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A Massive Update



...wait, what? So the forums are back now?O_o That was...unexpected.xD


HAI GUYS. So like, it's time for a massive update, ya know? YIPPEE-KII-YAAY!


Raia is:

-17 as of last Thursday

-A Junior in High School as of last Friday

-Braces-less as of...um...well, I got my braces off during the downtime. Whatever.>>

-Busy as heck

-Pit Captain...technically. But I didn't get an official Captain t-shirt. Boo.

-Finally taking an art class <3

-Too busy loving on her new tablet to write much

-Eating club crackers, because club crackers ARE AWESOME, YO

-Insanely tired

-Feeling optimistic

-STILL needing a life xD

-Supposed to be doing homework for Pre-Calc, English, and Spanish II, but...naaaah

-Wondering why the weather is so wacky in Kansasland

-Still a chocoholic

-Trying to read too many books at once o_o


And um...yeah. In other news, it's looking like I'm not going to get back on track with that Toa Mata HB art any time soon, so er, sorry 'bout that.xD I have some other stuff to catch up on still. Like the band fundraiser, and thank-you notes, and a long-overdue art trade. Myes.


Much love,



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Sounds like your break went quit well, then. :)


Ooh, and I like the new navigation picture with the books. Very nice!

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Sounds like your break went quit well, then. :)


Ooh, and I like the new navigation picture with the books. Very nice!


Yeah, I guess it did.xD I like the navigation pic too...I actually put it up riiiight before the forums died, so I guess no one got to see them then.


*jealous of tablet*


You know what you need more than you need a life? You know what I HAVE more than I have a life? DEATH TO ANALOGGG


Ohes noes 0:


What would you do if I actually bought Death to Analog? Or would the world just...end?



'least I can read your blog entries again.....



-Jordboy1 :miru:


I'm flattered.^^ But yeah. I'm really out of the habit of blogging now...I'll have to retrain that part of my brain.xD On the other hand, at least I'm getting homework done in a timely manner, for once.



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*jealous of tablet*


You know what you need more than you need a life? You know what I HAVE more than I have a life? DEATH TO ANALOGGG


Ohes noes 0:


What would you do if I actually bought Death to Analog? Or would the world just...end?



I would be very happy that I could street team the heck out of someone online to make them buy it. :D And then I'd pester you to buy it in Vinyl. :P

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Yeah...I'll probably either be slowing down on blogging, writing, and comic making when school comes up.....or...maybe I'll start doing it even more to help keep my mind straight from all the school time stress lol


-Jordboy1 :miru:

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