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The V Files: Introduction

-Toa Lhikevikk-


Maybe you've heard the rumors.


Or maybe you've heard the lies "they" want you to believe.


This project is here to bring you the truth.


But remember, every step you take, every move you make, "they" will be watching you...






"But... WTH is it?"


Project V is a fake conspiracy theory. The project is supposed to give proof that space aliens are trying to take over the world and that some of them are already among us. However, it is only for laughs, please do not take it seriously. Anyone accused of being an alien or covering up for them isn't really like that. (As far as we know...)


But it is also an RHG. (Do not confuse with RPG!) Each installment will have one clue/puzzle. You may not post what it is or how to solve it, that you may PM to me. All the clues, but together, explain the answer. (If we only knew the question...)


(If you don't know what RHG means, it means Red Herring Game. Examples includes Rampage Of A Rabbit, by Bioran23; A Change Of Space, by Moutekea; The Keys, by Tomana; and, to some extent, the Disc Collection Fad. And don't roleplay. RHG=/=RPG.)



You walk into an old apartment building and go up to the top floor. You ring the doorbell of an apartment, whose window you had seen while outside. It looked like no one had been there in years. The door creaks open, but still chained, with a strange-looking fellow peering out. He wears a brown overcoat with an upturned collar, a hat with the brim tipped downward, and sunglasses.


PARANOID WEIRDO: Who are you? Why are you here? Speak, stranger!


YOU: I'm, uh, here about that newspaper ad... the one that only had your address and a large V?


PARANOID WEIRDO: Hmm... I'll let you in. But I can't say I trust you. Yet.


The paranoid weirdo unchains the door and you enter. The place is decrepit, with cracks and cobwebs all over.


YOU: So you... live here?


PARANOID WEIRDO: You don't need to know that. What you do need to know is this.


He walks to his desk (far from any windows) and opens a drawer. After shuffling through several files, he pulls out a folder and gives it to you. You read it. It has several pages on UFOs, as well as a few newspaper clippings. But the last paper surprises you. It is a signup sheet for some kind of alien-investigating team.


PARANOID WEIRDO: So. Are you willing to join the V-Team?


YOU: Yes, I believe I will. One question, though... what's your name?


PARANOID WEIRDO: White. Matthew White.


You fill in the form and are given some briefing on your mission, as well as an outfit that matches White's, and a briefcase. You leave, now a spy for... Planet Earth.


So... like the whole concept? It's been in my head for a while, but now I have a blog and can put it into action. 8D


If you want to join the V-Team, comment here and fill out your signup sheet:


BZP name:

Human name: [first name and last initial; you can use your real one but you don't have to]


Skin color:

Eye color:

Hair color:

Toenail color: [very important!]


Favorite brand of deodorant: [very important!]


May the Farce be with you...


EDIT: bumped for importance (no one wants to join? :()


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Maybe you've heard the rumors.


Or maybe you've heard the lies "they" want you to believe.


This project is here to bring you the truth.


But remember, every step you take, every move you make, "they" will be watching you...


That sounds like something the Trust would say...



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I'll join.


BZP name:-Kohu and Kotali-

Human name: Andrew "Andy" H. Taylor

Gender: male

Skin color: White

Eye color: Green

Hair color: Dirty Blonde

Toenail color: [very important!]Regular

Specialties: Hacking

Favorite brand of deodorant: [very important!]I don't use any :) .

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Investigations start once another person joins. Bumping in the meantime. :)

This is Kohu,Kotali took a break.



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Eh, it can be confusing having two people, one member. :P





EDIT: Lhik,is Matthew White your character?


And can I make two characters,if yes:

BZP name: none

Human name: Joseph C.

Gender: male

Skin color: white

Eye color: brown

Hair color: brown

Toenail color: [very important!]regular

Specialties: fighting :evilgrin:

Favorite brand of deodorant: [very important!]unknown



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Since you're two members, sure! 'Sides, I was needing a second agent. First report comes tomorrow! 8D


(Matthew... yeah, he's basically mine, but he only runs the operation.)

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BZP name: Xaeraz (Cuz using whichever one I've switched to all the time would be confuzzling =P)
Human name: Issac Z.
Gender: M
Skin color: Caucasian
Eye color: Blue-green-gray
Hair color: brown
Toenail color: yes
Specialties: Useless information, VALVe games, ideas
Favorite brand of deodorant: whichever's the cheapest.

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BZP name: Burnmad: Toa of Emoticons

Human name: Jonathan C. Otherwise known as; John, Johny, compooper monkey, etc.

Gender: Male

Skin color: Some-what tanned white

Eye color: Hazel

Hair color: Blonde

Toenail color: Unpainted

Specialties: Hacking, mathematical equations, and decoding. Knows internet like back of hand. Has altered versions of a Wii, Xbox 360, and Play Staion 3, which allow him to give anyone who has an internet enabled Wii, 360, or PS3 a devastating computer virus. Has near-finished designs for a mobile base that can travel through air, water, space, on ground, or drill under-ground, withstand anything, and has hundreds of defense/offense lasers that can slice anything in two by so much as touching it. Is very friendly to fellow humans. Has a huge supply of teleporters, receivers, senders, an two-ways. Has devices that can unlock doors, transport people to a receiver/two-way node at will, and project a hologram that can be used as a television screen, computer (with mouse and printer), or DVD player.

Favorite brand of deodorant: None.


My specialties can be used in the story.



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Rather old, but I join! 8D


BZP name: Kohrak Kal17

Human name: Golf T.

Gender: Male

Skin color: Tan

Eye color: Tan

Hair color: Tan

Toenail color: Tan

Specialties: Golfs a lot!

Favorite brand of deodorant: Golfer's Spray



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Hoping this isn't too old to join …


BZP Name: Sumiki

Human name: Smuffin N.

Gender: Male

Skin color: Tan

Eye color: Teal

Hair color: Black with a hint of purple

Toenail color: Teal

Specialties: Lunch …

Favorite brand of deodorant: Toejam Deluxe

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BZP Name: Blackout

Human name: Damon B.

Gender: Male

Skin color: Tan

Eye color: Teal

Hair color: Green

Toenail color: Blue

Specialties: Playing with dangerous animals

Favorite brand of deodorant: Axe


gee i found this a little while after its been posted havent i

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Yes, unfortunately. :P


If anyone wants to help work on a little game based around this, PM me. 'Cause then I'll know you're clever enough to dig this far into my blog and find this. :P

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