat lemon slices whole at restaurants (not counting the rind of course!) my family used to laugh at me when they saw me squint and pucker up.


You know, my blog, The Sugar Bowl, is centered around Lemony Snicket, the most lemonesque author around. Sugar and lemons... they are indefinitely intertwined... especially when tea is involved. Am I eligible to be in the club yet?


With all due respect,

:vahi: Aanchir: Rachira of Lemons


Yes. Yes you can. -S

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I tend to think about water with two whole lemons and two whole limes. I don't flinch (when thinking about it), but Grandma does. She says her mouth turns inside-out LOL...


~:s::u::m::i::k::i: IPB Image~

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May I join? I am particularly fond of Lemon juice on fish.

When life hands you lemons...[insane]invent a lemonade supersoaker to spread the juice-ness!!!!!!!![/insane]


I'm not quite as resilient to sour as salza is, so i sorta find eating lemons by themselves a bit strong, but in a good way.


Soon-to-be Lemon club member,



EDIT: I'd say the magical concentration in lemons and limes is 9/10 for limes, and 875623.4235532/10 for lemons.


Welcome to the Club. -S

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I'm not quite as resilient to sour as salza is, so i sorta find eating lemons by themselves a bit strong, but in a good way.



Lol, I was mentioned. Lemon juice Rulez!


Au revoir!

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Yes, salza, I did mention you because you seem to be the sour-proof kind of person. I noticed that a lot of the comments are for new member applications. Are we going to get to any more of that lemony stuff yet?



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You know, lemons actually have perservative proporties as well.


I saw this on one of those "surviveing an urban disaster" shows:

If you get some uncooked fish in a pan, and fill the pan with lemon juice, the juice kills the fish-bacteria, essentially cooking the fish.


This only works with the Lemon juice/fish combonation however, and is no real substitute for flame cooking.

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LEMONS RULE!!! They taste good, LEMON!!!!


TI (LEMON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)IPB Image


p.s. LEMON!!!!!!




When life gives you lemons, squirt the juice in peoples' eyes and rob them.

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i wonder if the guy who writes a series of unfortunate events books likes lemons so much he changed his name to lemony? :???: can I join the LEMON club! please! :begging: :begging:





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Well, mastermind, I think Mr. Daniel Handler (AKA Lemony Snicket) Changed his name to Lemony just because it popped into his head, probably not because of lemons. Although, it would be a joyous occasion if that were the case. Sometimes people just have this nice-sounding name whizz into their minds, and they just feel like using it. Sort of like Sniddious T. Borganacious, the President of Cake World from my comedy.

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May I join the lemon club(I can't use the banner, but I will provide a link in my sig)? If so, here is a survey: How many lemons do you consume in a month? I eat maybe 1 or 2 every one or two months.


EDIT: Did you know that if you eat to many lemons by themselves, it will give you heartburn(now that is heartbreaking :crying: )?


You may indeed join.



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Sorry Phyoorii Fan, but I happen to be a rare breed of Plutonian Carnivourous Fire Lemon, and you just parched your throat, gave yourself heartburn, acidified your tougue, fried some saliva, and I happen to explode in a few seconds.

The moral of the story is: NEVER eat Plutonian fire lemons, no matter how much you like lemons. Eat earth-grown lemons instead (they taste much better anyway).



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lemon club? may i join

i dont know that much about lemons exept that if you get them in cuts they will burn and it hurts bad.

do i need to do the lemon dance? (>'.')>()<--- lemon



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-LC-, did you change your name after you joined? If not, that is the weirdest thing that has happened to me since yesterday afternoon at 3:05. Kudos to you, -LC-, you show your Lemon banner! Spread the good tidings and butter across the forums of BZKoro, and gather people to our cause!

Um... my name stands for Lemon club :P :rolleyes:


so lets see... ah yes Lemons :drooling: Lemons :drooling: Lemons :drooling: Lemons :drooling: Lemons :drooling: Lemons :drooling: Lemons :drooling: Lemons :drooling: Lemons :drooling: Lemons :drooling:



IPB Image-LC-IPB Image


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Could apples come in third? Green apples, of course, for their taste and color are closer to limes.


Oh no, not apples. I would imagine that oranges are next. Think about it, they are citrus, and they don't rhyme. I guess that's it...

Can I join the lemon club?Thanks!

Everyone remember when live gives you lemons, throw them at your enemies! :D

P.S. how do you use the lemon smilie?


I find this one boring. Hehe, I think I just insulted you, but I'm not sure... You use the Lemon smilie just like you would use any other image.

When life gives you 6feet of quarter-inch plywood and screws you make a Lemonade stand.


That one is original.

Seran, my super-secret-Lemon-project has been suspended. I decided I needed to update.



Yes ,you did insult me. :angry: You also didn't answer my question. :burnmad:


Calm down - I'm sure Bundalings didn't mean to insult you.


And the code for the Lemon Smilie is in the Blog entry. You use it exactly the same way as you'd any other image. -S

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